Now that we have elected our God Emperor, what cause should we pool our collective meme magic towards now?
Now that we have elected our God Emperor, what cause should we pool our collective meme magic towards now?
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Venezuela please, we need to get out of this mess as soon as possible
Uncucking Europe
But Maduro is SA's lefty Trump
Sup Forums kickstarter to fill Venezuelan fridges when?
this, i feel sorry for you guys, we were in the same situation back in 1973 until Pinocho saved us.
Not our magic.
Kek decides our course of action, we merely serve his ends.
Wait for significant digits, kek must rest for now. Praise be.
Europe it is, Austria is next in December right?
Dethroning Merkel.
Kill yourself kekfag
Fuck off back to /r/the_donald cancer
I refuse to use Kek as a tool
Destroying our internet service providers that just started limiting our data usage.. Comcast put a TB cap on my service and it's 9 days into the month and I'm maxed out.
Calexit. let the fuckin libtards tread water on their own before they succumb to the onslaught of illegals raping them of their birthright.
NEXTIT should be France.
The dissolution of the EU is endgame.
Unfucking Europe, repeal the Hughes amendment or shit, any gun control shit in the US since the FFA in 1938.
The digits shall decide our orders, in due time.
You can speak to the Gods without Sup Forums you derps.
Truly I am blessed.
Nice digits, btw.
Why would we though?
These digital grounds are sacred at this point.
I hope we can uncuck Europe.
I know if Hillary won she would've enacted internet censorship measures to make sure something like Sup Forums and Sup Forums can never happen again
Because It annoys me that people take posting order as Divine will.
Especially when Moloch and Minerva eminem dirty duo decide to ply the weak willed, The least you guys could do is commune with me in earnest.
>If I am going to keep doing Magic for you , the least you could do is be able to discern what is going to be good for you and what is obviously bad for you.
For example : Someone could get penta 9s and someone would kill themselve over it even though I had nothing to do with it as it was Just a post , sure its good you worship the numbers and are on the look out but your going totally zealous and well making a mess of it, because people all want to be an Extra-Dimensional Creature and refuse to believe the people are on the mission directly sent already , its becoming conflated.
So start praying for discernment.
That is why you shouldn't ALWAYS pray openly.
I would like to suggest a project to make sure Brexit means Brexit in the UK. Difficult time right now with the establishment fightback.
>Another strategy might be the #fuckwhitewomen proposal. in such a case that white women are turned on and blamed for trump's election by the spics niggers and SJW's, they could essentially convert a large number of white women from feminism, social justice faggotry, and leftism in general to fascim, or extreme right wing though.
If you check twitter that already appears to be happening. I guess we should exacerbate the shit out of it though.
These guys are right I guess, we need to wait for the correct numbers to know what Kek's desires are.
Free helicopter rides ahoy!
Yes when The Divine makes its pressence know everyone knows and its not just cause someone got numnerals
Some people are leaning towards using meme magic to uncuck France and Canada or dissolve the EU. Let's not forget to save some of that magic for when it's time to get him reelected.
propose a multi faceted effort to wipe leftism from the world. Our work is not done, California is still strongly held by leftists, but I see potential for subversion. Germany is mega cucked and Merkel needs to go. other than uncucking europe and destroying all bastions of leftism in the world, might I suggest that we come back to the issue of california? If we can get them to secede and start a civil war, or secede peacefully and get amnesty for california trump voters, we could essentially kill the democratic party's chances of ever getting an election again through the use of those 55 votes, and get the fashy goys back into circulation, where they belong. In the peaceful scenario, the lefties are forced to make due with the self degenerate California economy, causing anything that still makes money there like tech companies to move elsewhere or face tariff that would essentially make California fail any competition, nothing made in california can't be made anywhere else, and shit like almonds won't sustain their need to eat or their economy. they'll be dead in the water in weeks. At this point, the US refuses to Annex them, and lets them starve out. in the violent scenario, fashy goys don't fight unless in self defense, a rather passive strategy, I know, but this will come in important when the lefties start engaging the national guard and kek willing, the military. in such a case, as the lefties are battling the government, they will be wiped out and potentially even lose control of the state completely.
2017 is election year in Germany. Literally anything can be possible now. Far right will explode.