Will he ever do anything again?

Will he ever do anything again?

Maybe under a false name.

Considering he was too lazy and incompetant to make the promised 3rd season and gave us a half asses ending, no

Didn't he work on the upcoming Spiderverse movie

I thot he was dead

Why do you care? Let the man swim in his residuals in peace.

For few exceptions there`s no such thing as a cartoonist with lot of hit series

Or he stick with that once successful idea until he dies, or he dies trying to sell new ideas for big name companies

You don't get to end a series like that because "it was hard :( ". Do you know how many people i'd kill for my own cartoon?

Kill himself hopefully.

hopefully shaving his facial hair isn't something he'll do
he looks creepy as shit with that baby face

I'd like to see you try, tough guy.


Not after he fucked up the ending and refused to make more when it desperately needed more episodes. If it werent for his lazyness GF could still be on the air.

This dude is the biggest fucking failure in the industry. He had Disney by the balls with a cartoon that could've easily been the most iconic of the decade and boy did he fuck it all up. Where does he even go now? The FOX cartoon he was working on turned out to be, big surprise, a complete fucking fabrication, I called it.

Fuck this manlet hack and fuck him for what he did to Pacifica in the finale.

Get a girlfriend

He's not a failure, just a fuckup. He hasn't been blackballed from the animation industry yet.

This. Where the fuck is the Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford adventure series spin-off?

No, YOU get a job hirsch. And make sure you bring back kristan schaal, her voice makes me diamonds.

Hi Alex, you anthropomorphized pile of rubbish.

You will be only the first of many sacrifices to "Waifu Squad: Action!".

Matter of fact, nobody knew all the details. But it should have been perfect. I mean he had me, Justin Roiland, his best friend, watching his hide. And he had Manzi, the woman he loved, on his arm. But in the end, we fucked it all up. It should have been so sweet, too. But it turned out to be the last time that CalArts like us were ever given anything that fuckin' valuable again.

We all know you're a thot user, but I had no clue he came back from the dead!

Isn't he working on some show or movie at Disney with his gf?

He's also writing for that Ryan Reynolds Pikachu movie.