Will you be joining his new party?
Egg McMuffin calls for a new conservative political party
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le conservatives is a meme
Conservatives media arm was Glenn Beck and he's now supporting BLM, lol
What do we call this cuckservative party? 3rd place and proud?
Israel first?
Guac party?
The swinging from a tree party?
this faggot couldn't even win his own state
why is le egg head man even relevant?
I'm willing to bet these people take over the LP
What conservative stances has Trump refuted?
these self righteous conservatards are worse than the libtards
Mormon Sachs Conservatives btfo
Nah, I am a Nationalist, I don't give a crap about conservatism or liberalism, only that both need to be thrown in the trash.
He was one of those kids who demanded they play a different game when the other kids were winning, wasn't he?
What a faggot.
Oh GOP, I love you.
You win all 3 branches of government, and now you want to split your vote in half.
Cuckservative saboteurs BTFO. Go cry yourself to sleep while Trump reinvigorates the Republican Party.
>You win all 3 branches of government, and now you want to split your vote in half.
This. They're just as butthurt as some on the left, and yet they still do. not. get it.
Best post.
Good. Conservatives are free market religious nutjobs who hate tradition. They need to be purged, violently if necessary.
Trump voter here. I could not care less about cuckservatives. I just like Trump.
I'm a liberal who hates the dogmaticism of the left, liberal culture entirely, and establishment entities. There's no place for me in the US
t. voted for trump
>tried to cockblock Utah from Trump with his 'le conservative mormon' memes
>ended up doing the exact opposite
What a mess! McMuffin is a mess.
>conservatives win in a blow out
>control all 3 branches of government
>hurr we need a new party
Could the CIA shilling be any more obvious?
McMuffin is one of my favorite memes. Too bad he can't even break 25 in his own state of brainwashed Mormons.
I just think it's funny CIA picked this baldy mcbaldhead manlet and thought it would work.
Like, what's going on at the CIA? Are they retarded?
If you ever needed proof that this faggot was a liberal plant, here you go
I hope Trump crushes this fucking pedo faggot.
>Control the White House, Senate and House
>Will be able to appoint whatever Supreme Court justices they want
>Abandon the party now guys!
Hey where can I see a breakdown of how Bernie lost to Clinton in the primaries? I've heard some shit but I want to know what's up?
What, will it have a frog as animal too or something?
No, that's stupid.
There is not enough political oxygen in the room for three viable parties -- because of "first past the post" elections, third parties have no way to be competitive, and if one emerged it would either die quickly (Bull Moose) or take over the turf of an existing party, which would then die quickly (rise of the Republican party.)
So all he's proposing is to split up the party, then re-merge it either with a new name or under the old name, depending on which half survives.
Waste of time.
Speaking as a longtime Republican conservative who is not very enamored of Trump but can live with him, I'd rather stay where I am and continue what Republicans always have done -- fight within the party for what we think is best, then go out and kick leftist Democrat ass.
I know who the real enemy is, it is not other Republicans.
>Really makes you thank
oh right that's why
He seems to be too willing to expand government power in various areas. But so far he has no record, just campaign talk -- I'm waiting to see what he does in office.
whoops, thought this was the thread about how people age 18-25 voted overwhelmingly for Clinton
This map looks like it's really going to explain a lot
Mormon party
Already did, there is little need to pay any more attention to him.
Johnson got more votes than he did. Who cares what he thinks?
not actually him
Define "a breakdown." What sort of date are you looking for?
But here, this help at all?
They did you idiot. "Conservatives" joined SJWs in voting for Clinton, but the people elected Trump because they don't like your Bush era policies, or Clinton's.
Is that a pixel I see before me?
Wait, that's not even his handle, or whatever they call it, is it?
this fucking shill spook double agent kike cunt really rustles my jimmies
>getting behind a ex CIA operative Mormon with a 19head
He's not a hardcore evangelical.