I don't get this show. The main character is a walking fat joke...

I don't get this show. The main character is a walking fat joke, but there are no fat jokes whatsoever and hardly any reference to his obesity, plus he's not seen eating all the time unlike real fat people. His estranged dad is supposed to be a gluttonous loser slob, but he's not enough of a joke and almost seems decent. Why did the intro lie so much?

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marketing team is unrelated to the actual production of the show

Seth go home, you're drunk.

Unless you're entirely serious, in which case this is pretty much a gem based, genderswapped transformers series, except it's slightly less gay and violent.

Steven is fat, but it represents his soft, jolly nature, not gluttony Though in many episodes he does indeed eat a lot, especially when he demands chocolate kitties or “fry bits”

Steven could make himself not fat if he wanted to. Being fat is only shameful if it's involuntary as it shows a lack of willpower and personal responsibility.

He actually started losing weight when he became more active.
He could grow up to be a kind of strongman figure.
Not a body builder, the guys who pull trucks and rip phone books.

Neither intro implies that this show's a Chris Farley comedy

>slightly less gay

do not worry too much about it. It's going to die soon.

He stuffs his face with doughnuts so much that he treats the people that work there like family

Transformers was pretty gay user.

They were basically a race of all male robots, except for the occasional female one which they took turns shunting into prisons, and traps of various kinds, and then took their sweet ass time rescuing them.

This isn't even mentioning the phallic imagery. Forget buster swords, let's just get a big ass car, and drive that THROUGH other robots, to the tune of the campest 80s song you can find.

user im genuinely confused about how you came to this conclusion.

thanks for projecting.

Are you Sup Forums's dad?

A shows merit is determined by how many fat jokes they tell

It's almost like maybe there's more to people than what they look like.

It WAS like that for the first few episodes. There was a part in Gem Weapon where Steven smacks his tummy and it makes a gross sloshing sound, and the early piolet episode had a few fat jokes too. It's around Island Adventure that the show switched tracks to having Steven be a cutie boy instead of a fat joke. At least we still have Amethyst, sorta.

He treat's everyone in the town like family, except maybe Onion, but I'm still not sure if he's actually a person. It's a smell town with a tight community.

get your shitposting with the times my boy. steven has been a sad cuck for at least a year

>voluntary fat

>The main character is a walking fat joke, but there are no fat jokes whatsoever and hardly any reference to his obesity, plus he's not seen eating all the time unlike real fat people.

you're reading into it waaaay too hard. his body is just reflective of the average american kid and his dad is just designed after your typical washed up musician dad which is exactly what his role is too. his dad is nice to him because having a dead mom AND a mean dad would make it too sad for a children's cartoon.

also steven IS shown eating all the time, real unhealthy stuff too like ice cream, pizza and donuts.

Yeah man, I was expecting this, the animated series:

Also Steven stopped aging when he was like seven. He's probably still round because he just doesn't give a shit.

Steven slowly maturing as the show goes on is one of the things I really like about it. He started out as just a fat kid who thought his powers were activated by fucking icecream. In some of the latest episodes he willingly gave himself up to both save the people he cares about, and to mainly help atone for the crimes of his mother.

>“fry bits”
he does that to be tough, like a kiddie version of chewing tobacco

Steven's appearance is based off what he views himself as. If he stopped seeing himself as a pudgy 10 year old then he'd stop looking like one and change permanently. The shows has joked several times that Steven doesn't look his age.

I doubt they'll ever let him transform to a not fat mode since tumblr would start dropping nukes. The best he can hope for is bear mode.

As a heterosexual male that all sounds fucking tubular to me.

He can already do those things because super powers

Yeah, about that. They explicitly state that long term shapeshifting is a bad idea, aside from being difficult and physically and mentally taxing on the shapeshifter.

love how sjws think this show is progressive when it offends literally all demographics but just a tad more subtely

What exactly IS progressive about this show? Everybody's so unlikable and poorly characterized while the conflicts they go through are executed like shit. I don't see how any of this counts as "good representation" of fat people, gay people, minorities, abusive relationships, whatever.