We turned one group of you people into an anime loving mess we can do it to the rest of you
Fine example of """tolerant""" liberals in action.
All my asian buds on Facebook are pro Trump. (except for the flips, but they're not real asians anyway).
Nah, Japan and South Korea are cool.
Gee, I wonder.
I'm glad he lost on jeopardy lmao
Flips are based as fuck and pro Trump
Japan will stab you in back second pearl harba soon
Do not belief Japanese lies
ahahaha it's real
he finally admits it
It almost makes me want to drive to San Fran just to beat him with a aluminum baseball bat.
All Asian ethnics voted overwhelmingly for Hillery. From Japs and Spooks, to Flips and Curryniggers.
Just as you can take the man out of Japan, you can also take the Japan out of a man.
>literally one person
>ignoring the fact that there are literally millions of white sjw's saying the exact same thing
Fuck off. No asian gives a shit about some morbidly obese gook who throws a tantrum on twitter.
..says the guy posting on an anime message board.
I will never understand these anti-anime posts on Sup Forums. Boggles my mind how you got here.
That chick is so damn ugly. Looks like a slit eyed gypsy. You could have gotten a better if only you weren't a dweeb with yellow fever. Why do you oriental lovers always go for the bottom of the barrel asians?
He made a joke you autist weeb
Anita Sarkeesian is FURIOUS
>ignoring the fact that the most decorated army unit in the US during WW2 was a Japanese American unit who fought against Japan and all other countries they were told to
Fuck off, you're probably 30 percent Jap and you don't even know it.
It's true that increasing numbers of asian-americans are adopting an SJW, perpetual-victimhood mindset
but they are still a minority of asian diaspora in america in general.
most asian americans realise that they're winning, they're succeeding in this white country, the current white culture is a good culture that they can be successful and prosper in.
>verified account
So he's kinda famous? Who is he.
>fat piggy chink
>Implying I want him to like me
Gooks can do whatever they want. Some Asians are cool. The ones that aren't will out themselves and will get slaughtered like the slant-eyed pigs they are.
Hey I haven't heard from this crazy motherfucker for quite a while.
Maybe the ones I hang with are just a bad sample. Too many cucks.
I love to watch the liberal's tears floods the social media.
>South Korea
I'll take your advice with a grain of salt
>ignoring the fact that whites voted majority Trump
>ignoring the fact that asians voted majority Hillery
>Asians are natural allies to whites
I have a bridge to sell you John. It was built by gypsies. Gypsies are master bridge builders.
A gook named Arthur
I hope Russia destroy your little shitty country as we laugh back at you guys from Americas!
kek has spoken
Remeber we are evil nazis full of hate
Not these people
This is why you guys need to chill with the Asian worship.
....Truely, his power blesses you.
looks like a flip ladyboy in this pic 2bh
noice track
why aren't you guys reporting him for hate speech?
Arthur Chu is married to a White girl
Unlikely. Russia doesn't have the resources to start a major war in Europe. The Ukraine conflict was defensive shit in its own back yard. Russia is already spread thin with Syria.
Not that you'd know anything about the geopolitical situation of the region though. After all, you like asians, and think they will reciprocate your feelings.
So I kind of agree with her, but then she uttered "social justice."
The word SJW has made me hate anything to do with it.
>Arthur Chu is married to a White girl
Even a fat and ugly Asian who is literally 1/10 on the attractiveness scale can get a White girl
Arthur Chu peddled the fucking "Bernie Bro" meme really hard, both left and right should hate this piece of shit neo-liberal establishment drone.
stfu faggot, asians are based
>comments disabled
"we are tolerant and supportive of everyone!"*
*unless youre white
it's quite common for non-whites to hate white people and be obsssed with white wominz
same is true for those yellow fever beta white men
>Be Asian
>Literally only ever treated respectfully by white people
>Only time ever encountered racism was with black people
That being said, I don't know how I'd be treated if I was by myself in a place like Kentucky
It's this real?
Reminder all of these fucks want white genocide
Well I'm asian I gave money to Trump and voted for him but this piece of shit is famous for some stupid reason so.
>Arthur Chu
>Hates America
we already know this op
I'm glad you see no problem painting Asians as the same, and ignore that around a fourth of Asians voted Republican this cycle.
If you wonder why they don't immediately ally with you, it might be because you don't even bother to differentiate between them.
Go gook yourself, Arthur.
At last, they fully reveal what hides bellow the mask of "tolerance" for the world to see.
