I can only imagine how the border of Texas got that blue...
Really makes you think
they obviously swam
The RGV is a shit hole. They really lack political insight and just vote Democrat because their neighbor said so.
What are those blue squares in the middle of red?
Is one of them Austin? What's the gameplan to deal with this issue?
Deportations of course
I didn't make me think at all, not one thought provoking thing about that image.
In order to vote you need to register, and by extension prove your citizenship. It's no surprise hispanics voted democrat
>the border countys are all blue
REALLY makes you think
Those blue counties directly by the border have a 95-98% Mexican population. They may as well be a part of Mexico.
In a decade or two, Texas will end being another blue state like California.
Not if Trump builds a wall
Dallas, Austin, and Houston. You can thank the California transplants who keep immigrating here and voting Democrat, all the while talking about how California is just so much better than us. Seriously, fuck you faggots, I just wanted to be left alone.
They are natural conservatives goy
believe me
look at my Mexican wife doesn't she look conservative?
border blue did shrink this year though
What the FUCK was he thinking
Austin, San Antonio, Houston, and Dallas. Obviously mostly filled with niggers, but Austin is also plagued with le epic music scene artsy limp-wristed faggots. The rest of Texas has been trying to come up with a good plan for destroying Austin for a while now, any input would be appreciated.
That has to be photoshopped right? A member of the Bush family didn't actually marry a fucking goblin
Houston, Dallas, Austin, and San Antonio, its major cities. The rest along the border and out west are just Mexicans.
Leave it to us and we'll destroy it in seconds.
is it wet?
If the problem was caused by immigration, why not solve it with emigration? There seems to be a big enough movement for these liberal cuckwads to want to move... so why don't we help them along? As for the Mexican border issue, what if we were to say, start a building program for roads, dams, and general infrastructure down south of the border and give the illegals there incentives to take up those jobs?
But then we'll never get it back. Maybe we can get them to move the music festival shit south to San Antonio.
M-maybe liberals just like rivers?
We're mapping out what counties to wall off.
t. live one county away
What about a noise ordinance?
Seems like that should dissuade both music festivals and Mexicans.
Don't fuck up my Spurs, man. Bad enough I live in the shadow of Jerryworld.
Woah where did Mexico disappear to? It's not on the map.
this image is hilarious
the height disparity
her shoes
her skinny ass legs and huge stomach
her ogre mouth and sunglasses
No need for me to imagine, I live here
At least the food is great, fuck me and my weakness to mexican gastronomy.
Alex Jones redeems Austin. If they ever lose him then it really won't be worth keeping around.
Cali just legalized weed. All we have to do is wait for them to self deport
I thought so too, but it's actually legit. Listed heights are 6'3" and 5' even respectively, but she looks shorter than that.
>That little patch of pink and blue in North Texas
Tarrant County is cuccboi USA
I hate living in Hidalgo county
commiefornians have taken over colorado too.
north carolina is being invaded by them as well
Can confirm. Lived in Brownsville for 18 years
Doesn't work. Somebody has to complain about the noise for the cops to give a shit, and if there's nothing but Mexicans then they're all going to be blasting Tejano full blast 24/7.
>the only major city to vote red
Their elections are always corrupt, the candidates always try to promise more gibs than the opponent to get themselves elected, there's usually some kind of fight, assault, tire-slashing or something to go along with it, and none of them ever see how the people themselves suck and are why the Valley sucks.
>source: half my family lives down there and really hates that I voted Trump and I don't want the rest of Mexico to pour across the border
You have a very good point with the Mexican infrastructure thing and I think this is a core cause of our problem with immigration. The reason so many of them are willing to illegally cross over and why so many more apply to come here legally is that Mexico is literally a third-world shithole run by militant cartels. If we can improve the lives of Mexicans living in Mexico by building better infrastructure and actually restoring law and order, there would be far less reason for them to come in the first place since every Mexican I know is already loaded with VIVA MEXICO pride. At this point it might be cheaper to literally send in the US military to help the Mexican military oust the cartels than to build a wall.
Dallasfag who works in retail reporting.
Nobody seems to give a shit about anything over here
Look at the bright side.
>tfw the blue texas meme is gone for good
Damn, bro. Sorry to hear that. My family lives down there and I got family involved in politics and shit. The entire Valley sucks, move north as soon as you can. There's no fixing that shithole.
There are people in the
There are illiterate people that voted in this election. It's an impoverished shit hole.
Need to get my degree but its been a slow process, both for reasons in and out of my control and UTRGV is even more liberal than when I started going there as UTPA
Yeah honestly, I think the Wall and deportations are just a temporary fix.
If we can cut the problem off at the source, we can end the burrito overflow, and we can do it by appealing to their nationalism. Mexico stops being a shithole, and Mexcians stop making this place a shithole.
I just remembered that TX was supposed to go blue this year. Remember that, shills? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
You know it's not as easy as "derp pick up le music culture and drop it off here"
There's literally a history in Austin that's ingrained in the mainstream music culture. You'd have to go far out of your way to make enough propaganda to either
1.) diminish established historic relevance in the modern world
2.) build up the location you want this to move to
Or both
Thanks for the laughs Jeb. The fun never ends.
If Trump goes through with the master plan, just how many texicans will be deported?
For my TX bros, what population of spics there would you estimate are illegal? Fucking hell those counties, 95% Mexican...
