>implying you and your lord of the fags prime minister can be trusted
This can't be true, you fucking leaf. We're more cuckered up than John in a neighbourhood of Jamals
time to pay up Japan
The media was for clinton, the people was (although somewhat divided) for Trump
Yeah No. This Is Bullshit. People started bursting crackers the minute Trump won
Come on, your country is filled with liberal cucks, just like ours.
Leafs are truly the greatest allies. They are taking all fags and liberals in to protect them from god emperor Trump. This will let us make US red forever. Taking one for the team we will remember it Canada. Time to light a candle
Also China was pro Trump mostly
>tfw its us, russiabros and aussie shitposters against the world
Yeah, US Canadians wanted Trump too!
Our news channels are saying only 6% of the people wanted Trump here.
Total, fucking bollocks
polls in germany show that cliton would have receive +80% of the vote
I am ashamed for my country
desu ti feels pretty good being bros with Russia. Imagine what we can do together in space if we keep kindling our relationship
Yeah and Trump had only like 15-20% change of winning
well, this is considering we're still at a divide for Kirschner (who is literally third world hillary, and is also going to jail soon) and the media obviously bought the Trump is a meanie meme
say whatever, but blue argentina is as bullshit as a white argentina.
>believing the lügenpresse
>blue Kenya
obama please
Based Anglosphere. Brothers stick together.
>Germany and Australia red
I don't believe this image.
yes yes, but post sources on your claims, specifically on "blue argentina" being bullshit.
>but can you back this up with facts tho
Old map. Post new one.
nice source.
jesus fucking christ please nuke us already
I take it back. Fuck Canada! Russia has officially replaced you.
I guess the blue Argentina is somewhat true, if only because everyone here is fucking ignorant as shit. Most people I told I supported Trump to got angry at me and went all "le Trump evil man racist!!!!!". I didn't even bother to explain to them why they don't know shit. It's no use. These people know fuck-all yet they think their opinion matters.
This is fake, the real one has Canada in Blue
Top quality bait
Japan blue?
There is so much Salt on my facebook, you have no idea.
Thanks to the Norwegian medias spouting anti-Trump shit 24/7 without even addressing Hillary. I'm dying in pleasure.
Taringa vote-botted hillary
>Red Netherlands
I fucking wish baka
Where did you get this shitty picture from?
Finland is currently laughing at how stupid Americans are right now.
"How can a person be president with no political, foreign policy, or military background"
They continue to think over half the country is inbreed red neck inbreeds
American living in Finland by the way
Balkans were probably 70% Trump, excluding Muslims. I hope senpai notices.
Bernd, the silent majority is no longer a meme. We are here and there are quite a lot of us.
Buckle up buckaroo for 2017 AFD
don't destroy my heart like this.
>we are blue
wtf i hate my country now
obviously you fucking weeb
Just the big cities. Toronto is culturally enriched just like Paris.
The country isn't as liberal as the last election showed it to be. People just didn't want the eternal Harper for another 4 years so they foolishly voted for Trudeau.
>Portugal is red
What the fuck I thought they were lefty as shit
Western Canada awaits the day God Emperor Trump annexes us.
>brazil purple
wtf. I checked tomorrow morning and it was 60% trump
hellllll yeah Lietuva, just got my citizenship
dat anglo-slavic alliance
Portugal is blue in the newer map.
>Japan Blue
kinda surprising considering how much Japan can gain from Trump.
>reduced US control of Japan military
>geopolitically weakened China
>not white
I can finally feel a little pride
Not really surprised on that one still feels good though.
Lol this thing is way fabricated
Can't trust the fucking leaf ever
Staying strong.
Can you imagine how butthurt celebrities would be if they moved to western Canada only to have trump annex it?
I sure as fuck wanted trump
no suprise the media here gets their news from cnn mainly
if you talk with most people here they never heard about hillary emails
Pretty much. People are salty as fuck right now. I'm loving it.
I call bs. Allys of rushka are not blue.
I always knew i could trust funland
Disappointed by Ukraine. I was ready to fight for our former Ally.
>my country is blue
>voted trump
>anglosphere intact
>plus we get russia
Pretty much everywhere else can drink gasoline and die so I am fine with this.
taringa is just the worst argentina has to offer in terms of political opinion, and you are the biggest faggot for mention it
That being said im very happy, LONG LIVE THE HOLY EMPEROR
I'm very surprised but proud to see Portugal red.
Ach Bernd, hat dir diese Wahl denn gar nichts beigebracht?
haha fucking cargo cult man
Don't believe their tax-funded propaganda machine. Krauts that don't live in the big cities aren't cucks, they're nationalists and their power level is slowly rising a la post-WWI Germany.
haven't seen anyone talk or care about the election today, guess it is nice to be done with university
Seriously, how can you people be so blind? Trump is a joke.
Indonesia is like 89% muslim. And even though we are mostly "moderates", theres no way this country support Trump.
We just had 500k moslems doing protest on the street when a Christian governor alleged to insulted Islam when he cited a Quran verse.
I love you Ireland. Im getting dual citizenship soon
>Germany for Trump
>France for Clinton
Deutschland is our true ally, fuck the French.
I've been on the Trump train longer than you, you little shit.
I find this really hard to believe. Most of the people are leftists or blinded by the media.
So is Denmark, but we're blue on the thing.
Only Copenhageners are liberal cucks
Heh. A larger percentage of Israelis were on the Trump side than of Americans.
Most leafs never asked for this
set the checkpoints, fall in line
border patrol brace yourselves
>israel is red
das it mane
France, always blue as fuck.
Fuck you my fellow citizens, I hate you
"Bilateral ties date from the earliest years of the United States. Following the American Revolutionary War, Portugal was the first neutral country to recognize the United States.[2] On February 21, 1791"
Anything else I'm missing?
honestly I think Trump would get 70% of the votes in Italy
>all the shitposters are with us
we love you too bbs
It's true... Trudeau was a protest vote in the truest sense. He just benefited from conservatives that were creeped out by Harper and Orange Crush turn coats with no moral integrity.
No one except Sup Forums anticipated this level of cuckoldry.
>93% of Serbs prefer Trump
Ukraine is fine. They are just confused. They think that Trump is a puppet of Putin, but they don't understand that Obama and Hiliary turned a blind eye while Russia police were shooting their protesting citizens.
Also, fuck globalism. That is half the point of all this. I'm not about to thank the Russians for anything. There is only one country up there that I care to be red, and it is the United States of America.
Good luck to the rest of you lads.
As a former Japan defender/Based Japan poster, I say nuke em all. 2 wasn't enough for those cucks apparently
Friendship with Canada officially ended. Russia is my friend now.
Montenegro best ally