Starting a new election salt thread

Starting a new election salt thread

Other urls found in this thread:

>Obamas staff during his presser today




I can fucking hear her through the image


>I'm staying
so brave


From earlier in the day before Trump's victory became clearly inevitable

I agree, a death penalty is fitting in my opinion

Someone please make a /liberal tears/ general.

There are so many tears to swim through right and now. We need a general to keep up


I reaaaally need a compilation of this with that "how could this happen to me" song to go along with it.

I don't have much to post because I was working all day but liberal tears are what keep me going. please post more

I have this from the primaries

aftermath posts?

Christ, it's fucking beautiful. I admit I lost hope. I was bent over, ass cheeks spread wide open, ready for Hilary's big meaty socialist cock. Just praying it would only be for 4 years, the quickest 4 years ever, please oh lord!!
But he fucking won!! The madman actually did
These tears will sustain me for a millennium.

Based as fuck Glaceon



When Trump ascending is worse than 7/11

Kek. The image macro is a nice touch.

>hrc deserved more from this country
It's sad how these people don't understand this was part of the problem, it was about America, not her

>"ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country"
sums up the differences between the two candidates pretty well

Brb gonna jack off to this




all that I'm about to post are fb friends of mine

I would make fun of them but I want to win with grace

red is me

>The Guardian

this one might be my fav

didnt feel like color coding it



I have some OC

They're about to say Angela davis at the bottom aren't they?

whats her ethnicity


Talked to my brother, who I think was in it for Gary and works in San Francisco.

>They're going to deport my friends
>Racist who can't handle twitter trolls
>muh finger on the button

At least it's better than the "Mike Pence is literally going to kill LGBTQABBQ+ peoples" from all my friends. Today has been really annoying to tell the truth

>bragging about their useless major

wtf is that

someone please meme her

how is that chin real?

Show this cunts name. She thinks she is so bold and tough? Let us have a go.

She's white.





>tfw voted for Gary
>tfw I would've voted for trump if I hadn't voted for Gary
>mfw I woke up to trump winning


>following dream-cassette

naughty boy OP


The comments, damn with the tears...

>voted against my heritage
what did she mean by this

This guy's pretty serious m8

I think she's like 3rd or 4th generation Lebanese or whatever. Which is basically white

>i-i-i'm a man! grrrrrr
>i'll hurt you i swear!

sad thing is he definitely would if he thought he could get away with it but if he met a roided out black republican he would shit the bed

>tfw you're going to jail

she has a great great great great great great great great grandfather who was 1/85th native american and thats why the indians logo is racist and trump is literally hitler.

don't give that views.

At a Starbucks, I've sat behind two land whales discussing intersectionality. It was a massive, unintelligible, feefee hugbox.

He's a goldmine. This guy got some elephant pregnant and then adopted the baby out to a lesbian couple. He uses the kid's adoptive parents as like moral brownie points.

I wish someone had the courage to do this, and I would fucking destroy him.
Fucking Trump wants everyone to get along and they still crying.

>you said something Mikey?

>try to act hard
>come off looking insane

tell me theres more of this guy




Pics,of him and elephant ?

Oh, yes.




>My wife's son

Nothing will be lost when this guy dies.

i actually legitly want to shoot into one of these crowds.

bunch of fucking spoiled rotten children that need to eat some car tires

They're all out of work.

underrated post

Wow what was I expecting .

Need a cold shower now

[distant sobbing]

Anyone got a source on the video of the girl crying and saying she needs an ambulance?

Remember when trump was lambasted for possibly not accepting the election results

some oc for you guys

Guys I am gonna have high blood pressure from the amount of salt I am consuming off facebook

These threads remind me of those "you rage you lose" threads on old Sup Forums.
Except they're more like "they rage you win"

This isn't salt.
This is logical analysis. I respect that man's opinions

>this person has a Master's degree
How can I even respond to this stuff? What is she even talking about?

jesus fuck lol


This story was confirmed fake.

This man is an overly emotional dunce. He literally writes and guilt trips like a woman does.



The front page of Huffington Post right now is the most amazing thing I've seen in years.

Weak chin

>that profile picture

This ain't salt. Cool dude.

Intersectionality.. is that where they lay down on the highway and get run over by SUVs?

This is true btw.

Not salt.

God, just reading through this cunts first post with all those buzzwords gives me a headache. It's so retarded and ridiculous. And they wonder why their ideology is being resisted and pushed back against with a trump presidency.


How are they going to be an historian when they can't figure out when to capitalize letters?

It's also stunning to see leftists quoting Edmund Burke, the classical conservative.

Same except with Jill. These idiots just assume all 3rd party voters would have chosen Hillary otherwise.
