I saved this picture a long time ago, i guess technically now it can actually happen

I saved this picture a long time ago, i guess technically now it can actually happen.


>Hank's keyblade isn't a giant spatula with a tiny propane tank keychain on the end of it.

One god dang job.

I am currently imagining all of Dale's conspiracy theory's in regards to the complex shit that happens in the games, that turn out to be right.
I've never wanted anything more.

>Xehanort travels to a brand new world after hearing rumors of a reliable and clean-burning fuel that he can use to further his wicked plans
>Sora and co. pursue him, bringing them to a quaint town in Texas known as Arlen which is quickly overrun by heartless
>they leap into action, slaying the monsters and protecting the civilians
>An older gentleman in glasses and blue jeans approaches and calls out to our heroes
>"Hey you three, I've never seen you around here before, do you have something to do with all these dang shadows making a mess of everything?"
>Sora explains the situation
>"So this crazy Xehanort fella is the one in charge of all these creatures and you're saying he wants to use propane to advance his asinine schemes? Sounds like someone needs to put this jackass in his place!"

>"I'm gonna kick his ass."

hey I drew a Hank Hill crossover a long time ago too, yours is better though

>Kingdom Hearts world where the main objective isn't fighting, but grilling


>Kairi, you're acting like an idiot.


>Hwhat is time? Time has no meaning. I tell you hwhat

>"Hwhy the hell am I wearing all these belts and zippers for? They don't keep anything up, and I can't put anything in 'em. Where're muh blue jeans?


There aren't enough gael memes.

>Donald and Goofy, well, I'll be a son of a gun. Peggy, get the camera! It's like Disneyland came to our house.

Well Sora have you considered using propane to power you "gummi ship?" I'll be happy to help you get some if you can get Bobby out of this weird "hearthless" phase he says he's in. The boy ain't right

I know the artist who made that, in fact he draws furry booby girls. Guy's name is: theycallhimcake

"Sora, the best way to light your home, and your heart, is clean-burning, energy-efficient propane."

"Hah! LIGHT? The keyblade wielders want you to let light into your heart so they can use it to survey your every activity. First they get inside your heart, then before you know it you're mining for gummy blocks in their communist moon bases."

"Oh I dunno if darkness is all that bad. You can just let it wrap around you and comfort you like a big blanket. A dark, cold blanket. So cold."

"Muntellyouwhut man dangol keybladewielder'sa dangol gooddeal man', gon' cruise arounna worlds pickin'up dangol chicks man, yo."

I saw a version somewhere with a propane keychain. I actually tried making a colored version one time of this pic too, but not especially well. Before you ask, it's not saved on this computer.

You know what? This may actually be the greatest decision Disney may have made if we do get cool crossover shit like this.