How would a civil war between the United States and California go?
How would a civil war between the United States and California go?
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California has ultra restrictive gun laws. They just passed some more yesterday, actually.
So it would go as well for California as you would expect.
>california burns
Can they feed themselves? Because I would reckon all the farmers are in the red states.
See all those red places? Those are all the places where the forest density is high, the mountain cover is steep enough to block radio signals and make it dangerous for helicopters to fly at night, and where people grow their own food. Also, the landowners are armed in those regions and I can tell you from first hand experience they know how to use 'em. The people in those red areas have been prepped and ready to go in the event of civil war for decades now. They have off grid power generators, dried food, and everything. Policemen don't go into the hills.
No. Understand this; the police do NOT go into the hills in those places. They have a militia, instead.
Those blue areas are the major city districts that import food from the red areas. The blue areas are the first sections that would would lose power, experience starvation, spread illness as the sewer systems begin to overflow. Those are the areas where they've beaten back nature so far, that they wouldn't know what to do if their infrastructure ever failed around them.
So could Cali win in a civil war? Oh yah. Absolutely. But only if the Right wanted to.
LA and San Fran would get genocided.
They'd have to be the same country for it to be a civil war, retard.
What is going on here?
We would just build a wall while they fired insults at us.
They're democrats. How do you think it would go.
California is a breadbasket. We produce tons of food, more than enough for the entire west coast.
The issue is rural California is moderate at worst, flat out red at best. Farmers will simply flee the state to Republican territory if things got that squirrelly.
Or worse, become insurgents against the Communists.
That's retarted
Yeah but you can't grow that food without water, good luck.
He's right though. Cascadians are well known in this state to be highly self-sufficient rightists.
It's the current year, you don't have to climb a fucking hill to kill the people on it
California would get btfo worse than Hillary Clinton.
Though the proper thing to do would be let CA go and watch all the jobs flock to the USA
The Pacific Fleet is stationed in San Diego
It ends swiftly
>California vs USA
>Commiefornia wins
Top kek. Your arguments are not sufficient for winning a war.
SoCal is exterminated. NorCal repopulates and turns the state red
it would be US and Mexico by that point
Jefferson would leave CA if CA leaves the union.
>civil war
Fucking union mentality. If they want to leave then it is their god given right to pursue their happiness. People are have a duty to their home first, and your home is your state. We cannot by any means send an army in to stop them. There is no reason I should have to fight a son of California.
Fuck off CTR
nerve gas
CTR is back and they are really worried about going to prison. Trying to start a Civil War.
California would do well to grow hemp right now.
That wall is going to make it pretty difficult for the bankers to subsidize their crimes with drug money from now on.
>We cannot by any means send an army in to stop them
We wouldn't need to. There's enough military bases in California to shut that shit down before it even had the dream of happening.
Have they made spoons illegal yet??
Background checks for bullets and CA compliant guns suck.
I wish you the best.
You miss my point. I'm saying that an United States Army should not be used to against any of it the states' citizens on our own land.
Badly for California.
That ship sailed in 1861 and we lost.
damn right we would
fuck this state, now I have to deal with prop 63
where do I flee once I can?
>where do I flee once I can
Southern Oregon or Nevada.
>California uprising.
>shut off water supply from lake mead (hoover dam)
>California dies.
Which is why I don't want it to happen again if they do leave move to leave. Why resist them? I don't want a bunch of pussies in LA telling me what to do just as much as they don't want me telling them what to do. Hopefully we could keep northern Cali.
Either way if the people decided to secede then they will be justified to protect their home.
>Why resist them?
The precedent is set. You can't legally leave the Union. SCOTUS said so. Besides, I wouldn't mind giving some progressives a little Dixie revenge ala Reconstruction.
I would be an insurgent and slaughter the Marxists quite handedly since most of them don't own guns.
People I've talked to in Oregon are saying their gun laws are becoming more like ours cause of the liberal swarm coming from SoCal. And isn't Nevada getting more cucked too?
Maybe with Trump we will see a resurgence for the argument for Jefferson. Hoping for a miracle there.
You literally think ONE STATE can beat 49 STATES? Alright.
