Trump is gonna get impeached in his first year of office.hes a clown, a buffoon. lets just hope he doesnt do too much damage before we get a real president.
Trump is gonna get impeached in his first year of office.hes a clown, a buffoon...
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You fucks are still getting paid?
>Haha there's no way he's gonna run. I dare him to, that would be hilarious.
>Haha there's no way he's actually going to officially turn in his papers. I dare him to, that would be hilarious.
>Haha there's no way he actually has a chance against so many republican candidates, that would be hilarious.
>H-haha, t-there surely is no way he is going to win after saying pussy once in a hot-mic recording, r-right?
>H-haha, Trump has n-no chance, all the p-polls say he won the d-debates and it's 2016 I mean c-come on.
>...H-haha, s-surely he will get impeached on h-his f-first year.. My predictions have n-never failed me b-before.
fucking kek
Fuck you.
You know that your contract is over yes? You're not getting paid for that anymore.
Your denial is delicious. I have some popcorn here, care to lend a little salt you faggot?
Didn't you CTR retards get the memo that the election is over and Killary lost?
>Trump is gonna get impeached in his first year of office
I agree but not for the reasons you have listed.
If anyone thought Obama should be impeached for his unilateral passing of bills, averting constitutional processes, rewriting of Obamacare, his executive order use and so on...
Obama was a learned Constitutional Lawyer and barely skirted by with what he did.
Trump has no idea what he's doing and as soon as it doesn't go his way, he will fuck it up somehow and both parties are going to jump down his throat.
I'm afraid they'll recount the votes and put Hillary in instead.
You do understand that if Trump gets impeached, Mike Pence becomes president, right?
You do understand that Trump hand-picked Mike Pence as his VP, right?
You do understand that Mike Pence wouldn't have been chosen by Trump if they didn't have shared views, right?
You do know that your CTR good-boy points are worthless in this new age of the US, right?
>yfw CTR does it for FREE with 0 (ZERO) monetary compensation now
Based Alberto
I'm proud
She's already conceded, she cant win
If you say so... who am i to criticize?
Mike Pence will put an end to degeneracy then.
Trump would probably have mercy on faggets.
next phase is acceptance, user
keep it up there is light on the other side.
There were two choices. Either elect your first female president or choose a lying, bigotted, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, rapist, sexist asshole.
America, why was this so difficult?
It wasn't, Trumpfu won and the lying, bigotted, misogynistic, racist, homophobic, rapist, sexist man that is Hillary Dudebro lost.
Why is that so difficult to understand?
Don't make fun of Trump and call him female.
>a republican majority house and senate is going to impeach a republican president
No reason to try and "correct the record" at this point shill. Your tears taste amazing.
True. Mike Pence is Trumps life assurance.
If you assassinate Trump you'll get Pence as President, which is even worse than Trump.
implying trump haters give a fuck. you can protest vote, they can protest impeach. or protest assassinate.
People who actually think this are physically incapable of understanding that republicans control both houses and will not impeach the Don.
>CTR literally working for free now
Let all the buzzwords out, bro. Pour them out. It's now or never.
Reflect on your lack of understanding about the way the world really works OP. Clinton is more garbage than Trump, and now on top of that she's a loser who can never run for president ever again. Fucking. Deal. With. It.
Sure thing, straya.
which stage is that?
>Trump is gonna get impeached in his first year of office.hes a clown, a buffoon. lets just hope he doesnt do too much damage before we get a real president.
>shared views
Not really. Trump has been pro-lgbt since the 90s and is basically a decent person. Pence is a psycho, he's exactly the kind of literally hitler sort of person the media made all the idiot kids think Trump is. Pence is Trumps' life insurance. Nobody who could actually pull off getting rid of Trump would want to at this point.
>red majority house and senate
Are you perhaps retarded?
you're almost there user!
CTR and Shillary supporters are so BTFO right now it's amazing. I love these threads, because behind each of their posts is a crying, butthurt, blown out liberal who is having a difficult time sleeping tonight.
>A Republican majority house and senate with bad blood and a preferred candidate in the VP position
More likely than you think.
This pain is very satisfying. I can't quite put my finger on it but your distress is filling me with atoms of nourishment
Then you get Mike Pence, now that looks like a guy who won't put up with any shit.
thank you based GI Joe man
Maybe, but hillary will never be president.
Maximum Dmg control gaga
Lol! This is just the beginning, fuckboy. Your kind is FUCKING DONE. Trump now has the privilege of putting in at least 2 SC Justices in which will permanently alter the direction this nation was heading in. YOU ARE FUCKED, YOU FUCKING FAGGOT.
3rd post best post