>29% of (legal) Latinos voted Trump in Florida.
Trump won because of Hispanics
29% of (legal) Latinos voted Trump in Florida
He got the legal Latino vote
I'm pretty certain there are a shitload of hispanics who, now that they are inside and have legal citizenship, are going to be donating bricks and mortars for the Mexican wall.
who are the other 71%?
A lot of hispanic people identify as white
but can confirm trump had the cuban vote.
>Trump got more Latino votes than R.Money in 2012
What went wrong?
Not sure maybe 60 hillary red third party.
This. Cubanos will not vote for a Democrat, not after JFK.
Catholics (spirit cooking) that are legal along with hispanics that know their socialist home countries be in ruin voted for trump.
ayyyy too bad illegals can't vote
About 500k Poles live in Florida. And since we are based at least 80% of them voted Trump. The difference was about 120k in Trump's favor.
>Polish toilet cleaners in UK make Anglos vote for Brexit
>Polish minority in Florida literally wins Trump his presidency
>Poland shows other countries how to tell Merkel to fuck off with her refugees
feels good
Cubans butthurt about Castro is still a thing.
Romney had no energy.
there is huge incentive for minorities to remove illegals
Just means we should treat Cubans as white and not 'spics
Becuase they fucking care about this god damn country. THe illegals and SJW's want to ruin this shit for us all.
Do you have a source? This would crack me up, The fucking Amish saved PA.
She looks spanish brah.
I loved the Irish fagget trying to tell Cubans weren't redpilled as fuck before the election.
Us Latinos are too based.
Hispanics =/= Latinos
Hispanics = Spain
Latinos = Savages from 'new world'
>tfw Mexico helped Cubans enter the US
>Cubans help elect Trump
Were literally black tho. Can we still be treated as whites?
>Democrats still surprized that Cubans don't care about Mexicans
Latinos love a good shit talker.
Of course, we latinos love to dance salsa, sex, food and women with big ass and tits.
Thanks to my friends who voted Trump, the feminazi agenda might be over now.
I can guarantee you that latinos voted with their dicks in mind
Well yeah.
Mexicans aren't idiots. They know that illegals will take their jobs, because they'll do the same work for less money. And its not racist for them to say this.
fuck yea
this, all family in the US voted trump
Latinos hate illegals just as much as Americans, just look how we treat South American immigrants. The problem is that a lot of us are also huge fucking hypocrites, which is why so many Mexicans got their panties in a bunch after Trump called our emigrants out on the shit.
I still don't understand why there are people who defend illegals and go on and on about how they're victims of underwage pay.
>Be illegals
>Support the underwage pay
>They're the victims
Reminder to remove illegals for plenty of reasons, they bring no good only bad.
But Cubans in Florida are mostly white. Such as my family.
They were kicked out by Castro for being rich (like most of the white people of Spanish origin in Cuba at the time). Now all that is left there are niggers. We are the last of our kind
thanks wall builders
This honestly doesn't surprise me in the slightest.
Naturalized American beaner families fucking hate illegals. Why the fuck should they get handouts and lip service when they works their fucking ass off to get into the country legitimately.
Not to mention they're typically religious, entrepreneurial, passionate family oriented types.
When I was at the polls I saw a latina literally crying begging for people to vote for Trump before it was too late because God gave us this country.
Felt good.
thanks plumbers lets make europe great again
Legals hate illegals.
After the 2nd debate when he said "because you'd be in jail", I went to univisions youtube channel to hear it in spanish because I was gonna cut it to make a funny video.
All the comments were in spanish and every single one of them was pro-trump and saying trump won the debate. The spanish love trump and the msm along with all the pundits are fucking morons.
And 2nd gen hispanics considered whites themselves.
Plumbers get the shit out.
Honorary white cubans, I accept you into the white fold personally.
Preserve your race and make many cuban babies!
There's a lot of conservative Hispanics in Florida believe it or not. The ones I know personally are basically culturally American and besides having an olive skin tone are basically the same as a regular white American and don't fall into the identity politics bullshit.
>Know third gen mexican
>Speaks with Texan accent
>No Spanish
>Is one of those
to bad i'm a cali bro so my vote was probably changed to a hillary vote