What do you genuinely want to happen with Muslims in the USA now Trump is going to be in office?
What do you genuinely want to happen with Muslims in the USA now Trump is going to be in office?
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hes seriously not gonna do anything about muslims, mexicans or build a fucking wall he just spouted those things/created memes to hillbilly trashes would vote for him.
hes interested in lowering taxes/get rid of obamacare for his businesses interests.
come at me trumpfaggots
they have to go back
Stop movement of Muslims into the country?
Isis and all that other shit including 9/11 calls for it.
For them to get the fuck out, Mudslimes are completely incompatible with the West.
we MAGA with them
they wont act up under trump, trust
Real Muslims have to leave.
The only "Muslims" that have assimilated are apostates. They can stay.
It is constitutionally justifiable to ban non-citizens under any metric you want
So keep them out completely, and you can include anybody who isn't already top tier
Holocaust 2.0
>come at me trumpfaggots
That's what you want and you won't get, homosexual.
Not build any more mosques and not give in to their increasingly extremist demands. Keep the current muzzie American population contained and status quo'd.
Keep muslims from terrorist countries like Syria, Lybia, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc out and force them to go through intense vetting procedures to immigrate
Stop pandering to muslim dictators
Stop continuing domestic propaganda in media of Islamic ideologies and representation
Pretty much just let them live and keep them quiet and forgotten about.
Integration or deportation.
Self-deport and/or treat their religion as a social accessory the way many US protestants do.
I want them to be allowed in same as anyone. Those refugees as well, as they'll be the most heavily vetted group we've ever let into our country.
A muslim ban would be in total violation of the very laws our nation was founded on -- laws we've had even longer than we've had the office of POTUS. Even if he wants to, there's no way that shit'll fly.
Not stop, but slow.
Do some kind of filter instead of just shoving brown people here.
Also get a ton of Hindus to make sure everyone knows how tolerant we are of all colors, as long as your religious dogma doesn't call for our merciless deaths.
Either they should fuckoff or denounce Sharia which is incompatible with American values
I'd believe you maybe 5 months ago, but considering literally everything has gone right for Trump supporters up until this point, I give him the benefit of the doubt.
Give them a can of beer and a hot dog to see who's loyal to America.
Islam is completely incompatible with American Democracy; it's literally the opposite. They should leave and resettle in their new homelands of France, Germany, and Sweden.
being ashamed of being muslim would be a good start.
i mean if i were associated with all that shit that's being done in the name of islam then id feel ashamed.
they have to go back
Whatever. They can pray to whatever invisible sky daddy they want, as long as they obey the law. This is still the version of America that was founded on freedom of religion. They just need to understand that freedom of religion doesn't give them absolute diplomatic immunity.
in terms of rounding shitskins and mexicans up and sending them back I doubt they do that. I dont think that shit would go through. I dont think the wall will happen either.. if not for a really realy long time
I do however think that America will crank up the border security and not allow anyone from any war torn shithole from the middle east to go there.
absolutely fuckin nothing...they will just keep low profile and behave tho, which in itself is good enough
>for his businesses interests
He's a 70 year old man, do you really think he gives that much of a shit over marginal benefits to his business?
Incorrect. Non-citizens have no rights and the Constitution vests Congress with plenary power over immigration. Immigration in our early history was constrained to whites of "good character" - so you lie or are ignorant.
Assimilate or gtfo.
Islam is incompatible with basic humanity. It's literally a religion designed for people to war themselves into decimation like chimps Waring in trees.
remove kebab
>Within U.S. territory, non-citizens have rights because of the 14th Amendment, which declares “nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Correct, and immigrants out of borders are not of USA jurisdiction.
They integrate or they can get the fuck out. No more pandering. And they get vetted with a background check. Even the slightest tie with jihadi cunts, they get fucking deported. Plain and simple.
>Yick Wo v. Hopkins (1886)
>In Yick Wo v. Hopkins, a case involving the rights of Chinese immigrants, the Court ruled that the 14th Amendment's statement, "Nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws," applied to all persons "without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality," and to "an alien, who has entered the country, and has become subject in all respects to its jurisdiction, and a part of its population, although alleged to be illegally here."
I want them to stop immigrating to our country. I want people to stop converting to their religion. I want ones that currently live here to move to the middle east.
Simple stuff.
>Non-citizens have no rights
Incorrect. Check the 14th amendment.
