ITT: We predict what the world looks like in 2020 shortly before Trump's 2nd term
ITT: We predict what the world looks like in 2020 shortly before Trump's 2nd term
Other urls found in this thread:
What does radlands mean?
Radical lands friend.
radiaton lands
Radiation land
A nuclear wasteland
I have no problem with this.
>Duterte dynasty
Your military is a joke, even by Australian standards.
It begins
this but china will be part of the Russian Empire
>believing the zika meme
Relax goym, zika doesn't exist and mosquitoes are totally harmless!
t. most definitely NOT a mosquito
When will this meme die?
Yeah! and the vaccines give autism!!! xth for pseudoscience homeopathy!!!
>Israel in the Sinai.
Greater Israel is here
Today's Israel's education minister literally said "the era of Palestine is over".
They're celebrating Trump
Slavs take over all of Eastern Europe.
Germanic/Celtic peoples of Western/Northern/Central Europe come together. Same states, same borders, but no fighting and everything is inherently pro-white European.
US, Canada, and UK join and create Neo-Anglo Empire and dominate the entire Western hemisphere.
Russian Slavs expand their empire into Chinese territory with the help of Neo-Anglo Empire and help from Europe. Kick out of Chinese dogs out of China and give Japan some territory. Ally with the Japanese. Neo-Anglo Empire, Russia, Japan, and Europe gang up on India and force them out of India and India becomes a vacation territory for all white people.
Get all Africans out of Africa. Help Egyptians restore the Egyptian civilization. Ally with Egypt.
DESTROY Islam and all Muslim countries. Help Middle Eastern peoples (the based ones) restore their culture and civilizations then ally with them.
Usher in an Eternal Golden Age.
Also force all Jews to go to Israel and leave all host countries.