>Well over 237 People said they will kill themselves if trump wins.
>8 trans people already did it
Well im reminded all of them off thier tweets rn.
How many more kill themselves because trump won?
>Well over 237 People said they will kill themselves if trump wins.
>8 trans people already did it
Well im reminded all of them off thier tweets rn.
How many more kill themselves because trump won?
Other urls found in this thread:
>being so retarded you kill yourself because a pro-lgbt republican candidate who used to be a dem won
I can understand illegals who are afraid of being deported, but trans? Why? When has trump even commented on trans?
This is more a fault of the liberal media making Trump into some evil, end of the world being.
Proof? Looks more like he just made the shit up. "according to a private support group" What does that even mean?
this election just keeps on getting better and better
this is ENTIRELY the fault of the liberal media painting Trump as omg literally hitler, and now these gullible children are killing themselves.
Day of the rope on auto pilot.
This is the greatest thing ever.
>8 trans people already did it
8 mentally illness people alredy did it
aaaaannnnndd nothing of value was lost.
dude pence hates us
>8 trans people already did it
Good riddance
Thread theme:
Wow, Trump is finding cures for diseases!
And he isnt even in office yet!
This will truly be the golden age of america
If this story is real, this is on Liberals.
They made Trump out to be this unbelievable monster; a figure worse than Hitler and much more bloodthirsty than Stalin. They did everything they could to use fear to control their base.
If anyone killed themselves over this, this is on them. Fuck the DNC. Fuck Hillary.
Wait until you see that wall
as much as you hate yourselves?
You better hope no one tries to hurt the god emperor then, Pence will be hanging faggots in the streets
>according to private support group
I want to believe it so bad.
but I don't
How exactly is that trumps fault? He has never said anything that would affect trans people
Holy fuck
He's already taking care of the crazies in this country, not even in office yet. Under budget and right on time.
4d chess to save himself from assassination by Gaga in timeline 69b
trannies are so weak that they cant even handle democracy
Darwin always wins
It's hard to reason with people with mental illnesses.
This isn't the an appropriate response to a 50/50 coin flip.
its for the best
Mountains of salt!
hey guys does anyone have the link to the video that was on Sup Forums all yesterday, i really liked it
Suicide: the ultimate expression of identity politics.
>237 trannies
lmao thats like 5% of the transsexual population. No joke, there are so fucking few trannies.
Neat, that'll saves Trump the hassle of revving up the gas chambers.
fucking kek
Oh no 0.0000000000000000000001% of the population is retarded and killed them self because of the lugenpresse, impeach Trump quick.
>All that taxpayer money sunk into plastic surgery and overpriced hormones
>It kills itself
I'm literally shaking right now
Its on youtube if you search Never Come Down Trump
Don't 40,000 people commit sudoku every day in the US?
My hormones are 20 bucks a month and the government doens't pay for it. Government doesn't pay for trans surgery either
>suicide because media, jews, other retards and your own mental illness
Psychodynamic therapists no longer try to treat transpeople because they will be labeled criminals and attacked if they're found out.
Their patients will rat them out to the nuts trans community and they'll get lynched.
Furthermore, psychodynamic therapists generally believe that once society takes up a delusion and turns it into a mass delusion, it is no longer possible to treat specific individuals. You can't cure someone of their delusion that they are Napoleon if everyone thinks he's Napoleon and constantly tells him he's Napoloeon.
When I say key words, I am dropping keywords that can be looked into by those who know this field and who are looking for answers. I'm not here to convince anyone or do your homework for you.
If you live in a big city in North America, the ONLY way I know to cure gender dysphoria in a transman is to join a radical feminist (TERF) community and have their "psychoanalytic feminists" teach you that gender stereotypes don't determine your sex.
If you're a transwoman, then the only realistic cure is to join the alt-right or some kind of masculine community and get it through your head that just because you like ponies or like getting fucked in the ass that it doesn't make you female. It just makes you a dude with some shitty quirks.
If you really want to look into the literature it's easy. Just start with Cathy Brennan, TERFs, psychoanalytic feminism, Catherine McKinnon, and dig from there. These people tie in to the psychodynamic therapists from the pre-2000s who would speak openly about their treatment of trans patients. Ever since 2000 no therapist will speak of it openly and in 2016 all of them refuse to treat or sandbag the treatment for the sake of their own lives/career.
