Wolverine family thread

What's your instoy possible explanation that after Logan die, Daken suddenly seems to have been hit by lightning and become a nicer person and good big brother ?
and Laura no longer wear her black Gothic style clothing that she used to love

Even In flashback, Laura still wear like she used to


If I were a writer and had to explain it, I would sa that his beef was with Logan once he died Daken was free to move forward and change his life around. Same thing with Laura. Leaving Logans shadow could be a turning point on her life where she decides to drop childish things and be more mature.
Could make several arcs about them dealing with Logan coming back (soon?) and if they slide back or keep progressing.

>Daken suddenly seems to have been hit by lightning and become a nicer person and good big brother
Daken has always been nice (or at least, nicer than usual) to Laura.


I love Disney, they are my childhood, but now that you bring it up,I noticed what you are saying.
After Disney bought marvel, there is this shift of tone I can feel that on many marvel character, especially the female characters. They seem to become more Disney princess& heronine like , become more marketing & attractive figure tword girls then boys like they are in the past.
Star war is the same, just look at their new cartoons short.
The cartoons is not bad, but the tone of this is like a Star war versions of Disney princess. The male and boys are joke and supporting cast while the heronine and women are the main focus

Remember all the women Daken manipulated with his special pheromones?

I don't know what the fuck the X-Office is doing with their villains. Daken used to be a completely vile, murderous asshole, but now everyone just goes "oh it's Daken, got that guy is a douche." Iceman's solo book literally uses him as a "he's bad influence" morality character, rather than a dangerous monster.

I mean, even in books like Weapon X you literally have people like Lady Deathstrike hanging out with Old Bub and friends for no reason, and nobody is even slightly concerned with her being free. It made sense for couple of issues when she was one of the people being hunted by Stryker's latest kill mutants plot, and a team up was required. But now she just hangs with them because lol it's a team book. And then you've got Sabretooth doing the same damn schtick, but at least he's got enough personality to complain about not getting to murder people just to solve the problem in the most easiest way possible, but instead of the team wanting to control him, he's just treated as "oh that Sabretooth, again going on about cold blooded murder, what a scamp!" instead of, you know, maybe putting him behind bars now that he's no longer "inverted".

Maybe the events of Wolverines (remember that?) chilled him out. Besides, he's always had a soft spot for X-23.

Laura I don't mind since she always seems different and you xan attribute it to character growth.

Daken is a psychotic master manipulator so the only readon he should be nice is if he wants something in return, but Laura shouldn't fall for it.

Is Daken officially a princess now?

I don't know about lady deathstrik, but
Sabretooth become a good guy because he is personality shif a while ago if I remember correctly

>Sabretooth become a good guy because he is personality shif a while ago if I remember correctly

It's starting to wear off, like it did for Tony, Plunderer and I think Havoc, though, hence scenes like that one where he decided that the best way to beat Weapon H was by dropping a nuke on the inhabited city that he was currently in.

>gay character
>being EVIL in neo-Marvel

There’s your answer.

This makes me sad. I wish writers realized that putting all their minority characters on pedestals is objectifying and super lame.

Also now we can't have innocent young Bobby being seduced to do evil things by an evil gay guy because his dick told him, like all the straight X-Men do with straight opposite sex villains.

So there's six wolverines running around now, right?

OG Wolverine, Old Man Logan, his Ultimate-Universe Son, Dakken, X-23, and her clone. Am I missing anyone?

I demand Bobby get dicked by an evil dude. It would be homophobic for him not to.

Weapon H, kinda? I mean, Sniktbub's DNA was used to make him.

Wait, so you means that your guess is that all these cool big bro, bad boy but not evil, "family" attitude and personality that Daken had show when he is with Laura maybe not entirely honest and he's acting

>Daken suddenly seems to have been hit by lightning
What if he really was hit by lightning and it accelerated his neurons.?

Are people chopping off his left arm on purpose?

probably cos the tattoo is annoying to draw

He's not gay, he's bi, and they're traditionally villains even in SJW circles

This is true.