Sup Forums Confessions

Now that the dust has settled and Sup Forums is a "safe space" again, what're some confessions you have?

>I don't think CTR had a presence here at all
>I own three hats but am too afraid to wear them in public

bots were proven, they functioned off of file name detection also depending where you live wearing one could actually get you assaulted so its ok. Its more ok to wear one now than it has been ever before though.

Left > Right

"I prefer left" is a shortcut for I am a massive cock sucking faggot

>afraid to wear them in public

where u live m8? also

left > right

>I voted for Hillary because I live in a state that was guaranteed red
>I think things are going to be perfectly fine

that girl is way a qt on the left would snuggle
right is just another bland normie chick

Says the arab.

Your women look like trolls from WoW when they don't have make-up on. You conquered, has-been fucking halal monkey ape.

I don't understand why you need to "confess" something in the first place. You're anonymous, why are you lying? Even if you were someone who believes that all your data is being collected, why would you confess now?

This makes no sense. Shit thread.

would take the left one to dinner and cuddle with
right one is a prostitue

Left>Right, but the right has better hair

so you like literal whores? that's cucking itself
left seems like a loyal gf

Conflicted, left looks younger and tighter but while right is hotter she also looks older and more used

>I don't think CTR had a presence here at all

Why are you still making threads CTR?

I also brought my hat to wear to work, but decided against it and even covered it up in my car. I was afraid someone would bust a car window after seeing it or try to tear it up if I brought it in.

Had a literal retard co-worker yell to the manager that we had a new president to which our shitty wiccan bartender meekly replied, "He's not inaugerated yet." She'd definitelydestroy something because she didn't get her way.

i am jewish and 100% support a greater israel

I'm nervous about a Trump presidency

Part of that is the hysteria of the left surrounding me though, I'm sure hell be fine

The only people I know who voted for Trump are jews

>My sister is bitching at me saying that I think that I'm white
>I'm countering by telling her she thinks she's a nigger

Left girl is hotter

SJW women turns me on. I have a fetish for being the superior dominating white male who rapes every woman that tries to stand up to my dominance.

you are a strange lady


Los Angeles. Hollywood to be specific.

this one is pretty cute

Even though I've followed his campaign since day 1 and even do my part here to redpill some friends and coleagues, I think Trump has become progressively less attractive as a candidate and actually I've come to have my doubts about him being a good choice and not being the full antidote to leftism and only a necessary stepping stone.

I also think there's a very good chance he gets prematurely neutered come 2020 and we will have lost te war right there and then.

She looks worse on the right just because she caked herself with makeup

hair makes all the difference in this one
>that fivehead

I once jacked off to a video of Trump fucking Hillary in the arse with his massive 10 incher, while in a Walmart bathroom with my son.

theyre the same person you mong

>I'm all for sexual liberation
>I'm against bras, make up, health or any other health damaging wearables
>I shave all of my body
>I like to practice maledom and femdom with my girlfriend
>I'm preparing for the Race War
>I almost got my dick sucked by a guy once and almost gave a blowjob

All you need to do with this one is stop shaving your damn eyebrows just to draw them back - which looks like dogshit - and let some fringe hair in.

I'm sure he meant if you were to meet her first time in person

Make up is the reason you see so much ugly kids around

Fuck, bitches are crazy stuoid. They do all this dumb shit like wearing makeup and wearing high heeks and tanning thinking it makes them look better but it just makes them so much uglier. Cunts are stupid animals that don't understand anything and they should be treated like it instead of pretending they're psople.

I think it's time that all of you amerishart retards and other dickheads who bought into the cult of personality went back to plebbit.

Its all about hair and she's ugly anyway

I would have voted for Bernie.

>>I don't think CTR had a presence here at all
Clearly they did. Why is there no longer any opposition to typical Sup Forums opinions now?
>they were trolls
If that were the case, they'd be trying to undermine Trump's win, and making melodramatic facebook-style "the evil racist homophobe won" posts.

Left looks like milk carton pedobait

Left is much cuter than right
I don't understand the point of makeup. do you want a factory of plastic people that melt in the rain?

>I don't think CTR had a presence here at all
>I own three hats but am too afraid to wear them in public

Confirmed false flagging CTR faggot fuck off nigger.

>I almost got my dick sucked by a guy once and almost gave a blowjob

Geez. Must be why your country has HIV/SAIDS rates almost matching South Africa's.

I made CTR posts just to troll the newfags for them sweet (you)s

no bullshit, but two possible bj(giving and receiving) almost happened in Sweden within my first day there
>HIV in Russia is brought to you by 30% asian population.

R9k said it best with this picture. Only Sup Forums would think the left is better. I agree also but any Chad would pick the right because Sup Forums has an obsession with girls a bit left of the curve.

Sorry, what the fuck is CTR?

