Guys, Bernie is way more popular than Hillary and will easily beat Drumpf in the polls. 4 year term for Trump confirmed! My guess is that Bernie is elected for 2 terms and will appoint all liberal judges to declare all Drumpf policies unconstitutional

not gonna lie this is funny

He's not going to live that long. He's already ancient.

He's like 96 how many years left do you think he has?

Non-whites don't vote in midterms. As long as Trump does what he said he would do everything will be fine.

>old socialist jew still gets BTFO in popular vote against shillary
>h-he has a chance if you put him against Trump!
I'm ashamed of being associated with millennials that wanted this hack.

Yeah, I can't wait for America to be run buy a 90 year old communist (((jew))).

Why do sjws even support this cunt? He's like a caricature of everything they're supposed to hate. I'd honestly gladly welcome Michelle Umbongo before this cunt.

>implying things wont get better in the us
>implying he wont rise in popularity even more
>implying sjw wont get destroyed in the near future through executive orders

That ancient jew should flee to swiss or something. If he was that easily cucked by hillary then i dont know what trump administration will do with this skeleton.

guy is gonna be 78 - you're dreaming about 4 years let alone 8.

>Why do sjws even support this cunt

Free shit

Bernie will be too goddamned old to run in 2020. 2016 was his last chance to run.

after how bernie lost to hillary he's done.

Bernie is less effective than Trudeau.

He would be a terrible leader, very idealistic but just incapable of using power when it is required.

I lost 100% of the respect I had for his when he gave BLM the stage at his rally. It was like, those people were there to see Bernie, not hear some bullshit supremacist agenda from some racist black people.

Fuck Bernie.

>He's like a caricature of everything they're supposed to hate
Supposed to hate. SJWs don't know a fucking thing about what they actually want.

free college
free weed
anti business



They want fucking shit without earning it. I agree fucking baby boomers fucked all the generations in front but they just victimize them selves and don't come up with solutions.

How do people still support this guy? He's a gigantic sellout

Bernie is a sell out, but I guess Dems don't care cuz they're so fucking dumb

What did he mean by this?

Bernie is a just and honest man. He'll be elected in 2020, and certainly reelected after that.

He shouldn't have sheepdogged.

>He still has a change guys!
fuck they never give up do they

If bernie makes it after trump then you'll have had 12 years of presidents that are anti big banks and anti wall street. Let's see if they can drum up the money to fund another candidate after that.

T-this is not the end d-drumph

They unironically believe the free shit meme

Dude, he's 75 right now.
Guess now he'll look at 79.....

He's only 5 years older than Trump.

>Bernie is way more popular
why he lose then

>Promise loads of free shit and dope
>(((lose))) primaries even if he had a huge following
>Bernout comes and announces that Hillary is the best option, "go vote for the establishment goyim."
>sketchy shit going on, conspiratards rise.
>Turns out it was indeed fixed
>Berncuck comes and says "lol thx for the shekels vote hillary bye."
>Not a single word about the DNC being rigged to shit and back
>Docs come out that he was a kike plant all along.

Nice, but Trump would have beaten 2012 Obama, so he'd steam roller little Bernie...

Not gonna lie, former trump voter here. It's been hilarious watching his campaign crash and burn. But seriously, we cannot let this man get the nuclear codes!

What about former Democratic senator and astronaut, John Glenn? He will only be 99 in 2020.

He'll be too old, just like Ron.

If the Democrats wanted to win they should have chosen him, I'd have voted for him instead of Trump. No one likes Hillary.

Yeah and Trump is old as shit he won't even go for a second term.

we have the house and senate

he will be voted special powers

he will create the SS and desolve the supreme court and the congress.

then peoples courts will be convened and the peoples razor applied to cucks and traitors.

It's not polite to laugh at others mental retardation Hans.

Trump is considered the oldest president in history, being just 70.

Hillary is the same age.

Sanders is 74.
People said he was too old, already.
By the time Sanders could run, he'd be 78.

You're really not thinking this through, user.

>implying sanders will live that long

lmao he is gonna be 80 and he looks a good 10 to 15 years older than trump bahaha

The cult of personality around this old Jew is fucking embarrassing. Why are my fellow Millennials so easily swayed by him?

shouldn't have been cheated out of the nomination then, thanks DNC

Most likely Michelle Obama will be elected to run against Trump

We should meme this and keep it alive. Nominating Bernie ensures another Trump victory.

