So how is Trump going to pay for the wall?
And no "Make Mexico Pay For It" is not a valid answer.
So how is Trump going to pay for the wall?
And no "Make Mexico Pay For It" is not a valid answer.
Make Mexico Pay For It
>"Make Mexico Pay For It" is not a valid answer.
explain why
Force illegal immigrants to build it.
Make mexico pay for it is a reference to the taxes they will pay. Its not going to be a check.
They will pay. Accept it and enjoy it.
Make Mexico Pay For It
His platform said he'll offer them a one time deal of 10-15 billion to pay for the wall. If they refuse, he's going to re-interpret the section of the Patriot Act regarding foreign accounts, and classify Western Union as a financial institution and make remittances subject to taxation. According to him, Mexico makes 24 billion a year on trade with us so they should be happy to pay for it.
The wall is already there, it has been there since before Bush Jr
By "Mexico pays for it", we mean instead of giving millions a year to Mexico for nothing, we use it to build wall.
>inb4 but is gonna be thicker and made out of concrete
cut gibsme for niggers and neets
>Force illegal immigrants to build it.
A Belgian wet dream. It's always been the other way around for ya, hasn't it?
It will be part of the infrastructure package I imagine. That way, when Democrats try to obstruct, he can accuse them of destroying American roads.
it doesnt stretch all the way tho, there's basically nothing in a lot of parts
>inb4 ladder
shits gonna be really tall and have razor wire at the top, but you'll need just as many CCTV cameras and a trip-alerting mechanism to make it effective
Tariffs on Mexican Coke (tm) and a reduction to the 'aid' (bribe money) that I'm sure we send them every year should be enough
It has gaps, and the gator filled moat and electrified glass sharded top was forgotten.
Cue: 'Foreign Remittance Tax' and 'Non-Citizen US Border Entry Toll' emergency legislation...take 1day to write and push thru to signature.
Do you think the people working on the wall would be paid pretty well?
30 billion is 0.0075% of our tax revenue. It's chump change compared to all the other bullshit we waste money on
>build wall
>send mexico bill
>we won't pay
>that's fine, well just take it out of your federal aid
OP and mexico absolutely BTFO
Who gives a shit about the mexicans we don't need no fuckin wall we need a big ass boat to send all the nogs back to africa. Fucking degenerate savages. Watch this but beware it contains footage of wild niggers in their natural habitat performing war crimes and child sacrifice. In what planet would anyone want to associate with these people?
With tariffs on imports and exports to mexico
He can tax all remittances to Mexico and there's nothing they can do about it.
There won't be a wall.
Maybe there will be increased effort against illegal entry, but that's it.
McConnell is already saying he doesn't support the infrastructure package. I hate that fucking cuck.
They're paying for it. Otherwise, Mexico's getting some "freedom" dropped on it's head.
all the protesters want to fuck the wall so we drill tiny holes in it and charge them
And remmitences and visa fees and so on.
McConnell and Ryan are controlled opposition
I hope Trump gets them both kicked out of power
This, without the chicken
Put a $15 tol, at the border like on george washington bridge
Yes i will accept position in your cabinet
Why the fuck are we giving so much to africa. They're never ever going to get better than 3rd world country
sent by illegals who arent part of the system thus they cant be traced
Trade deals all over amarica is about to be run like a business
And it's gonna be fucking great for everybody
Mexico isn't going to actually pay for it, as in give money to us. We'll probably give less aid to them (like garnishing their wages) or some other kind of fine to compensate for the wall.
>so what's 2+2?
>And no, "4" is not a valid answer.
user you a dummy
It's actually very easy because no one else uses western union.
When does construction begin?
I think this will do fine.
>literally the black gate of mordor
Invade Mexico and force everyone to work on the wall.
>western union.
but you are deluded; there are more ways to move money to mexico
It's actually relatively cheap as fuck.
We're giving Mexico millions of dollars? Why?
Also, a border wall would cost at least $15 billion to build and $1 billion each year to maintain.