>No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
Notice how the first portion directly mentions "citizens", but the second mentions "people"
>nor shall any State deprive any person of liberty without due process of law
And what does the 1st amendment say with regards to laws based on religion?
>Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof
Can we please get done with this Trump's going to kill all muslims now? I know a good bit of those sand niggers are horrible people and don't deserve the air they breath, but my best friend for ten plus years is muslim. His entire family except for one libtard brother is ecstatic that Trump won. Syria might finally have peace and stability again
For them to just shut the fuck up for a change.
Getting real sick of hearing on the news everyday about how some Muslim twat got offended by something and now the world needs to take notice.
America voted and the corrupt bitch lost. Nothing more needs to be done. These cucks need to learn that the average person is getting really fucking sick of their constant cries of racism or sexism.
At this point Trump may as well just send death squads to patrol the streets since they're going to treat him like he is anyway.
But they believe it does; and furthermore they believe that every other group and religion should bend the knee once they have power, and that non-Islamic values should be outlawed, and Free Speech and Freedom of Religion eliminated once they have power. How is that compatible with the Republic?
I tonly mentions jurisdiction within one context. The bit about "not depriving any person of life, libery, or property" makes no mention of where they reside, within the US border or elsewhere.
I will bet 2 casinos that Trump doesn't even know what an Islamist is.
Relocation or extermination. Either way, kebab must be removed.
Women can stay, men get deported.
>"without regard to any differences of race, of color, or of nationality,"
WW2 japs disagree
Alternatively, mudshits ain't a race, nationality, or color. It's an ideology of insurgency.
We could drive them to Mexico like we did with the Mormons.
Just don't conquer Mexico afterward
That would just be silly.
They will abide by the laws and assimilate to western culture. If they get caught for conspiriacy to commit terrorism or commit a terroist act in the name of their religion, punishment should be much harsher
nothing... why do people keep claiming he's going to do anything to people who are already americans ? he want to stop immigration which is the process by which they become american.
>drumpf wants to genocide this
>But they believe it does; and furthermore they believe that every other group and religion should bend the knee once they have power, and that non-Islamic values should be outlawed, and Free Speech and Freedom of Religion eliminated once they have power. How is that compatible with the Republic?
Well, their belief doesn't change the law.
That's how that works. They can believe all day long that their sky daddy gives them the divine right to rule over less mortals.
And we can believe that he isn't. Welcome to the new era user, where you don't have to apologize for other people's mistakes. How's it feel?
Ideally I'd like them to assimilate which is what all immigrants are supposed to do but realistically they'll just keep popping out babies and collecting from the govt
Muslims should have been banned from enetering the USA since 9/11.
It´ll be amazing
just stay in sweden man
Assimilate and denounce Shariah Law.
Absolutely nothing. Trump will shit on ISIS until they die and every citizen who happens to follow the faith will be fine. The locker is that when nothing happens to them, the narrative will be painted as if they survived the trump administration by being strong and resilient, when again, nothing happened or was done to them except a person that said mean things was their president.
Let's start purging these subhumans already.
>WW2 japs disagree
During a war time emergency
>Due to the slew of lawsuits and the public outcry against the questionable legitimacy of the camps, the government closed them before the war ended. Criticism mounted in ensuing decades, and victims demanded redress for their losses. In 1980, Congress created the Commission on Wartime Relocation and Internment of Civilians to investigate the relocation programs. Two years later, the commission concluded in the report "Personal Justice Denied" that relocation was motivated by "racism" and "wartime hysteria." By 1988, Congress approved redress payments and issued official apology letters.
>tfw the posters in the thread know about the muslim conspiracy, where every muslim is a solider in the incoming great crusade
oh wait, thats not what islam is. faggots call themselves muslims and do shit, same as every other race/religeon/ideology on earth.
some of you guys should just try reading the quran or listen to a respected iman speak before getting yourselves into a frenzy about the "islam" boogeyman.
You have a point in theory, but it's always better to exterminate just to be sure. What's the worst that happens if you cull the Muslim population down to non-existence? No more Muslims? Oh geeze, how would we go on?
I want them to live in fear. not rational, justified fear mind you, just the fear generated by their own MSM-fed paranoia that will keep the most neurotic and prone to violence from doing anything radical.
They can do w/e they want just like anyone else in a free country. Take advantage of that to hurt us, they should be publicly killed. Pretty simple. Personally they've always been bros to me so my prediction is the former.
Nothing, and nothing will happen, unless you consider not accepting Syrian refugees as something.
