>Donald Trump's plan to ban Muslims from America just got removed from his website
Wtf Sup Forums I feel cheated now.
>Donald Trump's plan to ban Muslims from America just got removed from his website
Wtf Sup Forums I feel cheated now.
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Literally the only reason why I voted for him
Get those Rare sad Pepe's back out from last night
are we still vetting in refugees?
No it fucking didn't
"-Vet applicants to ensure they support America’s values, institutions and people, and temporarily suspend immigration from regions that export terrorism and where safe vetting cannot presently be ensured."
Just looked at the website.
What did you expect? He got what he needed out of that stance, now he's shifting back to reality.
daaaamn lugenpresse at it again with the lying bollocks
He never had a plan to ban Muslims from America.
His plan was always about immigration.
The classic bait and switch. Well played.
>Suspend, on a temporary basis, immigration from some of the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism.
It's exactly the same.
Maybe libs never actually looked at what he said, and just took their news from a 7 second NowThis video
He never had a ban of muslims, he was just going to prevent people entering the US from certain countries .
Is CTR still here to spread dissent
>people read headlines and think that's the whole truth
Wow, it's almost as if titles like this one have a name or something, but I can't quite figure out what it is...
I wouldn't worry about it... Oh man when the people find out... XD
It wasn't on there for a long time. His position switched to disallow entry from terrorist countries
Same. This is bullshit. Op is trolling. Right guys? :o
We have to wait until the liberal tears dry out before turning on Trump. For now, enjoy it.
I like the ban on countries that have a terrorism problem. That way we can ban Israelis
You have so few muslims, if he just puts a stop to new ones flying in all will be fine.
>he thinks Trump was going to "ban" muslims
Just like how he's already building the concentration camps this very minute and they're going to go door to door rounding up all the blacks and trannies and throwing them into the gas chambers, right?
They're going to vet immigrants from MENA regions more carefully to make sure none of them are closet jihadis, not shut off all Muslim immigration, or break the fucking first amendment and ban a religious belief
yea we have had that under obama. people in iraq arent allowed in. whole country on a no fly list
a family in a airport in great britain couldnt fly to america to go to disney land because of it
>just took their news from a 7 second NowThis video
That NowThis bullshit is a cancer that will blight the minds of the youth.
>Establish new screening procedures and enforce our immigration laws to keep terrorists out of the United States.
Somehow that means BAN MUSLIMS!!!
Obama banned the immigration of people from Iraq in 2011. Last time I check Iraq was a Muslim state.
Presidents before Obama including Democrats have done the same.
Yet the media and sheeple keep crewing on this lie about Trump wants to ban all Muslims.
When you are cookep up on liberalism it is
гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы гы-гы ...
ههههههههه هههههههههههه هههههههههههه هههههههههه...
>Donald Trump's plan to ban Muslims from America just got removed from his website
It didn't "get removed"; it never existed to begin with.
LOL, fucking liberals finally get around to actually reading the man's policies, and they're shocked that the "racist and misogynistic" plans aren't there.
"W-whu-wait a minute, where's the plan to enslave all blacks? He must have removed it!!!!!!!1!!!!"
country ban incoming
I'm just posting the tweet to show how ridiculous it is.
>people actually thought he was going to do what he said he would
lads nothing will change.
Can one be really sooooooooo retarded
He said he wasn't doing it in the second debate.
He hasn't been running on "ban muslims from entering the country" for months.
He switched over to "ban people from terrorist filled countries" which now included people from , surprise, MEXICO.
fuck off undead shill
>he believed politicians
Hillary or Trump, neither was going to deliver. The difference was Trump is the least dangerous candidate.
this is what has always been in his website, wtf is the twit talking about?
You're a genuinely gulliable idiot if you believed the over the top shit he said
More seriously fuck this kike i Memed for months and he back off like a bitch.
thats because hes about to ban them from the entire universe, faggot.
Transmetropolitan is goat
"Ban Muslims from America"
He has literally never proposed this.
>Sup Forumstard being Sup Forumstard
keep crying faggot. There's a chance that Trump will be rally decent leader.
Watch as the wall is removed too, as well as deportation.
vote for trump to fuck the establishment is one thing but only a complete idiot would believe in his election pledges.
ain't gonna be no wall neither, holmes
The insane strawmanning of Trump has been the worst example of establishment tunnel vision.
They won't talk honestly about cartels or Ikhwan, but they wake up screaming at this fantasy they made up.
>around 11 millions of illegal immingrants
>300 bln
Yeah, good luck with that
If Trump tries to pull one on us he's fucked. Don'T fuck with nerds. They got nothing to lose.
We have now entered the Trump Interregnum, a brief but perilous period between Trump's election and inauguration when establishment forces within the Republican party may conspire with the "lame duck" President Obama to circumvent aspects of his agenda.
Current immigration law grants a sitting President the power to deny admission to the United States by "any class of alien" should he deem it to be necessary for national security. Thus Trump, once he takes office, could ban Muslims by executive order. The political establishment knows this, so they may choose to attempt to block him by passing legislation amending the immigration laws to strip the President of that power. To prevent this Trump is preemptively signalling to the establishment that he is "backing down" on an "empty campaign promise".
