Yanks better fucking thank us. Without Farage giving Trump tips, Hillary may have won
Thanks, England. We owe you motherfuckers a round.
Now we need to meme FN into power. Make Francia Great Again.
we'll thank you by putting you in the front of the queue for trade you greedy bitch
When you guys actually trigger article 50, call me.
Keep it up and we'll use meme magic to start raining chinese refugees on you next
Hope Trump gave him some dental tips.
Fuck off dad, you didn't teach me shit
Zip it, redcoats. You have a chunnel to demolish. Get busy.
I am going to frame that picture of Fatale and put in next to a portrait of Trump in my shed.
No argument from me.
Remember, we just wanted seats in parliament, but of course we had to build our own with blackjack and hookers
Thank you England
Please have a round on us and celebrate our mutual glory
In all seriousness I feel like this did open things up for us.
We're in this together.
Thanks Britain.
We love you.
No hard feelings about the whole revolution thing, k?
The anglosphere is rising. We're back boys.
If it weren't for Brexit, I think Trump wouldn't have won. Thanks England.
>being such a vapid faggot that you need to beg for recognition
We're in this together, mate. Stop begging for recognition and get out on the front lines. We're prepping for France now.
US-UK-RUS right wing alliance that will be unstoppable. Would be like if England, Spain and France got along during medieval times.
I thought hobbits wanted to Irexit from Brexit though
It goes both ways, we helped Brexit, they helped MAGA. We still have work to do on both fronts lads.
whenever I see Farage or references to BREXIT I think of this song
UK, Russia, USA, and soon France while Germany makes snide remarks about the other nations.
> It's a fucking callback episode
Thanks dad.
Thank you.
Your Younger Brother
I won't thank you, but I'll gladly celebrate with you.
To a brighter future for our countries and our children.
This. This election is fucking done. No going back. You guys still have a magic out.
That being said, I don't think the anglosphere has been this strong in a long, long time and I'd be happy to have a beer and exchange bantz.
You can come too, Australia.
Hobbits are New Zealand.
Burger... you don't help yourself
Thank you Farage. Global movement to restore sanity.
Ok thanks again based Nige. Is this going to be a daily thing for you Bongs?
Thanks for pulling off Brexit and making us believe we could do it
Thanks for Farage
Thanks for giving us our language
Thanks for founding colonies here, then failing at quelling a rebellion twice.
>tfw Britain helps America but doesn't help their remaining North American colony
Please help. The French have literally taken us over.
America needs to thank all the leftwing parties in Europe, they saw what letting in tons and tons of Muslims and refugees does to a first world country.
Australia would just pour the beer on someone's head.
Not that that's unwelcome.
fucking based brits
>Puerto Rico
I love you bongs
Thank you for leading by example. Now let's help out our fellow friends in France.
I'm not sure that is true, OP, but I do appreciate all Farage has done for us and I find him an inspiration to us all.
Of course of course. Thanks guys ;)
you're absolutely right,
thank you farage
I was in Scotland during brexit, their tears nourished me for days. You boys redpilled me. Thank you pops.
Thanks Dad
>new Zealand
Thanks England. We've had our differences and sometimes we tease you, but you guys are fucking great. Seriously, bro's for life.
Thank you Anglos for preventing WWIII.
Thank you UKIP!
Better yet, we need to start events that removes kebab en masse.