>this is what people actually believe
This is what people actually believe
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It was really the whole pedophilia and aggressive military action to the only other rivaling nuclear superpower thing.
I would have gladly voted Ivanka if she had all the same views as Donald.
I wouldve even voted for Jill
That really grabbed my pussy
It's as if these people believe that Hillary being a woman was what kept her from winning while it was really the only thing keeping her in the race. If Hillary was a dude Trump would have destroyed her, but all the unenlightened would rather have a vagina president than do any independent or objective thinking
Somehow committing felonies in regards to govt secrets means standing up to the white male authority.
Trump won the White female vote by 52% even with that Bush tape and the fake sexual-assault allegations.
don't these people realize that without white, male authority we'd still be living in the stone age?
Why don't these white people vote for my party when we call them stupid and evil? It must be because they're stupid and evil!
I want to replace the Trump General thread with a thread for raiding and debating shit like this on the internet.
>this is all the fault of those racists!
>those racists that voted for a black man!
These fucking losers don't even know what the fucking president does. They don't even follow fucking politics. They should learn to shut the fuck up.
>m.m.m.edia said trump was a biggot.
WE ARE WITHIN A HAIRS WIDTH OF TOTAL NUCLEAR ANNIHILATION RIGHT NOW. And a Hillary presidency would have pushed us the rest of the way.
For the first time in the last 10 years I feel like I have a future.
White men voted for a black guy so dindus would stop dindunuffins. Voted for a 2nd time just for benefit of the doubt
They were wrong. Very wrong.
A woman would do worse to be honest
(((people))) are (((people)))
>muh identity politics
>candidates are defined by their external features
I hate liberals so much.
Eternal Croat strikes again
Liberals also vote a POTUS based on legislative policy. Which is fucking retarded. POTUS DOES NOT FUCKING LEGISLATE.
They think a president can Executive Order and veto everything
53/43 too, so a lot of 3rd party votes.
>Eight years of an America hating war criminal and yet another criminal was too much for regular people
Yes and?
If this country voted for another oligarch I was going to question its sanity
But it was. Thats the point we were fighting a losing war for the survival of our people.
The house, senate, and supreme court can all literally over ride any presidential decision.
Why are these people so obsessed with strong white men?
No, sweetheart, it's just that the US Presidency is MUCH too important a job, especially in these turbulent times, to assign based on superficial Affirmative Action principles (like black skin=qualified, or vagina=qualified), If you do this, instead of getting the #1 best person for the job you'll maybe get the #100 or #1000 best person in the drivers seat of the Free-World. Sorry, we can no longer do that, child. The last 8 years have cost us too dearly to continue.
They talk about how divisive Donald's politics are while at the same time assessing politicians' credibility based on their genitals and skin color. You can't get any more ironic than liberal logic sometimes
It's really pathetic how Hillary couldn't even win that vote even though her entire campaign is about her being "muh first female POTUS".
I agree.
While there are people out there who wouldn't vote for her just because she is a woman, people also have to accept that many of us didn't vote for her because of her actual policies.
>8 years of a black man in the highest position in the US
>dindus cried louder and louder and louder about how they're oppressed
i din't vote for Hillary because I don't want a narcissistic, sociopathic, criminal ringleader who has committed acts of treason and would then draft me to go die in Russia fighting for her despicable ass.
They need a scapegoat to blame society's problems on. They're so desperate to avoid being seen as even a little bit politically incorrect that catering to everyone's feelings is now more important than rational decision making.
Is the CIS white male making a comeback?
I don't think a woman as president is good for this country right now.
I also don't think a literal reality tv star is good either.
It really says something about this country, when the highest fucking office and most important job comes down to TWO fucking people - a psychotic bitch on the verge of an aneurysm, and a walking talking racist meme celebrity.
If the liberals should be worried about anything it's the fact that the republicans took the entire legislative branch under control.
I wonder why they did not call be sexist for not voting for Hillary when she was running against Obama.
