Wait wait wait
You're telling me
That while more people voted for Hilary
Trump won ?
Don't you think the electoral system is a bit broken ? I mean, it's not the first time...
Wait wait wait
You're telling me
That while more people voted for Hilary
Trump won ?
Don't you think the electoral system is a bit broken ? I mean, it's not the first time...
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her margin was only from california you fucktard
It's interesting talking with my liberal friends who are screaming how the electoral is broken and should be changed, but you know if the numbers were reversed they'd be just fine with it.
honestly i find it highly suspect that hillary won the popular vote, i almost dont believe it. i think they tried to rig the election but still fucking lost
Working as intended by the Founding Fathers :^)
illegals are not americans
No, different states have different voting laws. The electoral college gives some checks on shit like what goes down in CA
It is stupid.
But if Dems really wanted it changed, they should have tried in 2009 when they had both chambers and the Presidency.
They didn't because they thought demographic shifts had made them more likely to win in the EC and lose in the popular vote in the future.
I do hope we change it though.
Most her votes were from a few states. Should 3 states rule the entire fucking country?
Fuck California.
California and NY shouldn't solely be responsible for what happens in the rest of the country.
Of course, if those 3 states have 55% of the population. Also every state should elect 3 to 4 parliamentary representative
Put it that way : the executive represents all, so it has a proportional vote
But every state needs one representative, so they elect one
That way everyone is happy
You need a hell of a lot more than just congress to pass a constitutional amendment.
Because if every single american had one vote and all of those votes were counted equally we would have a democracy and corprate america wont stand for that. and
Oh of course, I guarantee they bussed the fuck out of spics and blacks and probably stuffed a couple of boxes here and there and had their (((Soros™))) machines add a few thousand here and there.
Still wasn't enough though.
But corporate america wanted Hillary
This is Pol. facts and reason are meaningless. try memes idiot.
murrica democracy logic.
concentration of power on delegate's hand, so they can be easily bought.
Was at several polls, watching around LA county.
Rigging shit left and right, I followed busses. Called in the plates. Was good times.
It's because each state has their own elections. It was most likely made that way so that each state could have it's own voting policies, and so that rigging the election would be nigh impossible because it's not just 1 single election.
>Because if every single american had one vote and all of those votes were counted equally candidates would only have to pander to California, Texas, New York, and Florida and everyone else would eat shit
agreed, all the deep blue states should form their own government.
LOLOLOL you think they wanted hilary?
They can do whatever they want now. cause trump wont do shit. Trump is like substatiute teacher for America. technically in charge but with no real authority
>Don't you think the electoral system is a bit broken ?
No. California's voting laws are hilariously broken. If Presidencies were won by popular vote, Dems would win pretty much every single one because of illegal voters.
The issue with comparing the popular vote in an electoral system vs the raw popular vote total is misleading.
In many "hard" red or blue states, the voters that are not in party line with the rest of the state are discouraged from voting. Therefore there are inaccurate results. For instance, how many more conservatives in California would have voted if their vote actually counted? How many more liberals in Texas would have voted if they thought their vote would actually have an impact?
The popular vote as we collected it is not representative of the popular vote as would be in a pure popular system.
Some states don't even bother to count early votes if there is a clear winner on election day, because they can save a few bucks by not counting them. So the winner ends up with less individual votes recorded because he's probably got the majority in the early votes too.
what a hero
Every big business supported Hillary over Trump
How dumb are you? Did you just crawl out from under a rock?
>>Thank god candidates don't pander to 2 or 3 states in election that would be insane.
>>like what if ohio and florida decided elections
>>good thing we prevent that
yeah it would be terrible if candidate pandered to the highest concentrations of voters that would be a tragedy.
If you're implying that Hillary would have won in a general election, you're still wrong.
Many republicans living in Washington, Oregon, and California didn't go and vote. Why didn't they go out and vote? They didn't go and vote because of the electoral college. There was no way for those states to win anyways, so republicans didn't go out and vote.
If the election was ran as a general election instead, then all the regions which were highly populated by Democrat voters would have seen more Republican voters instead.
Exactly how many more is a question that nobody has the answer to. But sure. If you want to abolish the Electoral College, you have my blessings. If it were up to a General Election, then Bernie Sanders would have beat Clinton way back in the primaries.
She had to fix the system to throw out 3 million votes to win against Bernie Sanders. What does that tell you about her general popularity?
