Could Superman beat Luke Skywalker?

Could Superman beat Luke Skywalker?

Lightsabers have no effect on Sups so yes

Superman's main weakness is magic so only with the element of suprise


It depends. Is Luke full of delicious green sloth milk?

yes. Why are you even asking?

Why do people keep spouting this

Superman doesn't have a weakness against magic, he's just affected by it like everybody else

>superman starts beating up luke
>it was only an magic hologram

EU Luke or Canon Luke?

Real world Mark Hamill

Superman would blitz anyone in the verse
Maybe a really powerful Force sensitive could mindfuck him though

So wait. Mysterio could beat Superman?

mysterio is not magic

You dare question the great Mysterio's powers?

Dr strange, loki, thor or anyone whose power has a magical source can kill superman in mere seconds unless Captain Marvel comes and saves his ass like every justice league comic.


Eu would ravage Clark with emerald lightining / shadow bombs / gravity wells.

But Jacen would just melt Superman at his peak

Why didn't they just call him Jason? Fucking EU.

Don't forget bayonetta.


The time Corran was retconned into the new order in I, Jedi and talked down to Luke or the timesssss they got b their own ages wrong did nothing.
But a c for an s frustrates you?

When the fuck has Bayonetta ever been in a DC comic?

Not her. Magic isn't a weakness per say, it's just something that can by pass his invulnerabilities. It effects him the same way it would effect anyone else.

I don't know, I never read that far into the EU. Sadly I think the last book I read was The Crystal Star which was so terrible that I'm a bit annoyed at myself for stopping with that one. Well, I think I have reread older books since then. Mainly the X-Wing books.

Not at the box office.

Superman is ftl. In the time they are thinking of making a move, he blitz them.

Leia could easily beat Superman.

>Sonic Boom
>"Is this guy still bothering you?"

>Planet is destroyed after Superman punch Luke
>Nothing in the solar system is alive

Not Thor necessarily, a magical energy blast is still just an energy blast, I believe Supes can't just shrug it off though like he can with other attacks.

Although, isn't he weak to electricity? Livewire can hurt him, ans Batman electrocutes him in DKR. I'm sure there are other examples as well, but I've never heard it explicitly stated.

If you are invulnrable to everything except 'X', then i think it's safe to call 'X' your primary weakness, even if 'X' merely kills you the same way it would anyone else.

>only faster than light
He can't even do that in-atmosphere either. Clark is slow as fuck.

To be fair, it's like number 3 on the list, behind kryptonite and red sunlight.

>Mark goes on a rant about how Disney ruined Luke
>Supes feels sympathetic and heads to Disney HQ

What happens?

Kills Lois with a fire extinguisher while attacking the Daily Planet.

Superman negotiates peacefully because he's a nice guy who doesn't kill people, unlike Luke in TLJ.

Her bullets are magical. One shot through the head.
Or her magic dodge balls.

Could Superman topple the Empire at the height of its New Hope era power?

Disney changes their ways in response to supes powers of super disapointment.

Superman is faster than bullets.

All bayo needs to do is let supes get close, dodge and shoot him point blank

How about this; who got raped more? Supes in BvS or Luke in TLJ

Batman in JL beats either of them.

Nice joke

He asked who got raped more.
The answer is clearly Batman in JUSTice League.
I don't think a popular character has gotten as thoroughly raped over as Fatfleck's Batman in generations.

Superman was still his usual spaghetti dropping autistic self.

Anyone could beat Luke Skywalker. Unless he has daddy or Obi Van by his side. Haven't you seen original trilogy?

The force would give luke a one second look into the future, then he would get turned into a fine mist as superman smashes into him at mach 200.
The force is useless if you can't physically move your body fast enough to react to a treat you perceived a second before.

When you're a Flash fan, you can speak to me of rape. At least Fatman had a good costume.

Yes, easily. That includes old EU Luke btw.

He'd wipe the floor with Disney Luke but Legends Luke would fucking destroy him.


literally how?

Which one do you mean how? How would Supes beat Disney Luke or how would Legends Luke beat Supes?

Spoken like a true Batfag. You guys are probably the only group who deserves this shit with how spoiled you've been.