Can't they just swim around the wall?
Can't they just swim around the wall?
If they can make it past the coast guard
No stop asking questions. You're making me uncomfortable.
So for 10 billion dollars that would cost 5 million per mile.
Not bad.
They make these for people too
Can't they fly over it
I've heard there are some fucked up sea creatures around that cost
Trump will install vicious sharks along the coastline to prevent crossings by water
Coast guard and shit
I'm pretty it really more about manning the border than about building an actual physical wall, only in areas of high traffic would there be a big ass wall. Elsewhere is irrelevant what really matter is having sensor and patrols ready to be dispatched and catch the illegals
>what is radar
Maybe they can launch themselves over via catapult
With freakin lasers attached to their freakin heads
Those waters are filled to the brim with the most aggressive species of giant squid:
Humboldt squid
No joke. They are called like the devil of the deep by the Mexicans in that region and they don't fuck around in the water. They attack divers often.
>muh wall
honestly, the more expensive it is, the better. mexico is paying for it
they can drown around the wall, sure.
Really quite reasonable considering how much money we give every year to countries that hate us.
Maybe. But on the west coast is a USMC training beach and on the gulf coast is Texans.
That's OBSCENELY pricey.
Bad idea.
Haven't you watched Deep Blue Sea?
tbqh, if they manage to outswim the coast guard, they should get a place on the national swimming team.
It's much higher than the per mile construction cost of Israeli wall, though the terrain was more favorable there. It's a believable number. And you'll get it under budget ahead of schedule anyway.
That's a big wall
This is some Bordertown shit.
I can't wait for those Sup Forums comics where you have to draw how to get to the princess
but for Sup Forums it's draw how to get past the wall
Butthurt libs telling me walls don't work. Great Wall of China, Hadrian's Wall, Berlin Wall, Israel Walls, etc. Yeah, they work just fine. Sure few stragglers will get over, under or around it but compared to the millions who just walk over now it will be a vast improvement.
Not if we put sharks with fucking lazer beams on their heads in the waters.
What they can do is purchase a plane ticket in Mexico and ride a commercial flight to Denver and pass through customs and then jsut overstay their visa.
This is how most people illegally immigrate to America.
>Can't they fly over it
I heard you guys have all kinda of super secret tech like radar, and a special forces called the air national guard
you realize he's not just going to drop some concrete down and leave it unguarded, right?
Just end the wall close enough to land to tempt them, but far enough that they all drown
Mexicans can't fly over flowing water
>40 minutes to the west is 100s of miles of unprotected border you can literally walk across undetected at any time of day or night
>they instead spend millions of dollars and a year to dig an easily discovered tunnel in a major population center the Feds let finish before busting it without them ever getting to use it once
They're not sending their best folks.
I'm from southern Metro Denver. This happens.
cant they vibrate themselves and pass through the wall?
we'll just make a beach wall and make the Atlantide pay for it
>This is how most people illegally immigrate to America.
Goddamn that meme needs to stop.
Humboldt squids are basically the underwater version of the raptors in Jurassic Park. You need anti-shark chainmail to "safely" swim with the fuckers, and that only helps with the beak. They can still dislocate limbs, rip off oxygen mask/tanks, and grab your legs to pull you down.
Ming section of the Great Wall is/was roughly 5500 miles. 1954 miles isn't that bad. But what to name it?
a majority of immigrants come on planes anyways
wall is a dumb idea, if he wants to crack down on immigrants get rid of the fucking TSA and put in something that works, as well as tighter security at airports that have flights from mexico
they already have 50ft tunnels, probably deeper
I think it will cost around $20b, but that's tiny compared to the costs saved on drugs and illegals
Then how is some dude with a 13 tatoo'd on his face allowed to work here on VISA? Doesn't seem okay to me... Colorado
cant they just teleport around the wall?
even if there is a wall, it would go through mountains and houses
furthermore, people still need to drive to mexico. you can smuggle people in through there.
>a majority of immigrants come on planes anyways
They must be really horny.
Just make mexico give us sonora or whatever that tip is. Knock off a third of the walls length.
>But what to name it?
The Pedro Palisade
Are you telling me we have fricking sharks with fricking lazer beams attached to their fricking heads?
Felons back to work program you cunt. They work just long enough to ditch the probation officer.
Then it is simple, stop the motherfucking boats.
Just build the wall another 200 miles on both tail ends to prevent this. They could still use boats, in which case they can be caught by coast guard. Either way, they have to go back.
>They have to go back
Just buy some stone fish and bluebottles off us and the Aussies.
I can guarantee you they won't want to swim there.
>I can't keep all flies out of my house
>therefore I should leave all doors and windows open and never take out the trash
instead of building a wall why not just dig a huge fucking moat and fill it with sharks raised only on the flesh of dead spics.
NO. Refried beans makes beaners sink
Most illegal immigrants go to murrika in airplane and stay there when Visa expires. The wall would only stop like 10% of illegals.
Mexicans can't swim. They drown all the time here in Georgia. They underestimate how deep the lake is and it's too late when they realize
Burglars can rob you whatever.
But 99% of them wont if you have steel door and concrete walls.
Making tonnels is expensive. Buying boats is expensive. Wall will effectively damage cartel business.
Doesn't you guys have a border patrol system?
Please annex Nuevo León instead, America-senpai
fucking lol, stupid mexican strigoi
60% overstay, but more importantly when they do you know who and roughly where they are.
for you
Stopping cartels would stop at least half of the of illegals.
Trump could possibly actually pull off having Mexico build the wall.
One of his big election platforms has been pulling US manufacturing out of Mexico. He just needs to threaten to do that, and Mexico will build the wall at the threat of their economy collapsing.
And even if he does pull US manufacturing out of Mexico, at least building the wall would provide work for a lot of Mexicans and the their government can secure contracts to help their economy.
they could try to grow some wings
Having a seizure?
>That's OBSCENELY pricey
>not every mile will have to be walled
>illegal immigration causes the equivalent loss of 47,000 45yr careers worth of damage every year
>that includes tunnel detection technology and radar installation
No, it's actually reasonable.
O fug y dint we thing of dat :3
>Being satisfied with any amount of flies in your house.
Has Trump said anything about outlawing Sanctuary Cities/States once and for all? I know he's mentioned imposing much harsher penalties for those who overstay their visas.
Don't talk to me, subhuman.
When are we getting a wall on the Canadian side to protect us from the leaf fags?
>The wall goes exactly along the border with no deviation
You people really are mentally handicapped aren't you?
>surgery for this
> pay per enter
> pay for wall
I dont care if a wall stops 1% illegals thats less of you shit skin savages in our country.
Well let people hunt them for sport in the water.
Sure and run into one of the biggest US Military strongholds in the world.
t. San Diegan
>he doesn't get the meme
>literal newfag monkey
Trump's Wall obviously.
Will be like Hadrian's.
I actually used Hadrian's wall in an "argument" with a libtard today that was bitching about Trump and his wall as if it was somehow obvious that it was wrong. Brits won't talk shit about Hadrian's wall so the guy just stopped.
A vast majority drive across on the roads.
haha we made the mexicans into mole people XD
That's like 80 bucks per tax payer.
This, most illegals actually arrive legally and then overstay their visa. Wall will still stop those who can't clear immigration, like criminals or those who were already deported previously.
They are not called wetbacks for nothing.
attack missle helicoptors,sharks on both ends.
spics cant swim, bro.
It is.