San Antonio bro here, this cities gay as fuck, fags and hispanics everywhere, first place Ive ever felt like a minority as a white.
the wall just got 10 miles shorter desu family
>what population of spics there would you estimate are illegal
Well if you don't count anchor babbies probably 60%
If you "do" count anchor babbies probably 90%+
Lol butt hurt faggot. You must live in some ghetto shithole. Come to Alamo Heights.
>tfw Hispanic living in Alamo Heights
At least we know exactly where to send the repatriation squads
A conservative estimate would be about 1 million illegals just in Texas, possibly more. Its hard to get a good number since any time you ask an illegal if they're here illegally they are certainly not going to be honest about it.
I only know 3 people from Texas and they're all, eh, pretty alright. But Sup Forums has really made me appreciate the true Texans.
Incredible that a state with the most Mexicans of all and a ton of googles still votes red every year. The true Texans, not whatever white trash type there is (figure they're a minority) must be redpilled as fuck. I wanna go to white place in Texas. I really understand why you guys worship your own state lol.
it's all 4 major cities that are blue
Wanna hang downtown for a beer? Not illegal rite?
There is a lot but a lot of people are second or third generation Americans.
I had several illegals living across the street from me for many years. one family was really nice for the most part, the other not so much. It really didn't effect my life all that much except when a couple of times my family were the victims of hit and runs (one of which was by our neighbor across the street) and when caught didn't have insurance and all this bs.
>All we have to do is wait for them to self deport
I want to believe. My county went fucking blue and I'm buttmad. Stupid fucking Hillary voters.
a 2000% tax exclusively on black dildos might do the trick
>What's the gameplan to deal with this issue?
Return of spirit of the Bronze Age --revolt of vitalism, destruction of the cities in fire!
I live in luxury loft downtown you fucking faggot. Get on my income level.
I can't wait for ICE to be able to do its job and for Trump's uncucked policies.
Thanks for the invite but I'll have to pass.
Nah, family came here legally and was born in SA years later.
>Waaah mexicans waaaah
Get used to it faggot nigger
Cum on guise trump said Unity:,(
Pls an hero now.
>slightly blue
why must i live in a liberal shithole
here come the snow niggers
>tfw Dallasfag
>tfw black race mixing degenerate yet still voted red in my state
Call my whatever you want Sup Forums, but this is my home! I'm going after the legal latina booty now, also can I have some white booty please?
Just nuke Austin
Oh yeah, speaking of Selena Gomez, I don't think she's said anything regarding this election so far. Good on her for not being an attention whoring piece of shit.
>one of the fastest growing cities in the world
>Californians in by the train car every day
>still red
The best
>tfw white girls won't squat
Texas fought a war to get away from shitty Mexican dictators. Even the Mexicans who stayed in Texas and fought the idiot dictator Santa Anna (Tejanos) hate the new Mexicans (Chicano faggots). Californians have no roots, they are perfectly fine with giving up their land. Texans are more like the boers, they've been on that land for a long time and they won't give up without a fight.
I just wish we had won more land back during the Revolution. RIP Rio Grande. We hardly knew ye.
Can't nuke Austin, roaches can survive nukes remember?
Did you see all the Dallasfags crying about how "HURR DURR EVUL WON TODAY" on Twitter? You're cucked too, don't hide.
>lives in Browntown
I feel bad for you vato.
Houston, Austin and Dallas.
Our big cities are filled with democrats.
We're sending out colonies in preparation for our secession. This way we get to keep all our water by taking the land it's on with us.
You can't nuke Austin. I live here and it's chill as fuck here if you just avoid the people you don't like. The women here are inctedibly hot too.
Dubya was a cute :3
Yeah I did too. That's why I left.
He's a contender for most handsome American President.
Right on the border - when dubya built his portion during his presidency some of the land was taken from under white landholders feet to build the wall.
There were also some people who technically didn't live in the United States but weren't aware of it or had gone beyond land surveys - there's a huge gray area with this but I'm talking about an incredibly small percentage of white voters here.
Most of it was a mexidump voting for clinton.
feels for you bro.
I used to live there.
>nuke Austin
but the Governor lives there!
Not anymore
West Texas here, the population is mostly hispanic so the blue is no surprise here.
I voted Trump but goddamn the people here take it personally, almost as though they're worried about something happening if he got elected...
Where were white land owners effected?
In brown town the people that fought the gov for those 2miles were mostly all Mexican families. Hell my high school was less than a mile from the border fence.
>>tfw white girls won't squat
Honestly what the hell, I thought this was Texas? Can't even live up to the big booty stereotype. At least I'm going after white girls some folks on Sup Forums don't care about. Keep your aryan queens, their too submissive for my tastes.
I really do like white booty, but I've stayed away from white women lately. Seems like they have gotten a little too crazy lately.
Everytime I go, I try to avoid the UT crowd. I fail every time.
Alright lets save him first.
I got to UT and do a great job avoiding the UT crowd. Are you only even on 6th street?
In the name of Her Majesty of the Queen i hereby declare Texas Great Britain.
The wall was all talk to get elected
There was this couple who owned a golf course, there was a farmer - there were a few cases I think in Arizona but I imagine it being something like that in Texas.
These were single families with titles, deeds, and attorneys; not liberal groups of degenerates writing bilingual signs together.
Yeah that's where we go during spring break