How did they get away with making a Thor movie fun?

How did they get away with making a Thor movie fun?

Thats the power of Taika babey

With a great deal of effort. Making a movie with wide appeal is not an easy thing.

How did they get away with making Blanchett 30 years younger?

Because Thor comics are fun and TDW sucked ass.

It was okay movie to chuckle at.

The existing formula wasn't working. Thor 2 was absolute garbage.

DC had previously shown the super-serious Nolan films weren't selling anymore, and Deadpool had proved a comedy would work.

By getting it off of earth for much of the movie. Thor is best utilized on a cosmic/magic scale.

>the super-serious Nolan films weren't selling anymore,

Did Bane and CIA underperform compared to the Ledgering because they didn't die making it, or was it just because Stark and friends showed them for the no fun nancies they are?

>How did they get away with making a Thor movie fun?

Taika pulled the metaphorical stick out of the Thor franchise's ass.

>Deadpool had proved a comedy would work.

Pretty sure GOTG proved that for MARVEL 2 years earlier, which is the whole reason this movie even exists.

TDKR underperformed because it was not as good as its predecessors. Simple as that.

hot hela

I know Natalie Portman is kinda skinny but there's no reason for name calling

Best answer.

It can never be that simple around here, where people associate dank memes with artistic merit.
TDKR gave the world CIA big guy memes, so it must be the best of the trilogy and any failures are a result of a disney/shill/jew conspiracy.
Same as Martha.

>It can never be that simple around here, where people associate dank memes with artistic merit.

Those people are idiots who should be ignored at all costs.


>has a wife

Fucking savage.

They copied Guardians of the Galaxy and added more jokes until it was unbearable to any person with a minimum amount of sense.
Fortunately the remaining people are still the majority of the audience so they sold well.
There was still a huge amount of reference to old stuff so even the grumpy old-school nerds could get on board. I personally enjoyed Skorge's part, even though it had nothing of the epicness from the comic.


No Jane Foster and big breasted girl to suck the fun all out of Thor.


They didn't get away with shit, this movie exemplified the mediocrity that the MCU has become.

That wasn't Ant-Man.