California would get slaughtered, they'd have no make their own military, government, healthcare system, etc. Even if half of the state went into the military, they still wouldn't hold a candle to 49 states. One state cannot be a country, I think that's retarded as fuck. If they think they can thrive and prosper without the help of the rest of this nation then let them try, I doubt they'd last a year, let alone five years.
I'd laugh when some of them decide to get back into America because they would have died if they stayed in California.
>muh technology
worked out so well in vietnam and the middle east right
Oregon is fine if you're not in the Columbia River Gorge. Nevada is fine if you're not in Vegas. Just like you're controlled by SoCal, they're controlled by their cuck cities.
Fuck that. If anything we push out New England, who are always behind that bullshit war profiteering. And maybe Virginia now which is weird cause we would have West Virginia.
Jokes on you. Our state catches on fire every year already.
Why not both?
We would just cut off trade and water to them inside three months they would sutrrnder. Libtards cant fight.
Jefferson alone could theoretically win against the rest of the state by itself, even woth the number disparity considering they're a bunch of ranchers, cowboys, and gun bros.
That's what I'm saying. Let Cali exit and push out New England profiteers who have no problem sending US men to die invading their own land.
Pretty much this. In a California war v. America, Cali would split into two and it was just be nu-males and hoodlums v. America since the sane people don't wanna deal with that shit, then that would deteriorate where the hoodlums cuck the nu-males even further. But in a perfect world, Cali would just not give out food and cripple the States (if they managed to secede that is). In an actual war though, Cali is done.
You have no idea how desperately I want a CA civil war, let Jefferson secede. It's our damn water. It's our damn civil liberty (2nd amendment) being destroyed.
There wont be a civil war. There are 33 military bases in this state. Militarily it's WAY too important to ever fall under a war. This State is rock solid, because it has to be.
There are over 5.5 million registered Republicans here. This fear mongering has to stop.
>38.8 million vs 280.1 million
Winning a civil war doesn't require a big victory. Rebels just need to survive long enough for the government to decide "fuck it, this isn't worth our resources"
80 percent of the water here is used by agricultural, the reason why we use so much is because we feed so much of this country.
Just take a look.
There are over 5.5 million registered republicans here and 33 military bases which are all republican majority.
Stop this fear mongering. California is vital in Pacific dominance and it will never be let go.
You misunderstand, sir. We can't let them leave. Might as well have our fun.
well i live in cali so nothing personal kid but...
That's under the assumption that America wants to keep California.
no it because you have a trillion pounds of almonds to activate you mong
we just legalized weed,
But again, it's California
If it wants to remain a military super power, a economic super power, if it wants to keep any resemblance of the pacific since Washington and Oregon will follow with us. Sure, give up California and you lose the entire pacific to China. Sure, you lose the largest agricultural producer in the country and a very LARGE chunk of the military and military projection we have available. You lose hundreds of billions, perhaps even a trillion in money that our tech industry brings in.
Check out the data then you fucking hillybilly.
>rock solid
>literally a fault line
wew lad
leave it to a cuckifornian to not recognize a jibe
what are...
>The New Madrid Seismic Zone
>The Ramapo Seismic Zone
>The Denali Fault System
It wouldn't.
Don't worry, Trump's gonna build some Trump Protest Retreats for the Californians who need a time out.
So basically all the liberals are fucking retarded and totally dependent upon conservative people.
Living in Los Angeles. Save me from this funs restricting hell hole
Get some kind of education or skill that can get you a job anywhere else and flee. You'll find better housing prices anywhere else.
How would a cival war go between a gun control state vs the rest of the pro gun states? Hmm, I do wonder, that is a hard one.
Californians need a fucking permit to buy ammo now. California would be wiped out in less than a day. they voted for this too. California deserves to be fucking genocided
We have the highest population out of all the states.
The 10 percent would throw tantrums exactly like they are doing now. Those who looked to break the law would eventually be shot by concerned armed citizens and police. Celebrities, would mass exodus when they realized nobody pulls stock in anything they say off screen.
North California would form from it kind of like West Virginia formed from Virginia. It would really be just the southern areas and the big cities. A lot which rely on the Colorado river (or at least LA).
>implying they don't seize control of all US arsenals before the feds can react
at least let me leave the state first. I'm a gun toting freedom loving American.
Pfaw, your state would run out of water on it's own, dumbass.
Water flowing in from other states you jackass.