This is NOT okay.
This is NOT okay.
Now Trump is bringing the heathen to Christ!
fix what is not broken? how?
Yeah probably. No one gives a shit about your religion. Same goes for Christians.
Leave the religion. Consider it, fix'd. :>
Dont fucking bark orders at me you fuckin cunt.
I agree, this is not okay.
She needs to tell people at her school that she have to go back.
Why would you tell anyone you are religious, let alone a muslim at a time like this?
Are you high or something?
The magic is real.
Fix what? She seems to know how to fix it herself.
Pic related is why the Democratic establishment got BTFO.
yes, convert to Christianity or die.
It's literally the policy Muslims have towards every other religion.
Really dilates my pupils.
how is being X religion is relevant for a 8 years old?
So fucking stupid man, it's a public school and if i was the principal i would get pretty fucking angry if i saw kids wearing burkas inside the school permiter
Protestant, not Christian, because then you can say it's Catholic. So if you ain't Protestant then you don't count.
She's should probably tell people its a clock.
This woman has no one to blame but herself.
Children of that age reflect what their parents tell them.
>things that never happened
Pretty sure the beekeeping suit and fact that shes 8 and has a 40 yr old husband lets her classmates in on the secret
not too young to marry then
tell your shitskin niece to go fuck herself
Nice try 8 year old Muslim. We'll still be watching. You won't sneak on the MAGA Corps.
Easy. Just abandon your backwards medieval faith.
Does anyone have that Totalbuscuit image of his entire rant?
Maybe if the media didnt tell people that Trump wanted to execute all muslims, you wouldnt have to worry about children being scared.
Stop being muslim you cunt
Anyone under 16 isn't old enough to actually believe in a religion.
Get rekt bitch we president now you have to go back
She should tell people that.
>This is NOT okay.
You are absolutely right, it is NOT okay.
She has to go back.
>Willing to renounce faith
Wow, this 8 year old is smarter then every muslim on earth
"No honey, i would have to hang you then by sharia law"
Now is as good a time as any to teach her about Taqiyya.
Filing this under
>Things that never happened.
what the fuck is it with these
>my daughter asked me "is trump going to kill us now?"
>my seven year old daughter came to me crying that now we gonna get teleported!
>my sisters fister came to me tears and guts in his eyes demanding reperations from white people fo being kangz n shit
whats next?
they make this all up
Tell her it's okay, that she shouldn't worry.
Do these idiots not know how to parent?
So stop raising kids to follow a barbaric ancient set of fairy tales meant to suppress and break her?
>Trump elected
>Muslims legit come into the 21st century
Holy shit pinch me I'm dreaming
Yes that would be pretty smart actually.
fix it yourself
(think about it)
>brainwashed little kid acts brainwashed
Actually yes you shouldn't tell people you are Muslim when you are fucking 8 and not old enough to decide your religion, especially a barbaric one like Islam.
Your also have to go back and hopefully you are adopted by a nice civilized western family so you can grow up with non-shit values.
You should not be a muslim anymore. A breathing one anyways.
Why can't these "intelligent" liberals realize that
A.Trump doesn't hate Latinos, only illegal immigrants.
B.Trump never stated Muslims as a whole should be targetted or deported, just that we need extreme vetting for those from dangerous areas?
One thing at a time, First we must build the wall, then we can begin deportations.
I swear to god this exact same tweet was made by someone when Trump first started gaining ground.
>Makes Trump into a literal spawn of hell
>Drills into a child how president Trump will kill all Muslims
>Is shocked when a child believes her and does not want to die
Yes, little girl, yes you should.
Don't see what the election had to do with it, but yeah.
For every problem there's a solution.
This isn't Trump's fault. This woman shouldn't have told her eight-year-old niece that the potential future POTUS is a racist bigot who hates her for being a Muslim.
>your niece is a fucking retard
What's new?
It's not my fucking fault the left decided to paint a demonized picture of Trump that has no basis in reality.
The reason this kid is scared is because the media, and presumably her parents, fed her lies. It's sad for the kid and it shouldn't happen, but Trump and his supporters aren't to blame.
If her mother cant explain the election shes prob unable to raise a child.
alarmist muslims, nothing to see here folks
>Trump winning presidency makes Muslims convert to Christianity
>get mad at saudi arabia for being a backwards country that treats non muslims like shit
>become a backwards country that treats non christians like shit.
