Does Barron have autism or something?

Does Barron have autism or something?

He seems like a cool dude and all but something always seems a bit off aboot him.

Other urls found in this thread:’s-age-risk-autism-other-mental-disorders-kids

No you fucking idiot.

He's 8 or whatever

His brain is developed but his body is not, it can't provide all the blood it needs until full maturity

Thus...certain quirky complications. Completely normal, he's well on track to being a 7 foot power armour clad God Emperor of White Humanity

fuck you too cocksucker

He's a kid that just wants to play vidya instead of stand on a stage wearing an uncomfortable suit while his dad talks to boring old people.

he an old sperm baby

Maybe a bit

He's a kid...

Trump's sperm was probably too old to produce anything completely healthy at that point.

Or, maybe, he's a ten year old that acts nervous when he's on live television being broadcasted to the entire country, you big dummy.

It was 3 in the morning, he probably just needed some sleep

You'd act weird too if you had to stand on a stage in front of thousands of people 4 hours past your bed time

It was three in the morning and he was a tired pupper you fucking leaf. Can't wait till we build a Northern Wall to keep the real threat out.

He's just a clone of Donald

fucking this man.
I kinda felt for him having to slug it out till 3am when at that age you generally have no appreciation for the world around you apart from wanting to see your friends or play games lol.

Imagine all the girls who want to take his virginity.

He's cool he looks like a well groomed mcauly culkin, he could be in Home Alone: MAGA edition in the white house.

>shota in the white house

He does look remarkably like young Donald.

"Don't talk to me or my son ever again." - Dahnald.

>He's 8 or whatever
This. I think it's just that he's young af, but he's tall, so we expect him to act more mature and more focused than his age allows.

He is plotting his eternal Reich

increased age of the father is directly correlated with increased rates of autism.

You mean like tay tay

So Trump is Big Boss?

he isnt new money. sorry, pleb.

>mfw he is the world-famous fourchan hacker

check out this
the only proof of him talking..

Kys sodomite


Wow, what a nigga-riche name. Trump really is America in miniature


He'll be drowning in pussy when he gets older, just like his dad.

>little kid
>forced to stand uncomfortably at 3 in the fucking morning in some shitty suit on a shitty stage

>His brain is developed but his body is not,
Something like Duncan Idaho's ghola?

Barron Trump has autism
The onset followed a vaccination
It's why Trump is on the anti-vaxxer train

I think he's sad because he's not like his father. He might be a kinder gentler Trump, being the youngest. He might be pure of heart. But he's also a Trump. He's standing behind the scenes watching as the venomous world of politics unfold, he's probably seen his father do some things he can't understand. It might frighten him to think that these are the footsteps he will have to one day take.

He's 10, give him a fucking break



General Baron Trump, leader and commander of the Earth Aliance against the aliens forces



>to the entire country
To the entire world you mean

He has no philtrum. Maybe his mom drank too much alcohol while he was in the uterus and gave him fetal alcohol syndrome. Other than that, he seems quite normal for an 8 year old.

to be fair you were referring to a 3d shota, even though I like 2d /ss/ myself dont degenerate up Sup Forums

>I think he's sad because he's not like his father.
Wrong. He is a clone of Donald Trump and is genetically identical to his father. Wait until he grows up. You will see.

He did certainly display some classic autistic ticks

>implying i wasn't making an excuse to post cute stuff

Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. It's hilarious watching him crash and burn like this. But in all seriousness, we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.

This. I'm a sperg and Barron trips my aspie detector. Whatever he decides to do with his life he'll be good at it.

Oh my... please Baron, if you're reading this don't hack me.... mercy.

Unless he decides to go into a role where he has to use EMOTIONS

it runs in the family

He looks just like Donald, those eyes, those cheekbones, that smirk. The true successor to the American Throne!

he just wants to go home and play minecraft or runescape

what is his endgame?

Barron x Melania/Ivanka/Tiffany /ss/ doujins fucking WHEN????

Get on it Japan you fucks

that is only for mothers you fucking retard

I played an autistic guy in a filmand he showed very telling signs on stimming to me.

That's a kike name

No, he has "Im a young kid and its 3am and ive been wearing a suit for 5 hours" Syndrome

Yes, he is a clone of his father, commissioned by Trump to Chinese bioengineers.

He's so cute omg kek

His dad came from the future and he knows it, he knows a lot of things will happen soon that's why he is so serious.

He's good with the cyber.

He's also the time traveling shitposter known as B.

I'm rewatching the speech and i'm noticing his facials "spasms"
maybe this is why trump is agaisnt vaccine's, he could believe barron has been affected negatively.
It's kinda sad, but i'm sure he's pretty much normal

Actually you're the retard’s-age-risk-autism-other-mental-disorders-kids



His dad was like 65 and mom 40 when he was born. Surprised he's not a complete gimp.

every single illuminati child is a mess

probalby this sissy is ass pounded every other night by his pedo daddy, next Pedodent of JEWnited States.

Yes, Barron has autism. Trump is on record as suddenly becoming extremely passionate about autism right around the time when Barron was hitting the age when his autism would express itself in a perceptible manner. Read between the lines for goodness sake.

he has autism 100% I noticed it myself and searched it up seems like a lot of people agree

He can see the Golden Path

He's tired from all the time travel

His dad is Trump moron. Is trump 79 years old?


stay classy italy

He is the real God Emperor. He is so above us that we can't relate to him at all, and he has trouble relating to us as well. He'll lead earth into a golden age.

>when ur dad win the election but u don't give a fuck

Fake and gay. Barron is perfectly healthy

Nah, he was probably tired af and didn't want to be on TV.

God bless Based Barron

>Donald is Paul
>Barron is Leto II

Trump was 60 when he made Barron


His bones are developing before his face and his mind. He's literally under 10 yrs.
Think of it in reverse: 20 year old mantels with baby faces but are very articulated because the only thing that developed was their brains.

I don't think you understand the biological process.


Hes an INTP.

The potential for greatness is almost scary.

slav genes

>when u gotta stand next to ur dad but u sleep

This. He is 10, it was almost 3 am, and I am sure he would rather be playing video games than wear a suit and sit around with a bunch of adults

He's just a 10 year old boy up way past his bed time so he's sleepy.

Based Barron is probably not a virgin.

Do you think his father gives him miss American runner up hookers for handjobs? Or does he hire sexy maids to handjob him like muh amines?
Also he is 10 years old.


Hes a fucking stoner

He's a 40 year old trapped in a 10 year old's body.

>when ur dad win the election but all you think about is how you will surpass ham as supreme leader of the world in 2032

New thread lads.

He actually prefers Suits to shorts, Melania said, once.