ITT we post juicy liberal tears

ITT we post juicy liberal tears

I invite you to savor Ana "I'm better than you" Kasparian talk about how vile women who voted Trump are

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Rachel Maddow is freaking out because she thinks the Republicans will take away IUD's

what a dike.


Does anyone have a link to a recording of yesterday's TYT? I want to bathe in their shock, their crushed hopes and dreams.

Just saw this posted on facebook

>we can manage a household, you think we can't manage a country?
Yeah sure, that's comparable

I really love that video.



People who make fun of women and how they vote are fucking disgusting

Are they still paying you?

Please, someone has to have it. I need it, as this election is making me evolve into a Brine Shrimp, and I need to live.

OC coming in

Would love to see Duke Skywalker and the Facial Abuse boys fuck her feminist ass up.

This just doesnt make fucking sense, like its his fault people voted for him?

Why is anyone to be blamed that they are so fucked in the head an election is the impetus of suicide?

liberal tears have medicinal properties

If it's a backlash against Obama, why didn't they just vote against Obama in the two previous elections?

He's disagreeing with Ana, you fucking imbecile.

why. women are laughable retards just like anyone else

If they believed in personal responsibility tbey wouldn't be liberals.

>No respect
Why is she so often going on about who she doesn't respect?
She actually believe anyone cares?

>I don't like the election results
>bails and throws a tantrum

Don't liberals taste the fucking irony? This is the exact type of shit they "roast" on social media when conservatives say it.

Around 8 and a half hours in is when it starts to dawn on them.

Thank you user, kek be with you.

know when pennsylvania was called and/or started to turn red?

I have no respect for Armenian women who are talk hosts of shows named after the people that killed their grandparents.

I've never even heard the argument for making IUDs illegal.

That said, my wife has one due to a surgery she needed about 2 years ago. Those things are fucking pricey. All by itself, it hit our insurance cap.

ana is one dumb bitch

There's still hope you guys! Fellow nerds unite! #stillwithher

Nobody is running. Not even the people who SWORE they would. Amy Schumer already backed off her promise.

Shame, too. Wouldn't have minded not seeing them again. But I guess that they realized that everyone is fungible, even their pampered asses.

Recommend you lads start around the 7 and half hour mark. The hubris and near certainty they felt that Clinton was going to win made their eventual descent into tears and recriminations even tastier.

They didn't upload their whole livestream, only edits without the best bits.

Ana and Cenk went on beautiful fuck white people tirade. Claiming white people needed to take responsibility for being ignorant, uneducated losers that needed to take responsibility and stop blaming black people for their own failures. It was hilarious.

Anyone else find her oddly hot?
Seems like she'd be crazy in bed.

I voted for Obama. Twice. So did my wife.

Guess that makes me racist for voting for Trump.

crazy bitches are always the best in bed

The big drawback is that they're crazy when not in bed.

recently saw this

This is hilarious

Just remind her you support Trump and that'll keep her out 'till she gets thirsty again

ha. chunky ogre is so happy and excited

I'd be fine with that, so long as it was in conjunction with very strict, difficult voter ID laws.

I'm talking 2 pieces of mail, a driver's liscense/government ID, and a birth certificate that will be confirmed by communicating with the hospital that issued it.

Too bad dems are never one for compromise.

I love seeing these vids of these fucks crying. I never could stand these assholes all they do is bitch about stupid shit. I nice seeing ana pissed off fuck that whore

I heard cooper got salty yesterday. Is there a collection of that?

hahaha these fuckers dont even understand that this would require an amendment.

Good luck getting the Republican Congress and Republican President and 2/3 of the states agreeing on this

Im sure Fly-over country is really on board with handing away their political power to Cali and the Northeast.

I think Miley is an obnoxious whore for the most part but this was pretty level headed for someone who is as deeply indoctrinated as she is.


Fun fact: California, all by itself, tipped the popular vote. Trump would have won popular vote by more than a million, if not for California, which voted like 3-1 for Clinton.

Coincidentally, this is the state with some of the loosest voter laws (pretty much just have to show up and you get to vote), AND the state with the most illegal immigrants.

