Donald doesn't play with his cards face up. When he hits, she will be sitting in her house all comfy thinking its over.
Of course she will, clinton was a trump plant all along
4D chess m8.
She'll never see it coming. In this election you never see it fucking coming.
Indeed, and he isn't president yet, not until January 20th.
She should be punished but it's not a politically good place for Trump to put himself. Its for the best she just fucks off because shes old as shit and isn't seen in public anymore.
be patient friend. Right now we need to work together to get through this.
Even in real life I've stopped trolling my anti trump friends, giving them a shoulder to cry on to help them, show them we can work together
He must KEK demands it
Why the hell would you tell someone that you're about to do something like this
trumps not president yet retard
Obama is going to pardon her on his last day.
It's a tricky situation. I'm sure he would love to have her thrown in jail, but the reality is that if he did that it would be a horrific public image disaster.
>omg look at how fascist Trump is
>omg he's setting himself up to be a dictator
Plus, sending her to trial would just give her more of the attention she craves. Better to have her just drift into irrelevance.
You're forgetting Gowdy
>telegraphing your attack
This is exactly why Trump won.
What the shit do you want him to say? That he'll imprison his opponent the day after he won?
The best thing he could say is "I will not interfere with the investigations, and I will make sure that no one else interferes with the investigations" That way the FBI can do their job free from DOJ harassment.
It'd be the same as going to Twitter and saying you're about to attack ISIS at X location.
It's been a fucking day, bro
chill out it hasn't even been 24 hours yet
Trump has no power until he is inaugurated, why would he reveal his hand until then?
This, it's literally his playbook that he shit on Obama for fucking up in Iraq.
I see a few scenarios
1) Obama leaves with the issue still up in the air. The FBI gets enough leeway under Trump to tag her on the Foundation. She's pulled back into investigation and is found guilty. Trump doesn't need to pardon her for good faith with Democrats as the GOP is in control.
2) Obama loosens the pressure from the DOJ and lets the FBI do its job in the interest of stability. This could end in a pardon from Obama which leaves the matter out of Trump's hands, or he might not and takes the minimal heat.
3) Trump doesn't do anything and Hillary vanishes. Maybe a few staff members publicly go down.
They transferred $1.8 billion from the Clinton Foundation to a bank in Qatar. Bill/Hill/Chels are going to move there because they won't extradite to the U.S. for their crimes.
PLOT TWIST: Qatar is PISSED they won't get any ROI on their campaign donations and will behead the entire family live on TV.
3d chess, exit strategy, faked her illness
If you watched any of his rallies then you know that he wants to bring back the element of surprise.
He can't immediately, there'd be a fuckload of protests
He needs to be a bit sly with it
It's all going according to the simpsons' story. Clinton will not have troubles and will get elected after Trump
He doesn't want to play it up too much because he doesn't want to give Obama a chance to pardon her.
first, its not really up to Trump at all except he chooses the Attorney General.
second, the new State Dept. may be full of snakes that could take awhile to clean out. There's no way to tell what's going to happen.
Wouldn't it be stupid to push for a prosecution until January anyway because Obama could still pardon her?
She would just get away with it again and flee to Quatar or some shit.
he can't go for it. if he goes for it people will claim how its not democratic etc
there have to be NEW CLAIMS FROM OUTSIDE so i he can say "oh...i guess we will have to look into that" aaaaaaaaand shes gone
It's just bad blood and doesn't start his presidency well..
Just be happy her political career is over for good
This. If things looked bad she'd be on a plane for Saudi Arabia already.
All according to plan, now, on to the next super power.
She's not going to get away with it. Her donators aren't going to be pleased that she lost.
came to post this. Until Trump takes office he can't actually do anything and there's the possibility she could slither out scot free.
Wait to strike when the iron's hot
I'd say it would be a huge public image disaster if he flip-flopped on the single biggest reason he was elected AND enabled the continuation of a criminal dynasty that he could have prevented.
They'll call him a fascist dictator no matter what he does. But he had damn well better put every last one of those treasonous, murdering, pedophile psychos in prison (or the morgue, whichever) or else he'll irreversibly piss off the only people who supported him this whole time.
He's going to break all his promises isn't he
If he brings it up Obama will just pardon her. It's best to pretend like it never happened.
he hasn't even gotten into office user calm down
what happens to clinton and huma now? do they retire and give up? can she ever run for president again? will she run for anything? will huma return to saudi arabia?
I mean she's finished as a public figure regardless
not with that font your not.
Showing your young age, Sup Forums
Now is not the time for fear. That comes later.
Trump has a HUGE fucking task ahead of him in the transition to power. If he goes gung-ho balls to the wall then Obama will fuck him by refusing to aid in the transition.
That is what Bill Clinton did to GW Bush in 2000 because he was so salty about the Bush v. Gore ordeal. This really fucked up the first 6 months of GW Bush's administration and some whisper that it helped contribute to missing 9/11 on the radar. They even scrawled graffiti on White House furniture.
Trump will wait until he is all settled in with his cabinet with Rudy Giuliani as Attorney-General. In about 6 months, Rudy will announce charges himself--seemingly independent of Trump.
this kind of evidence of collusion would be th ebest thing we could get actually
You guys are fucking retards if you think Trump is actually going to do anything to her.
Elections, every single time, are smoke and mirrors. This one had a little less smoke from one side, but otherwise, nah.
This. How many fucking times did he complain about Obama telegraphing his moves?
Did you even watch one rally?