Trump is an expert negotiator. He knows that at the moment his hand is weak. He must give the appearance of complying with the wishes of the establishment on many fronts to prevent them doing an end run around him with Obama's help. Once he is inaugurated, all bets are off.
Trump now wants Mexico and Canada to become The World Key Energy Suppliers along with the US to make the world a safer place (Putin BTFO).
Nieto also said that Trump called Mexico an ally in the fight of "Central American inmigration". So Guatemala and El Salvador are on Suicide Watch now. The Peso even bounced back.
>he will know about aliens
>he will know about area 51
>he will know everything about negros, jews, chinks and lousy wars for oil
will he be able to endure such knowledge?
Pretty sure his plan was changed long ago to "Ban immigration from countries that sponsor terrorism."
Surprise goyim!
Thanks for your vote
>Trump is an expert negotiator.
I always wondered, how does he do this?
>Look, having nuclear—my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart—you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world—it’s true!—but when you're a conservative Republican they try—oh, do they do a number—that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune—you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged—but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me—it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are (nuclear is powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right—who would have thought?), but when you look at what's going on with the four prisoners—now it used to be three, now it’s four—but when it was three and even now, I would have said it's all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don't, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years—but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us.
Does he just ramble on for 10 minutes straight until the other person is so dumbstruck and confused they agree because he's rich?
What do you mean Slavshit?
Welcome to the world of 350 million for the NHS
Nah it's true, he got softer on immigration, taxes, and a few other issues. He is still 10x better than the other RINO cucks
It was obvious from the beginning that his extreme views were nothing than words that being said to get votes. He is not going to do them. Still, we can clearly tell that USA will drop its disgusting LGBT, blackdick, terrorist lover attitude. And that's enough for most of the people fought for it.
>Ban Muslims from America
>called Mexicans rapists
I rage hard when I hear both of these memes. Like physically ill with rage when people say this
>The page now redirects to his a page encouraging voters to donate to his campaign.
fuck its not over
None of this plans are about to happen. The Republicans will force some of their own bills through, and Trump will obediently ratify them.
I can't believe, someono legitimately belived that, cucked-leafshit friend.
>Donald Trump's plan to ban Muslims from America
So basically, he's Reagan.
They are self deporting
Fucking jews. You people know he reworded that months ago after he got the primaries.
This, Trump changed his stance months ago, after people argued it might not be a good idea. Because he actually knows how to compromise.
Liberals are so full of themselves it's just unbelievable.
>Does he just ramble on for 10 minutes straight until the other person is so dumbstruck and confused they agree because he's rich?
Pretty much. You'd be surprised how often you can get people to do what you want by confusing them while promoting your own social status. Confused people instinctively look to high status individuals for direction, so it's very effective.
"Muslim ban" has been extreme vetting for like a month now.
>he's Reagan.
the best thing that can happen to you.
It shouldn't because he already had backed off from that suggestion.
No, Muslims will not be expelled from our nation.
Yes, Muslims from high-risk areas will not be allowed entry.
We have known this for a while.
>He never had a plan to ban Muslims from America.
>He has literally never proposed this.
Am I the only person who remembers this?
Am I in an alternate universe?
Here's a cashed version from his website because he deleted it.
I have a hard time imagining the speech Trump would have given after the Challenger exploded.
You're fired
this is how 99% of threads are going to be for the next year or so. I don't mind much i actually want trump to deliver what he promised
No need for it anymore. The muslims have already started to self ban
It looks like they weren't up to the challenge.
He'll just instruct them to be stingy with the visas.
Just like the wall will become a series of watch towers and sectioned fences and increased patrols.
Just like mass deportations of all illegals will become selected deportations and bans on criminal illegals and maybe others caught arriving.
Etc etc.
People will be making excuses for Trump's poor performance for the next 4 years, you should just get used to it now.
Thank you for Correcting the Record. $0.02 shekels have been added to your account.
Just like they will say he reneged on his promise to murder all Trans people and invade Mexico.
These retards literally believed their own lies. They never left their media bubbles long enough to get a breath of reality.
Direct quote from his site regarding immigration policy.
Its basically a more wordy version of what he originally said. "Ban Muslim immigration until we can figure out what is going on".
>Establish new screening procedures and enforce our immigration laws to keep terrorists out of the United States.
>Suspend, on a temporary basis, immigration from some of the most dangerous and volatile regions of the world that have a history of exporting terrorism.
There was never a ban on muslims on the website in first place
They only have comittment against left wing endorsed muslim terrorism.
"I like the astronauts that don't blow up."
Well at least he will still build the wall. 1 out of 2 aint bad.
They have to be banned until we know what is going on.
if you thought he was ever going to completely ban muslims I got a bridge to sell you
It's called starting high and working down you fucking morons
He's still going to put restrictions on Muslims countries
also we have to give him credit here. Had he said "we have to be careful with immigrants from certain countries", people would have agreed and shrugged it off.
After Trump announced the ((BAN ON MUSLIMS)), it took only a few weeks for the US to actually enact more difficult travel from high risk countries.
>figure out what's going on
>muslims are fucked pls staph