I wonder if those facts are in any way related?

Here's the entire glorious 12 hours of coverage from TYT.

It starts off buoyant, excited and cheerful. They're sure that they won.

And then the votes start coming in. Cenk just slowly begins to completely implode.

The real turning point is when they realise that Florida is going red (around the 6h30 mark).

California is just pure cancer.

>when the Trump Train hits


Start around 6:43:30. That's when the gravity of the situation kicks in.

this is outrageously fucking satisfying

because you can tell how drunk she is

I'm absolutely positive they would be just as upset with the "system" had the exact opposite happened, right Sup Forums?

Anna "Get off the stage you fat fuck" Kasparian


Does every Arminian have a last name that ends in "ian?" And is every Armenian woman hot, wtf?

God bless you, I've been looking for these all morning after missing the carnage late last night.

how can a cork cost so much?

>tfw ana will never hatefuck you in punishment for voting for trump

is there a compilation of all the liberal news outlets breaking down last night?

moar pls

>I think Hillary deserves to be president because she's fought so long

fought for what? also she seems pretty hammered


ive been looking so long

>you will never reenact the Armenian genocide with your dick as the Turkish army and her roastie as the Armenian people

>underrated post
>also what do you think the main ingredient in Super Male Vitality is?
>liberal tears

Fuck you and your socialist wife. Kys


This. You have to wonder how many of those votes are illegal aliens.

I live in CA and the voting process is a joke. It isn't quite "just show up and vote, lol" but as long as you know the name and address of someone on the voter rolls, you can vote under their name.

And registering to vote, well, they ask for your CA ID or DL number, but you don't have to have one to register. So I guess you could register as several people....

I am in need of help of a certain.. Jewish problem

It's basically a surgery, and a rather painful one.

Easy to remove, but nasty as fuck to put in. They pry open the woman's womb to place it in there.

cucklord extraordinaire

exactly. whenever either side does this it just sounds like a whiny child. do they have no self respect

>Cenk blames Hurricane Katrina on Bush

Cenk was still going "we still got a chance guise" after Florida was called for Trump.

Same deal in NYC, I didn't even have to show ID.





>"Donald Trump is a little bitch"
not as much of a little bitch as his hockey team lmao

>I'm white and I agree

So why hasn't he commited suicide yet?

1:08:46 - "Trump cannot win"
6:46:44 - "A little worried"
8:07:48 - Nervousness intensifies
8:35:38 - The ticking time-bombs
8:40:03 - "I hope to God I'm wrong"
8:54:56 - Trump's 10 point lead in Ohio
9:08:29 - "50-50" 9:37:24 - John shuts down Cenk's hopes for Florida
10:09:00 - Cenk getting teary
10:10:07 - Cenk rants about the Democrat Party
10:13:55 - The final nails
11:19:08 - "Soul searching"

Right Win Death Squads please

Oh muh gah she so brave and she fought sooooo much. What with the way she let a pedophile off the hook and laughed about it? What a fighter! With the way she let innocent American men burn alive in Benghazi? What a champion! Muh first vagina president waaaaaaah

In the immortal words of a wise man.

Just bring it.

>Trump wins a free and fair election
>Trump says he will be President for all Americans
>A bunch of mentally ill trannies kill themselves
>Blame Trump


Why does she always have to curse like a sailor? Least based Armenian I know off

Same deal here in Illinois. I thought Illinois was always pretty solidly red except for Chimpcago but my county was like the only one that went blue.

I blame the women.

When a woman reaches her age and doesn't have any children, they get crazy like she is.
It's the biology of the brain.

The weird thing is that Trump never said anything about gays or trannies. Not sure why they feel targeted specifically.

I am rock hard at this very moment

The day of the rope can't come soon enough

You mean Chimpcongo?

Which is sad because most Armenians are based

Current recount sees Trump winning the popular vote too.

> getting mad at unrealistic expections of women

What use would a dyke have for an IUD? Do dildoes have real semen in them now?

That smug Alex Jones at the bottom is hilarious


Because they believed their own propaganda.

It can't be Chimpcongo otherwise I would see seeing profits from all the blood diamonds coming out of there.