We have the chance to chop the head off the Democrat machine right here. We can end this scourge once and for all
Clinton, Podesta, Obama...their entire organization. After we're through prosecuting and exposing their crimes, Democrats won't win for another 50 years
>Implying he won't bust Abedin
Hillary will have to watch her closest confidants and allies get hauled off for her actions see what little political clout she has left deteriorate
it will be after january
So no Obama pardon
>can she ever run for president again
she's dying from parkinson's disease
Omfg. I love this. All the conspiracies came true so we need them to be really ridiculous.
Time lord Trump was masterminding the Clinton's from the start. He grabbed Bill by the pussy in 1984 and Bills belonged to him ever since.
1. Destroy the SJW movement.
2. Demand immediate deportation of anyone who entered the country illegally.
3. Demand immigration laws be made stricter and properly enforced. Revoke the citizenship of all anchor babies if we can take it that far.
4. Demand English be made the official and only language of the US. No more voting ballots and driver license tests in Spanish, Chinese, etc.
5. Fight feminism on all fronts.
6. Fight multiculturalism on all fronts.
7. Fight globalism on all fronts.
8. Protect patriarchy.
9. Protect the white race.
10. Always vote against the Jew and push whites into positions of influence (politicians, media, professors, etc.). Even if they are atheist or look white, make sure they do not have a Jewish parent or grandparent.
11. Get a team of super autist investigating the clinton foundation fraud
Spread the word.
You really think obama will forget about it just like that, people forget their phones etc not leaving there friends in the hands of the law
wait until january
It's meme magic. Scientists have been wondering for years why entropy keeps increasing but it's meme magic, that's the true source of randomness in this world
>Of course she will, clinton was a trump plant all along
kek. It's amazing how everything changes so suddenly.
>White house
>not Obama the cuck
don't expect trump to overtly hound clinton
if he does, then he's stupid
it would look like he's spiteful and pulling a stalin
it will appear as a validation for those who swallowed the narrative that trump is hitler incarnate
He's waiting for Obama to be out of office so she doesn't get pardoned.
She has to be convicted first.
literally all he has to do is just not let the doj interfere with the fbi. people forget that the doj literally recommended charges to the fbi, which is really fucking unprecedented.
>Scientists have been wondering for years why entropy keeps increasing
>7x10^9 people on earth
>wondering why entropy increasing
Either scientists are so dumb, or the issue is more complex.
Yup, it's exactly what Trump criticized with regard to military action in mosul... Don't broadcast, just do it
The head of the FBI (Comey) and the head of the DOJ (Loretta Lynch) both work for the Obama/Clinton crime network
When Trump appoints his own, we should see some serious shit
It would be a really fucking dumb move if he prosecutes her within the first few years
Right now he needs them all supporting him so these dumb emotional NPC libtards can stop rioting
If you don't give me sauce right now I'll fucking dehead you
wait for him to be in office first dude
This. Anyone who think Trump gives a shit about Clinton at this point is truly dense. Despite everything which he said on the campaign trail, Trump is likely going to be pretty much a straight laced, moderate republican.
Surely you don't think Trump will magically fix everything or keep his promises right? The whole thing about electing Trump was not getting the most corrupt human being, who not so indirectly funded ISIS, into the most powerful position in the world. That's it. It was a huge success for humanity. Whatever Trump does now is largely irrelevant.
He's not even in power yet, retard.
King Nog still holds the office
I lost it. But there wasn't any more of her
Trump already dissapoints. Impeach that nigger
Because she didn't do anything criminal they can prove, duh. Making it an election issue was enough.
The President doesn't have that power anyhow. Even trump knows that much.
And don't forget that the DOJ is also keeping the NYPD from investigating CHILD TRAFFICKING because "Uh, no reason ... no reason ..."
He's still trying to calm down her voters. Expect anything regarding her to be far down the road.
>or else he'll irreversibly piss off the only people who supported him this whole time.
That hardly matters. He's already won.
If Trump comes out and says "Lock her up!" then Obama simply pardons her on the way out and it's just a waste of time. If Trump slow plays it, maybe they don't pardon her, and maybe the FBI finds evidence of public corruption and she goes down.
He has no plans to put her in jail u nigger. He will let hillary slide
And so it begins...
Sup Forums will slowly realize Trump was all words...
Trump will become establishment
Sup Forums will turn against Trump
round and round
Because if he prosecutes while King Nigger is still in power he'll just pardon her.
Patience user, fuck.
Nope. You can pardon for hypothetical crimes. Ford did it with Nixon.
Dude gets elected less then 24 hours ago.
Hasn't even been sworn in yet.
Why haven't you fixed everything already????
Tigerr Benson
this, shut the fuck up OP
Then he should not have promised it my dear aboroginal nigger friend
You dumbfuck, those are scarves.
Perhaps, but the more important outcome is that Clinton is not president.
Things are too turbulent now. He can't go around saying this before he gets into office because democrats will try to prevent him from getting in.
I hope he makes gowdy special prosecutor in the Clinton case and the first thing is will happen again is pic
Same reason why Ford pardoned Nixon. Or rather thats the reason they're given.
I don't really mind; he has robbed her of the one thing she has been working for her entire life. She's not going to make it to the next election, so she'll essentially be in a mental prison watching Trump lead the country she was promised. She was going to be the first female president, and now she'll go down in history as a failed presidential candidate overshadowed by Trump's historic election. People are going to be studying him for 100 years.
Just as torturous as a prison sentence, in my opinion.
The only way the transatlantic paedophile ring can avoid detection is by running both candidates.
Obviously Bill Clinton is a nonce. But just as obviously, Trump is a nonce. He tries to tell the media he fucks his own daughter.
Hiding in plain sight, like Savile.
U think obama is stupid enough not to see this
U think u are clever than everybody.
U are a nigger on pol, dont forget that
>Obama is going to pardon her on his last day.
He can't. She's not officially accused of any crime.