Muslims are mostly an external threat, and not much of one at that. The Jews are the real threat, an internal threat, and even more so because the masses don't recognize them as one.
I want them to feel extreme social pressure against their beliefs, and I want no more muslim immigrants in our country.
Death Camps
>Sup Forums hates leftists for going against the constitution but wants to repeal the 1st amendment at the same time
literally the SJW of the right
What I want? The Final Solution.
What will happen? Nothing to anyone who is here legally.
Open up restaurants and sell their delicious food
Publicly denounce the extremist portion of their religion and the regressive "holy land" that produces and condones this extremism
Express even the slightest shred of gratitude for the fact that they were welcomed into a country that their religion has been openly hostile to for decades without being asked to abandon their beliefs or culture
If they can't do these 3 things, they are welcome to go back.
makes sense to do some digging on potential new citizens to make sure they aren't a threat but we've had millions of muslims in this country for years who are no different than any other living breathing human
no one ever lives up to their campaign promises anyway
He's gonna start the wall and 1/3 of the way hes going to realize it was a stupid waste of money and hes gonna stop and try to look for an alternative.
Just have them act like fucking Americans instead of every ethnic group getting to set up special areas that specifically cater to them. Just be a fucking american and leave your prefix at the border. People are tired of Muslim Americans Mexican Americans African Americans etc just be american the identity politics shit has got to go back
The ones here should stay and assimilate. Just no new immigrant muslims.
Internment Camps V2.0 in the Mojave
U.S. law prohibits polygamists from entering the country.
He doesn't have to change any laws, just enforce the ones we already have.
>they have to go back.
Want? Put them in FEMA-camps and gas them. I live with them.
I'm a Muslim Trump supporter.
How fucked am I?
you assimilate here. you support and if need be defend our Constitution. You love your fellow countrymen and understand shits not always pretty but we always stand united as reasonable, respectful people. If you dont like GTFO FAGGOT AND GO SOMEWHERE ELSE
100% THIS
No more Muslims allowed to enter the country until we figure out what's going on with all this stuff.
>implying we aren't just going to have a laser wall
Send them to their mass graves at the front lines of world war III.
That is where all undesirables will disappear to.
Don't really care about the muslims in particular.
Wall & illegal immigrants priority 1.
that they get deported along with illegals
Keep it around 1%, and they will do fine. Anything more than 2% and it's a problem.
Source: heavenawaits.wordpress.com
Shitskin detected
Go Home
>french people mocking swedish people about muslims
When people are scared, they are less likely to act rationally, not more. Dividing society will only create more extremists.
Why is everyone so terrified of the sharia law boogeyman? Have you even done research on it besides reading scare sites?
As a former Muslim , who's been around all different types of people of the Islamic faith (ethnicity wise), I would personally LOVE for Trump to deport all middle eastern Muslims. I live in a neighborhood which used to be nice and cozy, with nothing but Irish, Italians and Pollacks here. Now these guys show up (palestanians), and oh my I have never witnessed a savage group of human beings ever in my life. I hope they keep bombing the Palestanians and they're ass can go to Saudi , not here.
- No more Syrian "refugees"
- Start deporting existing "refugees" to temporary camps in Turkey or Jordan.
- Shut all the mosques down
If they're here legally, nothing. Maybe a few dangerous ones who are on the terrorist watch list would lose the ability to easily buy a gun.
If they're here illegally, out out out
If they're already here and here legally, I don't give a fuck.
If they're just getting here, be slightly more selective with screening.
Now that phase one is complete, it is time to focus the meme war effort on the next four years of Führer Trump's presidency.
This period shall be known as The Great Uncuckening.
Here is the plan:
1. Destroy the SJW movement.
2. Demand immediate deportation of anyone who entered the country illegally.
3. Demand immigration laws be made stricter and properly enforced. Revoke the citizenship of all anchor babies if we can take it that far.
4. Demand English be made the official and only language of the US. No more voting ballots and driver license tests in Spanish, Chinese, etc.
5. Fight feminism on all fronts.
6. Fight multiculturalism on all fronts.
7. Fight globalism on all fronts.
8. Protect patriarchy.
9. Protect the white race.
10. Always vote against the Jew and push whites into positions of influence (politicians, media, professors, etc.). Even if they are atheist or look white, make sure they do not have a Jewish parent or grandparent.
::1:: An elite unit of autists must keep investigating the Clinton Foundation and the Podesta cult to send them all behind bars.
Feel free to add any other goals that we may semi-realistically be able to achieve.