If you were born Muslim you would have joined ISIS at this point.
maybe the media and others should stop lying about Trump's position on the issue.
Fuck religious freedom for muslims
It was always intended for westener
An eight-year old girl is not a Muslim, but a brainwashed poor victim of one.
Trump is already converting people to Christianity
dam, when dis nigga win he win bigly
Yes, time for her to pack up and go back to Saudi Arabia.
Catholics, lutherans, anglicans, baptists are all christian you immense mongoloid.
They all have almost the exact same bible, believe in Jesus christ as the son of god and the savior, the "messiah" his death and resurrection are the most important part of all of these.
Its like saying shia and sunni aren't both muslims, they're but with a few differences.
Or like ashkenazi and shepardic arent both jewish.
You're just a retard.
Good time for her to convert to Christianity, imo
It's too late for that, honey. You can't take back those screams of Allah Akbar when you won at dodgeball.
It's a cancer? What kind of cancer?
I've heard this exact same fucking story before, anybody else remember it?
We fix it by not allowing future, unvetted Muslims here, and we seek Muslims that are here on expired visas, and return them home. This "niece" is fine as long as she never advocates Sharia law here.
>yes, sweetie, Taqqiya allows you to lie if it serves to further the influence of Islam
>>my seven year old daughter came to me crying that now we gonna get teleported!
Trump will fix it with mass deportations.
Maybe if you didn't spend so much time doom saying and putting words in Trump's mouth when his only policy on Muslims was to limit their immigration into the US, your daughter wouldn't be terrified enough to say an UPWORTHY quote.
Fucking liberals don't realize they create their own monsters.
>8 year old Muslims already understand taqiyya
We did fix it
Yeah what kind of sick mom wants her daughter to be a sand goat in the USA?!?
Embrace democracy
butt cancer
Your niece should be spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God
You're right... brainwashing an 8 year old child and then using them to make a point is NOT okay.
The parents thoughtlessly regurgitate the media's fear mongering to their impressionable children, turning them into another generation of ignorant, fearful, brain dead, party-line-voting retards.
Maybe they exaggerate, but of course their children are afraid. God forbid they should examine THEIR beliefs and THEIR conduct, though; no, Trump is LITERALLY SATAN and it's just so obvious that even their children can see it.
I'm sorry but your niece has to go back.
>Liberals fear mongered so hard they ended up scaring their own children
Trump and Republicans had nothing to do with this. You literally convinced your own child that something bad would happen to her if a certain candidate won.
This is actually pathetic.
Blame the childs parents, and the aunt posting this.
Trump never said he was going to kick out the muslim. This childs fear was fueled by her own family.
"No honey, because then we would have to kill you"
I wouldn't leave Islam. The penalty is death. You might make someone very angry with you.
I don't hate Muslims and some can live here. I even kind of respect them a little, despite what my prior posts may have implied. Just fuck off with the various forms of bullshit and you can stay famm.
Wow, just wow
I fucking hate this. Women everywhere are saying " my 9 year old asked me if the bad man was going to get me. My child is smarter than half the U.S.
Fuck off, no, your child is parroting what you instilled in them. It is the parent's fault if their child feels this way. There is a reason kids can't vote.
Report her to your local Gestapo.
holy shit Trump is red pilling little girls about Islam
Of course they're all made up, or atleast 95% of them.
Kids don't give a shit about politics, not a single bit.
And if they do they're just repeating whatever crap their parents told them to.
So if a retard shilling ultra leftist couple has a kid, it's obvious the kid is going to repeat whatever shit they told him to or that he hears. That's why you have "trans" 5 year olds or 7 year olds crying about the electoral college, wich of course they have no fucking clue what that is.
It's funny how they still try their "muh feels" tactics until the very end, you can feel their desperation. Nobody cares anymore about the 9000th sad liberal kid of the day, maybe only other SJW's
Nah, devastated mooslime feminazi tears are easily the best tasting in the liberal tear candy jar.
>Now that trump got elected i have to decide on whether or not i have to tell my niece i was lying and fear mongering her because my personal political views!
Where'd they get these ideas from? This is what happens when you fill kids heads with shit and the outcome is disastrous.
Yeah, she should question being a Muslim anyway.
Christcucks like you need to be gassed after the libcucks