The weak are culling themselves.
Fucking hell.. this is all wrong
Day of the rope was supposed to be us hanging them, not them hanging themselfs... i feel cheated
>tmw trump is fixing problems without even being in charge yet
Any and all suicides - the blood is on the hands of HRC and the media. Hyping mass hysteria and hate.
Not surprised. They're mentally ill..
Let's be honest, trans were going to kill themselves anyways. They have the highest suicide rate of anyone.
If anyone kills themselves over this, they are pretty fucking weak anyways. Just wait 4 years.
the only time, as far as I know, Trump ever commented on trans people was to pretty much say who gives a shit what bathroom they use.
Tranny problem solving itself. Is there anything Trump can't do.
These groups lie so much its hard to take them seriously. One of the bigger advocacy groups this year was posting bullshit trying to get a transday of recognition or some shit. They were really pushing this narrative about all of these trannys who died due to "hate crimes". I dont believe their shit so i research all 21 victims on the list. Over half of them were killed by their partners (how the fuck is that a hate crime?), others committed suicide, and others were killed as sex workers (a highly risky vocation to begin with). They will lie to you all day long about their self imposed victimhood. Fuck em.
>Trump presidency
>maybe no fag marriage
>Clinton presidency
>get beheaded by a Syrian refugee
good ridance of retarded faggot trans they are doing a favor to humanity by killing themselves
lol, such drama queens
Hope Pence startss the treatment of faggotry soon, these people deserve to be cured and live a normal life.
i really want to see it
The media has got them brainwashed pretty good. These people literally believe Trump is the second coming of Hitler. They called him not for the rhetorical effect but because THEY BELIEVE IT.
They heard the command to make american great again and are doing their part.
The media is completely guilty of this sucides. They have made up a caricature of a human out of Trump and everybody knows deep down the media Dosen't really understand nor crares about the trans problem, some might be truly in the wrong body, but they are few most need people around them and a society, which has healthy and realistical gender role models.
They call him Hitler not for the rhetorical effect but because they believe it*
They wil try and fail
pick 1
Thank you for clarification, I stopped shaking and regained comfiness
>implying the government gives me jack shit
I'm sure there was a substance that has been used to successfully cure transgenderism.
Can anyone remember what it was?
zyklon b
A mess that cleans itself.
Trans people kill themselves all the time, this means nothing.
you're thinking of one psychiatric patient in 1994 with a cocktail of conditions who reported being "cured" of dysphoria after taking:
Lol Darwin I love you
This is no time for scuba diving.
Fucker you stole my joke
Dysphoria will go away often if it's not encouraged.
Make no mistake, it isn't Trump's fault these people are killing themselves, it's theirs for allowing themselves to fly into a hysterical frenzy even though, DESPITE HIS COMMENTS, Trump's policies (Other than the wall) are totally even-keeled, equitable, and reasonable.
People that think they can do whatever they want because they roleplay as chicks are killing themselves. Ono
thats a case study my man
its real in a lot of kids and not in a lot of others
who cares about leftist cucks
No one wants them to come to any harm, anons.
Why don't they just move to Canada if they are upset?
>trans people having extremely high rates of depression and suicide
>not a mental illness
I will never understand.
There's no such thing as "real" transgenderism. Men aren't women.
Kids just think they are trannies because of stereotypes.
thank you for finally saying it
that doesnt have anything to do with trump though haha
>Trannies killing themselves
woah this never happens wtf
they just made it cost $2300 instead of $500 to renounce US citizenship
>tfw already a canadian citizen anyway
reminder to always get backup citizenship
well i'm sure you know better than everyone else user
>How many more kill themselves because trump won?
Not enough
Libs kys'ing and leaving the country
america is already becoming getting great again!
Please give me one good reason why I should cry over the deaths of incredibly stupid people who fell for the "be whoever you want to be, it's ok! :)" Cultural Marxist propaganda. Useful idiots for (((them))) stop being useful when they stop breathing.
lugenpresse has blood on its hands desu
kek holy shit pajeet