>rust belt elects obama twice
>rust belt elects trump
maybe dont run a corrupt unlikable loser next time.... she got maybe 5M less votes than Obama
And now they're all Republican, and the executive too!
#liberallogic Why dont we just affirmative action the minority votes? They should count for more so we can cuck all throughout washington
>The only reason my candidate didn't win is because of her BAGINA, not her millions of scandals
I don't always agree with this cunt but damnit if he didn't strike the virtue signaling retard on the safety helmet
And with the right picks will have the Judicial branch on lock-down for awhile.
Worst case with Trump is a war with Iran.
Worst case with Hillary would be nuclear war with Russia
War with Iran would be bad too since I think they are part of the strategic partnership that Putin is trying to create.
In a dream world Andrew Napolitano will get a spot there but unfortunately all but one of trumps SCOTUS picks are big government neocons who have sided with government 100% of their records in cases they've seen
In this regard especially Trump's victory is bitter sweet.
nah I'd vote for a black dude again if I thought they'd be a good president. I'd vote for a woman too
It's Clinton man. Clinton and the DNC. The fact that the libs and the media are laying the blame on every single conceivable thing EXCEPT Clinton and the DNC should tell you everything you need to know about what really went down here. PA etc. will all go blue again if a Sanders-style candidate runs next time, regardless of their race or gender
I see (and you probably too) an overwhelming amount of people contextualizing everything that collides with their ideas to fit in their narrative, the only correct one for them. At this point, It looks like some of them have developed a real mental illness. Paranoia? Which more exist with these symtons?
Candidates other than Obama are more qualified than him. His is being black only
Funnily enough the republicans tried to run a black populist that one time. Fuck why can't I remember his name. And then suddenly women were popping up out of the woodworks accusing him of sexual assault.
someone get Cro Cop to LHK this name-sullying bitch
>War with Iran would be bad too since I think they are part of the strategic partnership that Putin is trying to create
They are bit for war with Iran to actually happen it would require Congress approval and a pretext equivalent to 9/11 to happen which isn't likely.
The Hillary could and would have unilaterally implemented a no fly zone over Syria which would put American airmen in the position to have to either shoot down Russian aircraft or again have America a laughing stock on the world stage.
Shooting down Russian aircraft would lead to direct conflict with Russia because unlike with the Turkey incident where Russia placed heavy economic sanctions on Turkey crippling their economy Russia would have no other recourse against America other than direct conflict in the region which would prompt the invasion of Russia proper with the insane military buildup along their borders NATO has.
Herman Cain
President Trump is funny, get over it.
No shit it is. Been trying to talk this lib chick I used to fuck off the edge all day. I'm done trying. She couldn't stop tossing buzzwords around. That and tears is all she has.
Yeah that guy was pretty awesome. (unless he did actually assault all those women) But I just feel like the Obama campaign made them materialize to keep the republicans from running a black populist of their own. And sure enough wasn't Podesta working for Obama at the time? Seems like the kind of sleazeball maneuver he would pull off.
So much fucking butthurt jesus
But Obama is half white
Too much of a threat to female authority too, I guess, since more white women voted for Trump than Hillary.
Also, notice that hot women like pic related are pro trump, and gross hambeasts like Laci Green are pro Hillary?
can't believe this feminist cunt originates from my country, must be a crypto-croat
I have a very close childhood friend absolutely melting down over this calling all of America fearful ignorant bigoted sheep.
Ironically enough his post are clearly 100% psychological projection because he has been hating and lashing out at even close friends that he thinks supported Trump and is even blaming people who voted third party as well.
angie is pro trump? sauce?
Donna Brazille and Gloria Allred specialize in hit jobs on GOP candidates smearing them with sexual allegations. Everything mysteriously disappears after the elections.
Oh jesus, I know its Slate but... is this real? It just seems like a little too much salt.
>Yeah that guy was pretty awesome
He was kinda lack luster policy wise but a good personality like most populist IMO.
Woman for president is reserved for women like Ivanka Trump.
Don't blame them. Liberals don't have brains.