The world is a bitter place where you have to care for your close ones, your people, your nation. There will always be an ingroup and an outgroup. People like him are trying to steal your nations away from you and replace you with people they deem more "worthy". Glad Ameribros showed them a giant middle finger tonight.
Sigh... fuck that chink sack of shit.
I am Jap and in Kentucky
People see you differently. It's not spoken, but they don't treat you like a regular white guy. Not necessarily bad, but I don't like the hypocrisy.
Not even best Korea.
What hypocrisy are you referring to?
game show gook doesnt even think you are a "person
the gook is NOT your friend, he will submit to you in person and plot his revenge online!
Yes it is real, that sack of fucking shit who has gotten fat of our nation and society hate it.
I really wish someone would track him down, you just know that he would start crying like a bitch if someone tried to deliver even a bit of justice.
Filthy gook scum
I'm Filipino and I'm pro Trump and so are a lot of my relatives, fuck off.
I'm pretty sure the rooftop Asians were rooting for Trump.
You're appreciated in Kentucky a lot more than any non-jap in Japan. Enjoy it instead of looking at it negatively.
People like to claim that we're all the same but at the end of the day they treat people they perceive as different, differently
It's just the way people look at you, or the assumptions that they make about what you do or who you hang out with
only Asians allowed should be japs fuck the other savages
>same is true for those yellow fever beta white men
Whites don't hate asians, not even the betas. The betas lean weeb actually.
But we wonder why a conservative culture votes liberal in the united states. Probably because they all move to urban areas here.
as always, the best quote still functions to this day
"shoo shoo stinky chinky"
Just by going a little south in california I felt that tension and that I was looked at differently. If it's the same in Kentucky then I'm alright with it.
If he was referring to black people in the same way he would have been shot in a driveby, or arrested.
As an Asian American, I will gladly volunteer for the duty of folding this Vietcoon over a thousand times.
Flips are the Mestizos of Asia
there are hundreds of webistes frequented by asian males to circumvent white hate, stay vigilant white man!
Midwesterners are much more friendly than people from New York, Cali, and the like. The most you would get is a dumb harmless other than being ignorant comment now and then.
shieet if I looked like that, I'd be a white hating leftist too
What else is new?
Although true, I don't think those instances are necessarily equal.
Japan makes no attempts to appear inclusive to outsiders. It's for Japanese people. America (specifically American liberals) like to claim that we're the same etc. but they do not like to see that reality.
It's not terrible here obviously, or else I would have left. There's something to be said about the fact that the acceptance is not truly there, however. Merely tolerance.
It's not that bad, yeah. See the above for what I've described. It's barely something to complain about, but it exists, and people shouldn't ignore that.
Im sorry who?
What's the best runner up Asian to wife, since the japs are hard to get a hold of? Heard a lot of bad things about chinks and gooks, know a couple of guys who are happily married to the lower SEA countries, one Malaysian and one Cambodian, but those girls are dogs. Loyal dogs , though.
I may just visit the mid west at some point then. I'm tired of this political BS in California, the protests are disgusting
Never ever ever ever ever ever go for Vietnamese girls, they are insane.
> I hate white people
> Awwww why did white people use their majority to vote against my ideals, what assholes
If you're open to dating other races then just look around. If you don't care about that, then you shouldn't limit yourself to Asians. There are plenty of whites, blacks, hispanics, etc. that you'd probably get along well with.
This is why countries like Thailand have laws where you can't insult the rulers. Sheesh.
Are we allowed to hate China for the actions of their one-party state? How about all the shit that happens in North Korea or the middle east?
lol, Chu been btfo since 2 full years. if he hates america so much, maybe he should get the fuck out, i bet even china dont want him.
It looks more like a """""girl"""""
>I hate white people
SO you obviously don't need to have one in your ass faggot.
What a crazy chink. Libshits confirmed for retarded and evil.
No shit. We've fought 3 wars against these slant eye fucks
My fiance is pro Trump and she's Chinese.
This guy is a clown.
Reminds me of this Chinese Australian from high school. Despite being born here and Cantonese he was a genuine zealot for the CCP and mainland China, and was generally despising of everyone.
Does anyone have an archive link?
>If you're open to dating other races then just look around.
I'm not open to the idea of other races at all. The only thing I'm interested in is East Asians.
Even in America, most American born Chinese and such HATE people from mainland China, my parents included even though they are immigrants themselves. Most mainlanders are absolutely backwards, rude and just despicable people.