WHo cares if the wall is an actual wall,a techonolgical wall or even if keke is real a microwave barrier to classically condition illegals via nausea to not cross the border
We Need the wall to Secure our country
>dont pay other counties retarded amounts of money for quite literally 0 reason every year
>put a fucking fraction of that cash towards the wall
all it would take
5% tariff on mexican imports
Make Mexico Pay for it
I saw in to the future and made a sketch on Mexican-American border by 2018
Trump did well there.
that is basically a fence
It can also keep titans out in the case of anime becoming real
>cities right on the border depend highly on the trade with the mexican neighbouring cities
>their feel when wall happens
>their feel when illegal inmigrattion, smuggling and shit keeps going on
If they won't pay for it, but a tax on money transfers from the United States to Mexico.
You see, Mexico survives as a soveriegn country rather than Mad Max with more drugs because they periodically take food off our metaphorical plates while they they think we arent looking and up until this point we've never stuck a fork in their hand. Now the ultimatum is, you fucks pay for your own god damnned containment field and get your shit in order before we go eat somewhere else and lob a few grenades behind us for good measure, and annex your clay once its people have starved to death.
Hes going to annex Mexico and Peurto Rico and add number of seats in the house and senate and adjust the electoral college.
>border patrol didnt grab them
There was never going to be a wall, he just said it to get elected.
What kind of moron actually believed that?
>usa is a mega commieblock
>mexico is a nice good old town, sparsely populated where you dont need to work much at all to live
i like that
>annex Mexico
So... make Mexicans into Americans overnight?
Put a 36% tariff on all goods coming into the USA from Mexico and threaten to put a halt to the billions of dollars being sent by illegals into mexico.
>Stop arresting people
Wow! There are fewer arrests.
He's going to threaten mexico with stupid high tariffs then negotiate something from there. It's not complicated.
He's going to backpedal on that. At some point he said they'd build it "and Mexico will reinburse it".
Very simple
how do you normally recieve yours?
It was never that mexico was going to directly pay for it you retarded bean.
There wont be a wall, he just said that so you retards would actually vote for him
How stupid are you?
my point its, no wall of concrete can improve that stats
Mexico will pay for the wall with their foreign aid money.
Check em
Answer: There will be no wall. It was a tool used to wind people up.
Aren't mexicans all manlet tier though?
Don't forget the billions seized from cartels
So are we at the ''trump wont build the wall'' phase or at the ''Mexico will not pay for It'' phase?
Seem impractical,We should build a nuclear power plant to power a pillars that that use active denial system that causes classic conditioning to all Illegals so they feel there skin burning ,or nausea when ever the see the pillars
Well, you idiots keep saying that and the whole "muh remittances" thing. The point is moot because there won't be one.
from your lustful mom's credit car
I wasn't even aware people were still denying that part
Is border patrol allowed to just shoot those trying to cross?
al least someone get it.
By cutting off financial support to illegals. Too easy. Next question.
so many spics
you guys must be scared
that is exactly what trump was saying you lying fuck
>b-b-but that's not what he meant! stop taking him literally!
trumptards actually say this, and what's worse is they actually believe it. they think that we should ignore everything trump says and just "feel what he means" or some other hippie trumptard bullshit.
oh gee only 350,000, and that's only the ones they catch
Tax the money leaving the US and going to Mexico. It will actually kill 2 birds with 1 stone. Stop illegals coming here to work and send money back home and it would pay for the wall.
FPBP its over fuck off OP
You could probably get border guards to fly cheap drones back and forth along the same field of view as 20 or 50 cameras.
Hi Barron.
Pic related
Where's the pic of that wall concept which had a four letter acronym, and included a rail train going over the top of the wall and had other defensive measures?
You are so fucking stupid. Stop posting forever you braindead faggot cucks. He always implied that through fixing the trade deficit that money could be used to pay for the wall.
You are so fucking dumb. You fucking lost and the wall will be built. Get FUCKED
He can pay for it by himself. Its not that expensive.
Why am I scared? I am a legal American born citizen who has never taken a hand out,nor has my close family.In fact I never even attended public school in American,and instead was brought to private school due the views that only the poor go to public school via my mother.
that fence succeeds in keeping out all the unaccompanied Latin American horse jockies and midgets who might otherwise devastate our economy
>it's not illegal immigration if theyre tall enough
he has ongoing lawsuit with NYT for their false grope allegations. carlos slim, mexican billionaire, owns the NYT. he will win the lawsuit and tell carlos "either pay me the billions of dollars or convince your people to build this damn wall" and it shall be done.