Alright, so theoretically if there was an election of
Ron Paul vs Trump
Who would you vote for
Alright, so theoretically if there was an election of
Ron Paul
Ron Paul was great, love the guy, opened the door for Trump really, but he cant win a presidential bid. Trump is loud enough to fight the machine, Ron isnt.
Ron Paul. But hey, both are great
Ron Paul. Trump does many things right, but he could be so much more.
Nationalist Populism.
Paul was an actual isolationist, to say. Trump is an isolationist is intellectual dishonesty
If Ron would change his stance on immigration I would vote for him, but as long as he wants to import millions of third world socialists who will vote to destroy his libertarian paradise I'll go with Trump.
Trump = Paul + non-whiney voice
Daily reminder we're in a divergent timeline and pic related is Earth Prime
I liked Ron Paul a great deal, and even waved some signs for him. But I don't think he's a leader. He's a good, decent man. Educated. And a principled elected official. That being said, I don't think he had the gravitas to lead the nation.
Donald Trump does.
And that image makes no damn sense.
Are you fucking kidding? Ron Paul.
Libertarianism doesn't work outside of white majorities, and even then it barely works.
Paul is such a loon he makes Trump look fine.
Depends. If it was a primary, I would vote for Trump. Trump's advantage is that he always had the best chance of winning. But in an actual presidential election between the two I'd probably vote Paul.
Trump needed to create a space for Libertarianism to survive. The left would have completely taken over once they imported and granted amnesty to millions of third-worlders. We have a chance now.
Ron Paul for SCOTUS
Ron Paul, most definitely. I would have voted Gary Johnson but he had no chance of winning.
Wizard Ron
Ron Paul
The way I see it, Ron is too much of a good aligned Cleric, caring for the party.
Trump is a paladin.
Ron Paul, but Trump is pretty great too. I actually think Trump is the closest thing to a libertarian we are going to get for now and frankly it might open the door for more in the future. Trump achieved what Ron Paul set out to do, at least in part.
Ron Paul