I guess your Asians are our Niggers?

Days rite. Absolutely fair comparison. Plus they are usually mooslem

>I bought 100 hillary for prison bumper stickers and I didn't use any of them

I'm legitimately going to campaign for Kanye if he decides to run in 2020. I do not think he will make a very good President. It will all be purely out of spite. I want to see Trump have to see a bizarro version of himself every single day of that election campaign and I want to see the complacent Trump supporters and establishment Democrats shit themselves when he rides the same wave of anger and bitterness that put Trump in the White House.

God I cannot wait for us to be friends once again.

Nah, Asian as in Kazakhstan and shit, not ching chong.
>Only Sup Forums would think the left is better.
Nah, I'm sure there must be some normies with taste.

>wiccan bartender

learn a trade my dude

I figured it was middle east Asia when he mentioned mudslimes.


At least Egypt's a hasbeen rather than a neverwas, leaf.

The difference is non existent.both are stupid animals

Central asians are immigrants. Domestic gooks like tatars, kalmyks, bashkir and yakut are mostly mooslem

Can land a 747 on her forehead

inb4 "Everyone look at me I prefer left aren't I special?"


She looks so much better on left pic

(relatively) untidy > tidy hair, every time

fuck off allah cuckbar

>>I don't think CTR had a presence here at all

They were literally just angry faggots from other boards. /qa/ being one

kek'd as well.

I shilled heavily for CTR a few times a week. I'm currently unemployed and living at home again before moving in a month. I have little social contact and honestly just enjoyed riling you guys up. I shitposted from three different countries in the last month. I got called CTR about five times a day but I'm really just a lonely poster.

parlez vous francais?

Is CTR even real?

I also don't think CTR was ever fucking here. What possible reason could they have? I understand lurking here and there to understand the mindset and "codes" of this site but why would someone post in this small echo chamber?

I have to confess that, sometimes, I wanted Trump to lose just to see all the butthurt it would produce in Sup Forums because trump generals and trump posting was insufferable.

>mfw I used to post in Trump general daily
>around halfway through the primary I started to notice more and more people unironically advocating reddit crossposting and realized I was surrounded by redditors

damn it was cringy

Left is better.

Probably but I doubt that they operated on these boards. Shitposting about Trump always just strengthened people's resolves. Even during the grab her by the pussy week when this place was flooded by HRC Schadenfreude posters I didn't feel like it had any impact.

Real CTR would have diverted the posters here to online forums where people are less fanatical, more Americans plus more undecided voters. There would be nothing to be gained here, I imagine.

I'm hopeful that Trump somehow pulls the nation together now that HRC has left the picture.

Left is cute as fuck 2bh

I tink you'r correct, the (legitimate) Shillary presence was bleed-over from more liberal boards like Sup Forums and /lit/. As they were winning they got more and more vocal, as is expected on an anonymous forum.

CTR was probably more present on reddit.

I have a midterm tomorrow that I haven't started studying for because I'm too busy memeing.

Left looks better than right

I didn't vote because Washington state is owned by Seattle and will never be red.

Trump ran a unity campaign, Hillary ran a divisive campaign.

most pro-Trump memes came from here. In marketing terms it was "viral marketing", and we did millions of dollars worth for free. Why would they not try to harness or at least impede us?

/r/politics went mega HRC after Bernie got rekt. The_Donald was basically a bot shitposting network that felt like Donald's camps reaction to CTR.

Who knows for reals though

Most of Trump's economic policies are shit. Those jobs won't come back simply because technological advancements enable firms to produce goods cheaper overseas. Some may but most won't. Also him denying Climate Change is pretty fucking stupid.

Still voted for him. Republicans in all fields.

This, can't explain why I feel this way though.

Why does this girl get posted here so much?

I don't regret voting for Trump but I do regret talking about it with friends because they're the insane libs losing their goddamn minds and hating anyone who supported Trump and even if that's shitty of them I still care about them as people and want to keep my friends

There were some pretty great turbo-CTR copycats

That's easy dude. She looks physically beaten. Like her entire psyche has been broken. It would be so easy to make her into a pet. The cat ears would be so easy to convince.

Because makeup is literally cheating evolution sexual selection
Same. Don't see how CTR would benefit from dedicated Sup Forums users

guaranteed replies (like this one)


>voted Trump for my own personal reasons as well as for the tears
>still care about people
>I somehow care about white people in America but I like white booty

I actually like all kinds of it, but I do care for you white boys on Sup Forums since I know you want white children. Just give me the ones you dont want. No fat chicks.

Same here. I don't particularly care about USA election but these lasts months Sup Forums became so monothematic and repetitive that the only way to have some fun was to trigger drumpfbabies.

I was looking forward to tears from you fucks if Clinton won but the tears from elsewhere are also pretty good. I'll take this result.