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California has people who want to secede, we must meme this into actual habbening

>Only real democrat state
>Rest of USA will be republican for ever

>Faggots secede
>goodbye faggots
>wait a year, invade california since homos have no army
>take california back, hang traitors

>Let it secede
>california commies push marxism even harder
>encourage blacks and spics to go to California for free gibs
>USA white again, but without California
>build another wall

> cali secedes
> out of state water and energy cut off instantaneously
> mad max with faggots

>Cali secedes
>Marxist policies fail
>leftist suffer for a while
>reality forces them to go back to nationalism, tradition and capitalism
>decide to join once again the US while being a renewed beacon of the values of the constitution

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im from california and i feel if we become mexico it will be lit as fuck and will be literally like the wild west again

They can secede as long as we get to keep San Diego.

No please I don't want to be drafted to fight for libtards.

No state will ever secede. Ever. Fucking swedecuck.

Heh nice

Why would the democratic party give up its most important sate in order to throw a fit about 4yrs?

Holy fuck I wish this would happen. Too bad it's pretty much illegal.

They should have a referendum vote next year. Would be great.

We don't live in the era where states can just succeed whenever things don't go their way. That isn't how our system works.

lol secede and usa is done for


even if it does'nt actually happen we should meme a referendum atleast, fun to see the shitstorm unfold

>[le]teral retardation

I guess I can't expect anything else from a yuropoor

No state is able to secede from the Union without ratification of all 50 states, or a civil war. Neither of those things will happen. Stop being a nigger.

You retards do understand that Federally you CAN NOT secede from the U.S, right?

Between the fault and the desert climate, they won't last.

Califag here, I will push hard for this. Fuck California, fuck the cuckservatives in Orange Coutny, fuck all the beaners and gooks. Let's break this failed state away and make America red again.

even easier:
>let them secede
>cut them off from nevadan sierra and colorado river
>no more water
>no more food production
>half of cali dead in a few months, offer them admittance back in to get water again

Please do, it would guarantee a Republican win forever

Except if the people REALLY wanted to then it would happen. Nobody would hold millions against their will.

>no army

Haha fuck off. The LAPD has more fire power the the military of most European countries. California should be it's own state. We own all the resources, all the money, Silicon Valley, everything of value.

Pic related, the LAPD


no pls

Or we refuse to let them out of spite

>Nobody would hold millions against their will.

I was born and raised in Cali.
Left when I was 25.
Trump is going to drain Washington and flush California..
Get rid of the beaners and sanctuary city's.
I might actually go home someday.

>You can't leave our country and its laws behind!
>Our country's laws prevent it!

>everything of value.
except water, but who want that anyway

Not going to happen. Waste of energy.

Yeah not going to happen.

If California held a vote and they did vote to leave, they probably would. You can't hold people against their will. It would be dogshit if they left but you can't say no to them. The US is the land of the free, not the land of a dictatorship.

Let them leave, who cares

Nope, we're about to build new state of the art desalination plants to essentially give us a unlimited supply of water.

>California should be it's own state
It is

Who needs the Midwest to keep feeding our over populated state right?

if this happens please take Baja California too
fuck this country tbqh

I meant country

Please let California Secede

Waste of money and resources. Without big brother that they love so much they will end up as nothing more than a barren dessert

>from new party dedicated to hunting down liberals to prevent states from seceding
Its what Abraham Lincoln would have wanted

I hope to god they do. Were going to gut them in trade rates.
California is a shit hole that cannot sustain itself.
Theyd starve the second the shelves went bare.

Will absolutely never happen

let's do it boys

>California would starve
>Literally grows the food that sustains the entire country

Powered by electricity from Arizona

No, we need to get you out of your chastity cage first.

fucking made me laugh

>Cut off Tofu, halloumi and Starbucks supplies.
>Everyone in Cali dies.

I thought only Texas has the right to succeed

How the hell would they secede? Their gov is completely bankrupt

lmao they can secede if they give up the 80% of the land that is predominantly republican

They can get fucked if they think we'll trade with them without massive tariffs too, good fucking luck feeding yourselves you retarded cunts

Guy, we memed Nige and now the absolute madman. Anything is possible with the power of kek. Let this be our next campaign. Nothing will stop us.

I think we actually lost that right after the civil war or something.

