What the MODS don't want you to know about Obama and the TPP

Alright, gentlemen. Our situation is dire. Everyone's attempts to raise awareness about Obama fast-tracking the TPP is being censored by mods. I will start this thread as many times as it takes to raise awareness, and will ban evade if necessary. Until then, here's what we know.

Obama is trying to fast-track the TPP before Trump gets into office. And we're the only ones who can stop it. But never fear, my little flowers. There ARE some things you can do to stop it once and for all.

1: Follow the instructions in pic related. Persuade them that locking ourselves into something so potentially dangerous with such haste is perilous, if you must.
2: Spread this info and get more people involved. Just one phone call can change history, so shoot for ten.

Please restart this thread whenever a mod "archives" (read: hides) a thread or deletes it.

Pic related, Sup Forums janitors are actively censoring topics like this.

the fuck is a tpp


You can freely read about the TPP anywhere else, but not here. Because this is probably going to vanish soon.

This NEEDS to be on the FRONT PAGE, people!


bump for curiosity

Bump for justice

Mods aren't doing shit. The thread isn't getting attention becuase it's not racebaiting or hailing Trump.

Bump because in grim dark future of memes there is only war.

see Appreciated, but mere bumps will not win the war. Please consider contacting your representatives.


seems important

Im from Russia, lol. Sry mate. Only can bump.

obummers tpp deal is nnot the art of a true negotiator

will do. I happen to like the nation state, and it's clear as day that the post national future the globalists want is one where the ultra wealthy and their pet corporations can do whatever the fuck they want without having to worry about any of that pesky democracy bullshit getting in the way

My representatives shoot first. So you need to meme your message better to attract others.

Nigger it's just Sup Forums moving fast after the election.

You fuckers better stop TPP


you lazy cunt

FUCK KING NIGGER for trying to pass the TPP