If the USA system was like ours, then whatever shithole state with the largest population would choose their country's leader every single time.
I could understand the popular vote numbers system working for smaller countries, but for continent sized countries like the US and Brazil, I would rather have their system.
>If America was a functional democracy it wouldn't be as fucked as right now, because Bush wouldn't have been elected
Really makes you think
Also it's strange how you like zoning when it elects Trump, but hate it in France, where it makes sure the FN is never elected
You believe what every 16 year old on pol writes? There is gonna be a field day as trump slashes regulations. CEos will make a shit ton of money and after a few years the market will crash again and everyone will wonder how it happened
all but a few states are legally required to cast their electoral votes for the candidiate that won the popular vote in the state you god damn retard.
We do know that. Because Dems had the Presidency AND the Senate for 2009. Did they abolish the Electoral College then? Did they even try? NOPE!
We should give commiefornie back to Mexico.
Trump won the popular vote. Hillary has millions of illegal votes.
The electoral college is in place to give people less populated states a voice. It helps prevent a complete rule of the political majority and oppression of the minority. This happens at times but it is ok it is democracy at work. Remember the USA is not a direct democracy at the federal level and even to some extent in the States either.
>It was most likely made that way so that each state could have it's own voting policies
trumptards don't even know why the electoral college even exists. these fucking idiots literally know nothing about the united states of america. they destroyed western civilization and they have no fucking idea why.
It's been estimated you could win the 270 with exactly 33% of the popular vote.
>implying the dems in Texas/Alaska/etc wouldn't have done the same
100,001 vote option A
100,000 vote option B
>>Option A gets all 10 electoral college votes cause most americans barely finished highschool and arent good at math
>give less populated states a voice
Nigger, they never, EVER, get visited by the candidate. All the money is poured into 4 or 5 states.
Texans democrates get trashed.
Cali/NW republicans get trashed.
Rural voters get trashed too, because they probably haven't seen a single candidate in decades. Look in Utah, they gave 20% to a mormon.
The electoral college is shit. And I don't say that only as a Hillary supporter.
Holy shit you are so wrong. It exists because the founding fathers didnt think that poor people were smart enough to vote on their own. Also who gives a shit about the founding fathers. they're dead, they dont exist, fuckem.
I think the system should be changed to a mix of the current system and of a popular vote, so that you have 10 'electoral votes' per state, and the percentage of votes you get in that state dictates how many electoral votes you get.
For example, lets say that in a state like california, trump got 40% of the vote, and hildawg got 60%. Trump would get 4 electorate votes, and hillary would get 6.
Each state would have this system, so it would still carry the benefits of the current system (that is to say, one state wouldn't be able to over-power another state). The system seems both simpler and superior.
But with only the popular vote every single person get the same voice.
Why do people in montana think they are entitled to extra voice?
what do they do to deserve having more say than someone in houston or denver?
Thats some SJW logic you are slinging man
It fixes the FPP hideous problems, but not that Cali and Texas are both entirely robbed of votes by meme states that never get visited because the election is played in Florida.
>they destroyed western civilization
? Hillary didn't win tho
The will of the states > Will of the people
>who gives a shit about the founding fathers. they're dead
Spotted the 16-year-old.
the other "people" were non-whites.
It is so that the big states can't just tell the small ones to do whatever they want.
In european elections votes from fucking luxemburg count like 10 times as much as german votes.
aren't those numbers not final?
She got popular vote after she conceded. Cali is still probably counting votes.
It's a good system because it means that each state and the people of each state have an equal say. It's part of what kept the united states united.
>99% registered votes
As if.
The Constitution has a whole should be changed, it was even in their intentions.
States with higher population should get more votes, retard. Why should a state with a smaller population than a small city get the same votes as one with 40 million
It's supposed electoral college representatives are in porportional to a state's population, if that were true this situation couldn't be possible.
You have a shitty electoral system, USA. Shame on you.
No its not broken.
Majority rules leads to chaos cause you're under the assumption the people are competent enough to make decisions for others.
Romney won the popular vote when the race was called for Obama in 2012. Only after they counted all the votes like a month later did Obama get the popular vote majority.
Give it some time, Trump could have the popular vote in the end.
It sure proves how the states are united, if it's minority rules, majority loses
Of course, because it's legislative power you dummy, where everyone needs to be represented
Executive is the collective will, and also it doesn't give the small states power, just make Florida and the other swing states the key in the election.
