I can’t believe we waited two years to watch Johnson piss all over Abrams’ work

I can’t believe we waited two years to watch Johnson piss all over Abrams’ work.

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Was it actually WORSE than TFA? No spoilers, but if it was worse, I'll just fucking watch a camrip instead.

>Abrams’ work.
More like fixing a hot pile of shit that was FA.

No, it's great. Normies and retards are mad because they were too stupid to see how badly JJ fucked it up and Rian does the best he can with the broken tools and delivers something awesome while pissing all over JJ

Abrams simply set stuff up and didn't actually develop anything, so it could have gone any way possible.
It's only your fault for theorizing like crazy and expecting everything to be a big deal even though the emperor himself was just a generic evil edgelord with no backstory.

But these days, fans expect and demand that everything be connected. If Sheev had been introduced today, you all would go apeshit because we don't know where he comes from.

Fuck yes. TFA was derivative and felt like two plots smushed together but at least the actions and plot events actually made sense.

I enjoyed it alot more than TFA, but it has it's share of flaws, felt alot more original and didn't have the frantic pace VII. Was alot slower, smaller scale and I liked that.

Killing off Luke and Snoke was a huge mistake though.

>Rian does the best he can with the broken tools and delivers something awesome
He made utter shit and ruined all the potential. Eat shit disney cuck
>putting the blame on the fans
Also, sheev was enjoyable and did shit. infinitely better then how they treated snoke. Rian johnson is a cuck and shit writer and deserves to hang

Yeah, but he does make his own mistakes too. The whole movie starts clumsily with a poor joke, and the theme of slavery is poorly given to us.

>ruined all the potential
What potential?
Oh he's Plagueis? Okay but noiw is he any different than Palpatine

>shit on TFA
>get called a shill
Oh it had mostakes for sure
That also ruins Palpatine

He was still cooler and more intersting then any of the other characters. He was the only thing i was hyped for and they fucking ruined it.

Eh, if he had a decent origin, it also could be used to explain the First Order's power in the movies, but now it certainly seems like their whole ascension in the movies will be just out of nowhere, with books and comics needing to clean it up afterwards.

Its worse in just about every way. Dont get me wrong its "watchable" but its a bad film.

>actually getting emotionally invested in Snoke
You fucking deserved it.

Don't bully this user and his husbando snoke

They hyped him up, he was the only thing worth caring about. Kill yourself for supprting disney in any fashion you shit spewing cuckold

I can't believe you made another thread on Sup Forums despite there being like2 of these already. Report and hide.

Just a lil spoiler

Disney wanted Empire vs Rebels, but is too afraid to make the Empire look good in any way, and this is ruining Star Wars.
>No serious stakes
>Stage is cleared in backstory (Jedi are gone) or with the push of a button; Starkiller base, both its use and its destruction were easy power plays
>Disney doesn't like heroes, mythology, history and old stuff
>They didn't plan the plot in advance

Snoke was garbage, Hamill wanted out. The issue now is the lack of proper antagonists and that the protagonists are uninteresting, aside from Finn.

Star Wars was always overrated trash. The best thing to come out of it all was the original Battlefront games. You know it to be true.


Sheev was the original Big Bad of the series. We dont need a backstory for him. All we know is that he's the final boss.

Snoke is a brand new villain who came out of nowhere and is just as powerful if not more powerful than Sheev. Where did he come from? Where was he all this time?

You dont ask about the Joker's backstory but you will want to know where the new Joker came from if Batman literally just killed the original.

>cityboy don't know from were milk come from

Oh, relax. It was fun.

>Snoke was garbage
Still more enjoyable then fuccboi ren, faggot

It was well worth it

Fuck the magic box

Reread my post, faggot.

>but is too afraid to make the Empire look good in any way
Dont they realize that the bad guys are one of the most popular things about star wars? Why is disney and the fag who wrote aftermath trying to shove shit politics in it to try to make people hate the empire? Dont they know its turning people away?

This once Boco, don't shut up

>Empire defeated in ROTJ
>"Lol it's remnants formed the First Order which is basically the same thing"
>First Order defeated
>"Lol actually they weren't just remnants, the FO is bigger and reigns over the galaxy"
>"The First Order reigns" is literally the first line of the opening crawl in TLJ
>Even after the heroes blew up their planet sized Death Star

Fuck these movies.

Leia surviving in space and Hologram Luke were fucking retarded

Your still defending them killing him, which shows your a fucking idiot and are defending disney which means you need to fuck off

He being blagueis was the only way to make him an older and more powerful dark user than Palpatine that was never found by neither sith or jedi for decades without making him into a awful donut steel version of palpatine

What work? In 7 Snoke just showed up and was menacing. Through these two movies, we literally learned nothing about the guy other than he's old and force-sensitive.

Kind of like how through episodes 4-6, we really didn't know anything about the Emperor either.

TFA was safe but not bad. TLJ is kind of a train wreck.

It’s a shame because the good parts are really good, but there are so many plot holes and dropped plots that it barely feels like it’s part of the same trilogy.

>Republic defeats the Empire
>A splinter group of the Empire manages to not only defeat the republic but reconquer the Galaxy in 20 years

What the fuck was the Republic even doing? Were they that incompetent?

>”lol, im going to invalidate his opinion by calling snoke his husbando”
Fuck off
Yeah, but palpatine was enjoyable and not a fucking cock teas

KotOR? Galaxy at War? Republic Commando?

The empire wasn't defeated in RotJ. They just killed the leaders and a bunch of soldiers. They just created a power vacuum.

I watched yesterday and I actually liked it far more than TFA. The most boring parts about it was Ray.

But we didn't had previous movies to explore the universe, now we know that there was no Snoke in any of the preguels, for 80 years no one ever noticed his existence and now he show up from nowhere with massive force powers and a giant army.

>Your still defending them killing him
Yes, less cancer is less cancer. I hate Jakku, the not-Tatooine, I hate Starkiller, the not-Death Star, I hate Snoke, the not-Sheev.
>, which shows your a fucking idiot and are defending disney which means you need to fuck off
No. I just want as little industrial pasta in my Star Wars as possible.

Then your a fucking retard for supprting their shit writing for killing off the one character with potential. Slit your throat you fucking pissbag

you got to pasteurize that shit nigger

That's my biggest problem, if the Republic can't even contain splinter imperialists, maybe they shouldn't rule at all or maybe the Ayys across the galaxy prefer the Empire

>character with potential.
Here's more potential.

If you enjoy pretty lights, pew pew pew sounds, explosions, space dog fights, and more space battles, then sure it's OK

if you expect some sort of plot twist character development, big story fix or advancement, no fuck you.

Still better then TLJ

The Republic was just lazy and complacent.

>everyone who hates my shit writing feminist propaganda is le russian boogeyman
I want the regressive left to wither and die

I will never trust 'inclusive' people who exclude Russians (or any other form of 'other').

Here's something the movies will never tell you; half of the First Order is the New Republic. The FO isn't just a bunch of dudes from beyond the outer rim, they had grassroots support among ex-Imperial worlds and central government advocates.

All the interesting stuff will never be in the movies. It's fairly well thought out but no one will ever let politics get back into Star Wars.

Sheev was in Empire Strikes Back. The god damn film was named after him

>Is there a Russian Force behind this?

The most memorable scene involves Luke sucking milk out of an alien.

That should tell you everything you need to know about this piece of shit of a movie.