>not realizing Trump's victory is the best thing to happen for Democrats
If President Memester fucks up, the GOP will be discredited forever as a fucking joke even to its own voters. You're on thin ice now. Tread lightly.
Not realizing Trump's victory is the best thing to happen for Democrats
As long as the democrats cater to SJWs and identity politics, they will never win.
Sorry that you won't be getting 2 cent deposits in your account anymore now shill, well fought
>be losers
>be happy about it
Sounds about right for the Democrats.
The Democrats are done. They sold out to minorities and foreigners for votes and money.
The Democrats don't fear Trump being a terrible president. They fear him being one of the best, making them look like shit for 100 years.
trump isnt part of the gop idiot, they cut all ties with him because they thought hed lose
problem is the core GOP hates him too and already spent most of the election season trying to get rid of him
>if you lose elections, you win
If Trump fucks up the GOP will pretend like no one supported him in the first place like they've been doing this whole time and take over again.
If Trump succeeds though, he will change the Republican Party for a very long time.
>M-m-maybe its a g-good thing we lost
Just stop
Are you fucking retarded? Your party has no majority anywhere in the federal government and no imminent figurehead.
>not realizing Obama's victory is the best thing to happen for Republicans
>nobody will ever vote republican again
>tread lightly
They literally can't be paying you right now, so you're here of your own volition shilling.
You lost your country. You lost the House, the Senate, and you'll lose the supreme court too.
Whatever you say is literally, factually irrelevant in every possible sense.
Please off yourself my dude.
"If you kill your enemies, they win."
>You're on thin ice now. Tread lightly.
what are you going to do, check my privilege?
You are a dumb cunt if you think any liberal is going to give him a fair shake as president.Everything he does will be twisted and contorted to make him out to be le ebil racist.
Dont you get it? People voted for him because they dont give a shit about liberal opinions anymore, right wing minded people have finally realized that there is no appeasing them.
Trump is the new president.
That is unless he is assassinated and then turned into a reason for republican elite control just like what happened with Reagan.
The avenrage person doesn't give a fuck about politics anyway, they just vote for whoever seems the nicest at the time.
But the Supreme Court will be secured, so it doesnt matter.
You're right. The only way it could be better for the Democrats is if they lost literally every election. 100% of office holders would be Republicans. Then everything would be blamed on them! You should start trying to make that happen right now. We can take all Democrats out of the Senate, House, legislatures etc by 2022, before the end of Trump's second term. #StrongerTogether!
>If President Memester fucks up, the GOP will be discredited forever as a fucking joke even to its own voters. You're on thin ice now. Tread lightly.
Oh hey! You seem new here, Welcome to America. GOP has already been discredited forever and is a fucking Joke because of George Bush Jr.
No way Trump can do worse than him.
Are liberals capable of any rational though
Yeah the Democrats having absolutely no power at all anywhere is good for them.
OP, the entirety of popular media and society have pasted this monstrous caricature of Trump as a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, apocalyptic, mouth frothing madman RAPIST so successfully that if America is just plodding along normally after four years, it will appear to be to Trump's credit. You have set the bar so low for Trump that even a mediocre presidency would be a political win.
>be Democrat
>lose in a landslide to a business man and reality TV star
Trump just has to wing it and Democrats are toast if they continue with identity politics and outright lying and media manipulation
That's apparent to people who follow him closely. The sort of people having meltdowns right now, aka the Democrat's core demographic, think he's just part of the GOP as opposed to having hijacked the party.
Op is right.
Woah this is like 7D blindfold chinese checkers
leftists are pathetic degenerates. They aren't gonna do shit.
Fuck off there ain't no one over there stupid enough to do what Bernie did.
>tax my 401k
>for gender studies
You would have every single person with a full time job voting against you.
Get ready Bernie fags, because the jobs are inbound.
With trump as president and both chambers of the Congress the republicans have no room for fuck ups... republicans were on thin ice already, now they found a fucking rope, but that ice is still melting quickly
Center left guy here, wont call myself a democrat because they are awful people, almost as bad as republicans. But there is no silver lining here. Repubs have control of 3 branches of government. Of course there will be a backlash in a few years but if you look at the seats that will be open for reelection in congress, its nearly impossible for Dems to take it back, especially with all the pre-republican gerrymandering. Maybe in 2020. And the Supreme court will be red for a generation. A lot of damage will be done.
I am curious tho, if the Donald will be able to get his anti-free trade policies thru congress. I dont think he will but he will probably be able to do quite a bit without congress on that front.
The GOP is already discredited forever because of #NeverTrump. He's all on his own, and on his own, he won the Presidency. The GOP already sealed its fate.
Donald Trump has almost never fucked up in his long track record of business. You think he will fuck up at a job that literal pedophile murdering plebs can do?
Yeah, losing 12 million votes since 2008 is the best thing to ever happen to the democucks
If they hadn't rigged Bernie out of the primaries he could very well have been president, instead they went with the pocket-stuffing right-of-centre war criminal of dubious legality
What desperate tripe. What gender are you role playing as today, I wonder?
>If President Memester fucks up, the GOP will be discredited forever as a fucking joke even to its own voters. You're on thin ice now. Tread lightly.
Guess you missed the point of this election. I hope DJ undoes every stupid fucking thing you leftys have done. America has spoken, we are tired of your gay agenda, nigger violence, and fucking up health care, etc. Pu on your diaper bitch, it's going to be a fun ride.
WTF Canada? And you call us stupid?
No one this cucked should be allowed on Sup Forums.
the supreme court is gone. the dems will be fucked in the midterms.
wth are you on about lad?
The democrats are finished. They had their chance and they lost hard. They pandered to the SJWs, the niggers, the spics, and the trannies, and the rest of America said "fuck that." America is a nation of, for, and by White Men, and we have finally elected another White Man to Make America Great Again
Shadilay, brothers.