California here
Went to uni today expecting libshit tears...
But holy shit never before I have seen so many sad, depressed people mulling over the loss of a psychopathic. corrupt murderer
It completely took my victory high enough and I almost, almost, ALMOST felt sympathy for those spineless cucks for but a moment
Dow jones up triple digits. Biotech ETF up an unprecedented 9%
Good goy, thanks for the support.
I swear to fuck you goddamn anti-electoral college fags don't know jack shit about the USA and the founding principles behind it.
The states are seperate, individual, and equal, fuck off with your hyper-federalist bullshit
Well, if a voter ID system was in place she'd have several million less due to non-citizens being unable to place fraudulent votes, so technically she didn't have that edge either.
im based Sorros
I tell hillary i will help her win
i never specific she will win the popular vote
rig the electoral college and bribe trump
So this system of "community based" system is better since stupid people from the same area chose a candidate are more valid than the majority of all the people?
oh fuck we got cucked
Nope they election should be decided by every area not just chiraq Jew York and la
Popular vote is not a good measure for US elections because people who are not in swing states don't even vote a lot of the time if they are the minority party. If people thought popular vote mattered there would be another million Republican votes coming out of California and New York.
So you're saying we should have mob rule?
Imagine 800 people live in california
401 vote hillary and 399 vote trump
since 401>399 hillary wins callifornia, therefore she gets 55 electoral votes to her pool
as you can see, in the electoral votes pool from this result, hillary wins 55 and trump 0
those 399 people who voted trump. their votes dont matter at all
the system is not broken it balances itself out
just look at your own map, for every 1 state hillary won, trump had to win 4 states
he had a lot of effort to put on
Trump got less votes than Romney and McCain in WI and PA.
Fucking Sanders voters were too butthurt to vote Shillary.
Sanders, the common man hero, just bought his third house for a little less than a million $$.
>Don't you think the electoral system is a bit broken ? I mean, it's not the first time...
Funny you mention that...
This. We have this thing called States Rights
California does not speak for all of us.
>corrupt wall street money managers ecstatic that Trump will give them a huge handout
You don't say!
It's sad you can't argument beside that CTR bullshit, here in Chile we are Friedman's lab and we are fucking raging against the elite that got all wealth this shitty country can obtain, we are not different from those braindead mid west USA workers that wants to be great again, but we just have cooper to sell, yeah, you might be an uneducated white who thinks this shit could be possible in the land of liberty, but I assure you, investors doesn't give a shit.
good but the president represents all of the States. not all of the people, thats what congress is for. The states elect the president.
pretty much this
trump was actually WINNING the popular vote until CA came into play. when half the votes got counted in CA hillary started to get her slight lead.
He's wrong. States have their own rights, and the decentralization of power is one of the most fundamental principles that our system was designed upon.
Is it fair for California to have 55 points?
Is it fair that Obama won Ohio, when all he won was Franklin County and Cuyahoga County?
Representative democracy. Hillary's votes were concentrated in high population districts that she already won, Trumps were spread around the country and he won more representative votes. Trump appealed to a larger swathe of the country than did Hillary, who concentrated on only on minorities living in urban centers. The cost of that was losing the entire white under class and many rural minorities as well.
ITT buttblasted baugets and the return of the sliders.
Seriously Sup Forums it only took 1 DAY for the shills to come back. Are we really going to have to deal with 8 more years of this crap?
>One state is the same as the whole country
Of course, Burgers pretend they don't understand.
Poujade go away.
I very much agree with this., I STILL think the election was rigger. But Trumps power level is well over 9000.
Listen I'm not a libtard but you're retarded. That's obviously not a nationwide vote.
>Union vs Cuckold European shit
Wish we would just learn from the Americans who have built the greatest country in the history of the world instead of acting like a bunch of idiots
>we are not different from those braindead mid west USA workers
take a joke.
so you're braindead too?
californians barely turned out to vote because the electoral college means their vote doesn't count. directly electing the president would give a clearer mandate
also doing runoffs until >50% would
also having priority voting or other non-winner take all systems
Clinton's popular vote edge are all welfare-sucking Mexicans in California. They shouldn't have votes in the first place.
If Franklin County and Cuyahoga County were >50%, then yes, of course.
No, Cali should get more. They get less points because they have to give them to meme states like Alaska.
you're missing the point
It's like pottery.
raly maed u atnk huh? owwwoww,,,,,,,,,,,,,,