Well, Trump can just buy him to lose

Hshhah YES. This is the kind of shitposting we need! Thank you! It's a shame Bernie will be dead by then though :(



Bernie will cuck up again and do the No Refunds thing again.
The reason he will cuck up is he will be running against Kanye West.

These guys don't live forever. Did you see how exhausting this process was for Trump and Clinton? It nearly killed Clinton.

Bernies not going to be able to run again. This is just liberals being upset.

>Dear Single Mothers,
>Thanks for shitting out several generations of exploitable and gullible underclass children who were raised almost entirely by our propaganda machine known as the public schooling system. The dependency they ad to the the general population and the crime they are more more likely to participate in ensures future dependency upon government through welfare and the promise of security. Keeping the country fucked up just enough that people feel like they need us insures that we remain in power.

>Old Crusty Jew

A little logic. 56,000 dollars was spent in negative ads on Bernie. 100,000,000 was spent in negative ads on Trump. If anyone actually target Bernie he would fold like a deck of cards. He had no change and his own party knew it. He is an unaccomplished Socialist.

>Docs come out that he was a kike plant all along.

I missed this. Which ones are these?

with any luck this was the last election.

kek'd because theres no way he'll be alive by then


I hope he tells libs and the Democratic Party to fuck themselves.

Do these people understand being uber socialist and anti-white is the reason Hillary lost? Fuck bernie and obama for destroying the democratic party. If they want any chance now they need to bring back blue collar whites and stop pandering to niggers.

>Will be 80 years old in 2020

Don't make me laugh.

Either way, Sanders has no interest in actually becoming president. He only ran to receive all those liberal art student donations and bribes from hillary. He'll enjoy the rest of his life in his third home ($600,000). Complete fraud

Bernie will be dead

He is actually a nice person is why, doesn't have much dirt on him either. He does need more of a spine though.

No he won't dude shut the hell up.
He's going to appoint Traditionalists and Constitutional Lawyers to the Supreme Court, AG's Office and shit like that.
He's going to drain the swamp, and purge our government of political correctness.

Dem voters dont want him though

>trump builds the foundation
>Bernie builds the utopia

>no Bernie we don't need you, we have Hillary
>Bernie please come back

Expecting Bernie Sanders to be alive in 2020 and forgiving him for selling out sounds consistent with liking his economic ideas.

Duuuuur he is up in the same polls that couldnt predict shit. Wow but you are dumb

>atheist socialist who has never had a job in his entire life and couldn't even win the primaries against the worst politician in history
>winning the general election

Please let him run. The liberal tears will taste so delicious

>implying he'll even live that long

Is there any possibility of why his proposal of free college tuition wouldn't work?


I'm not pretending I know US politicians better than /pol does, I'm from fucking Moscow anyway.
But Bernie seems to be such a terrible president.
For sure that as a person he is better than Trump, Hillary and everyone else combined, but he's too good and kind to be a president, which is for sure a dirty job.
Am I right?


Do you mean the 2020 campaign has just started? Hahaha fuck you shills

Dude let's all write him in! He still has a winning shot at this. I did some math proving it - I'm sure it is around here somewhere...

Yeah good luck fuckers.

ya but he has the body of a 90 year old. he's dying and he will retire before 2020 you can count on that.

20% of sanders supporters voted trump.
You think this would bother me? :^)
Killary still lost, all thats important.

you're right. bernie would be horrible.

Bernie will be a vegetable by then, and his voter base from now is killing themselves.

I hope they get all worked up and idolizing him and shit and he dies just before everything gets started.

Just like corbyn is gonna be prime minister lmao

Can someone post the Bernie version of this

That was so fucking funny but forgot to save.

This. I supported Bernie during the primaries, but afterwards I switched Trump. I don't give a fuck how good and bad Trump does for the next four years, the simple fact that Bernie sold himself out to satan the moment he lost made me lose all respect for him.

I would never support him a second time.

Bernie will lose to Kanye in the primaries

He's gonna die from a heart attack before then.


Match me bro!

Fucking libtards have no fucking sense of loyalty.

One second they are all pro hillary and the next they are crawling back to sanders.

Fucking disgusting snakes. Lower than human.

he's gonna be 79
how autistic are they to think that someone would get elected at that age

It would be like Trump hitting the campaign trail with Jeb to fight sanders. Sickening.

Bernie will have died of old age by then