Be honest with me Sup Forums

Be honest with me Sup Forums,

Did you vote for him solely he said he would get rid of Muslims and Mexicans, and put women in their place?

he already put women in their place yesterday

get over it senpai

All those businesses of his failed and he still has a 90% success rate.


No I vote for him because I hate Hillary
he is just better of the two

Be honest with me faggot, when does the CTR contract finish?

I voted for him for the joke

I really just wanted hillary to fuck right off.

They put him in his place, in the oval office.
White women didn't go for Hillary.
They had 45% support for Trump among college-educated women, and 60-something % for him among non-college-educated women.
They're why he won.


I can't vote.

I'm a felon.

Honestly I believed the MSM and didn't think he had a chance.

I wasz told all the polls saying Hillary had a 90% chance of winning galvanized Trump supporters while making Hillary supporters complacent enough to not vote because they thought they had it

his 250 other business that were successful

I voted Trump because Clinton radio ads proclaimed her the only candidate supported by Planned Parenthood.

popular vote does not matter

>put women in their place
>they voted overwhelmingly for him

Yeah, okay

Voted Republican for the first time because of Mexicans and the fuck whitey narrative cranking up.

Now that Podesta is exposed, the CTR style shills might actually get worse. The pedo stuff is real. And they're about to get desperate.

If Todd and Clare is any indication, they will fail miserably. And it will be glorious.

Congrats to the shills who now get to shill SOLELY to help baby raping human traffickers avoid the rope. Just like Georgie boy helped gas the Jews.

DOTR draws near, faggots. Buckle up.

not solely.

another thing, the left is always talking about how "you'll never succeed if you don't try" - they're afraid of failure. this man might have failed a few businesses, but has succeeded in hundreds of others, accumulating $10bil in assets, employing tens, if not hundreds of thousands of people in the decades.

We kept posting all the businesses he failed with.
We paid women to claim he raped them.
We dredged out decades old audio about pussy grabbing.
Hell, we came up with DRUMPF!

How did it go so wrong for us, fellow CTR shill?

I voted for him because he was not her


You stupid nigger, that's how you vote, you don't want to the person, their race, gender, private life.

Fucking moron.


We elect representation so we can have time to live our lives instead of constantly arguing at the city hall.

The electoral college needs to be fixed. And Washington DC is taxed without representation, that needs to be fixed too.


No. I, and like the majority of those who voted for him, did so to give a big 'fuck you' to the politcal establishment.
But the media doesn't want to report this for some reason (except Fox).

>Business man has past failures
Wow what a shocker.

The muslims and mexicans leaving are just a bonus.

>Did you vote for him solely he said he would get rid of Muslims and Mexicans, and put women in their place?

And niggers.

Good thing we don't have a democracy, we have a republic. And we settled the exact argument that you're talking about over 200 years ago. Pay attention next year in your 6th grade government class and you'll see what I mean.

Could anyone make some copypasta of shit Clinton did which also disproves this "R-RASIST BIGOT BACKRUPT SMALL LOAN" shit to spam these crying nu-CTR shills with?
If there isn't one already.

Jesus fucking christ, shill just leave, it's over. We won.

A master has failed more times than you have tried.

I voted for him because he is not a career politician and can't be bought. Honestly, we should just Auction off the presidency to the highest bidder - no outside money.

shut the fuck up with this popular vote, when hundreds of thousands of dead and illegal votes aren't counted, sound your bullshit again

>a retard repeatedly fails at everything

wow what a shocker

Sup Forums is full of these lately!
Damn son

yes good goy a person's race, gender, and private life have no bearing on their public behavior

I voted for him because he doesn't want more gun control. Zero other reasons.