I hope commie California secedes from the US just so it's that much easier for neoreactionaries to take over Silicon Valley and found a fashy citystate.

Doesn't California bring in lots of revenue for the states? If they secede, what happens to your economy?

If they secened they would join Mexico.

As long as we get the central valley I wouldn't care. Let Mexico ravage their assholes for all I care.

Fuck no. Secession means they keep the whole tainted liberal package.


be aware, property values will plummet after california secedes. there will probably be a cutoff date where commiefornians lose their citizenship.

Is California such big part of USA's economy?

how will you survive without electricity from the hoover dam and other out of state sources?

California has an economy of $2.5tn

If we secede, Oregon and Washington are coming with us too.

>If they secede, what happens to your economy?
We finally don't have to hemmorage funds for that liberal welfare state anymore. They'll collapse and all other responsibilities and duties that the state formerly held will be dispersed to other states still in the Union.

They're not Texas. They're not self-sufficient. They NEED the Union

It gets fucked up, but they won't secede. If they tried, we could go Civil War on their asses with the precedent that Lincoln set, and a quarter of the state would probably rise up against the government of California and try to become their own state. California wouldn't look so big split up into three or four parts, and it wouldn't be as powerful as these retarded cunts seem to think it would be.

ahh yes

well surely they are armed... oh wait LUL

come north and rise our white populations above 90%

>more firepower

Good they're gonna need it since they can't hit the broad side of a barn

It would be 6th world's largest eco or something like that, if it seceded

New york would gain 20 more votes to compensate.

And the rest of USA?

If they were their own nation it would take all of 5 minutes for silicon valley to move to somewhere else in the united states where they can make way more money than commiefornia.

> mad max with faggots


You fucking idiots

If we get rid of California two things will happen

>Well lose our strategic geographic seawall

>They may ally with an enemy and fuck us

how about an exchange program? We can trade homofags for San Diego residents who do not want to stay.

They would starve, the won't have water to grow the food.

>votes to secede
>within two years, the illegal mexicans citizens force a vote to be formally annexed by Mexico
>California becomes Mexican again

1861 proves you wrong

My southern homeland is still under federal occupation

We lost Silicon valley which dosen't really matter since austin is the next hot spot

That's about it

No other places in california bring in revenue

>implying the align with china

Nigga no.

As soon as you tax their imports they'll come crawling back. That includes films/music

Do it you madmen

Kek, and they acted all smug when Texas wanted to do it. Fucking retards.

>Calicucks think that they can actually secede

It's like they didn't take any US History classes

not for long it would. it would overdose on its liberal values, companies would flee and voila. mexico 2.0

>wanting CA to leave

if CA leaves then arizona becomes the designated liberal dumpster zone

CA is shit but it's shit in it's own special place, like west virginia is

> mad max with faggots


This needs to happen.
KEK demands we sacrifice a blasphemous state as thanks for Trump.

>Implying that is not Utah
Besides Silicon valley is a huge maymay

>Cali wants to secede
>except for the tens of millions outside of the coastal slums that voted Trump and actually have jobs besides being social leeches

Every county in Cali that farms is red.

wait, would an independence declaration not result in a war with the usa?

It would literally become Detroit 2.0 Salsa and Cheap Art Edition

the mexicans here (myself included) would sooner start a civil war to be annexed by America then return to mexico

like if CA were part of mexico I'd have to go back to jail (vehicular homicide in chihuahua, don't ask), I'm not getting raped in jail

Take New York too!

You really underestimate our admittedly pathetic militaries

They're going to need guns for that.

just deport all of the spics out of california before they can make it 90% spicland


Please don't make me move states... The Politics are garbage here but were good people and have nice weather... Save your meme magic for something else I implore you.

They've been saying that since the fucking 80's every time there's a drought and it never gets built

B... but everything America is known for in the world, what makes it great: the music, the movies, the technology, it all comes from California?

Wouldn't America without California be just an oversized & glorified potato farm ?

>mad max with faggots
I'm dead Sven! cause of death: Instantaneous destruction of sides

Califag here, it's really just SF and LA, the rest of the state is pretty much red as it gets.

You've got much better things to meme, such as Geert Wilders, AfD, Marine Le Pen.

Getting carried away with malice will turn kek against you.

Literally just finished building one in Carlsbad if you read the fucking picture