I don't want to hate anymore. I like people. How do I get off this ride?
I don't want to hate anymore. I like people. How do I get off this ride?
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You aren't hating people. You are helping them by making America great again.
You are loving people, in other words.
Don't forget,
This is you now.
Kill yourself you fucking pussy faggot
There is no getting off. This is the world we share and you can't skip it for another one. Your only option is to try your best to change the world into one you'd want to live in.
There's no escape, you have to wait until you die.
you don't have to hate people...Hate ideas and poison ideologies, oppressive religions and regimes.
Hate is good. but it needs to be aimed.
There's no way to get off this ride. Human nature is always going to be disappointing, no matter what happens. Either embrace the absurdity and find your own happiness, embrace distraction or embrace death.
Treat others the way you want to be treated. You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar. Just be kind and help people. That's how I live my life, I try to be Christ like as best as I can.
fuck off unprivileged pasty whiteout rightist scum
Get the fuck off our board you retarded nigger commie traitor
>new fag thinks he can get off
>pic related
fight me dipshit i'm not scared to bring a sledgehammer to bash through your thick fucking skull while you're sucking NuHitler's cock like the drumpffag you are
Die you weak piece of shit
>Minorities jumping straight to violence
Big surprise.
get off Sup Forums and don't come back, don't watch the news, don't play violent video games, its all just crap that's turning your brains to mush, try to go without cussing not because its right but because its hard and nowadays its to easy to just drop f-bombs to get shock laughs or try to seem cool, also come to terms that its just the internet and people will always have opinions but that it stops there and that you don't always have to have a reaction to everything and things like that need to just be dismissed or laughed off.
Die you beta piece of shit
>fight me dipshit
You niggers are fucking pathetic
I can't wait till we start wiping you out in the coming race war
I would like everyone, regardless of race, sex, party, etc to be treated with respect. Golden rule this shit. It's that simple.
Learn to change your perspective. I get off to the hate.
>Gas kikes, race war now.
I`ll beat your ass tiny dick manlet
>Minorities jumping straight to violence
And they said white ppl are violence
people hate you brah
people want to kill you
the people protesting and saying "white people were a mistake"
niggers and spics will kill you if you let your guard down brah
nationalism through jesus christ
Your hate makes you strong. It gives you focus. Do not give up on hating.
Could it possibly be by the "content of one's character?"
>I will never EVER get tired of my BOTTOMLESS hatred
We beat you in the 17th century
We beat you in the 18th century
We beat you in the 19th century
We beat you in the 20th century
And we will beat this century
Oh, wait.
We just did
Fucking worthless niggers
Do some nice things for people wearing a MAGA hat. It would help a lot right now if you showed the world you are good kids and actually ready to Make America Great Again. Please! Someone from your side needs to show that you are ready to be leaders and make amends. Or if you don't feel safe in a MAGA hat, just say it beforehand. That is make a bunch of youtube videos of you doing nice things. I don't believe in any of you.
>Sledgehammer as a weapon
kek maybe if you are trying to kill someone in a coma.
I legit felt bad for Clinton and Obama during their speeches.
I don't want to kick good liberals while they are down because they might come back and beat the shit out of us and be right for it.
Let's have some compromise Sup Forums
SJW far left outlets like Salon/Huffpo/TheAtlantic/MichaelMoore/NPR can fuck right off though
Do as Hitler did when he won. He welcomed the other half of Germany back with welcome arms. Although they had voted against him. Had different beliefs. They were Germans. And he understood that. Our founders believed the same thing.
Enjoy the salt for a few days. Then start convincing them that the world isnt over, we are better off, and show them our brighter days are here but they will only enjoy them if they decide not to shit on the parade.
Although they are retarded. They are our countrymen.
Anyone else have the best day ever?
>nationalism through jesus christ
I can only get so erect
you bring your nigger hammer and i'll just shoot you.
>Let's have some compromise Sup Forums
Go to plebbit if you want that shit
I want the blood of leftists, niggers, spics, muslims and kikes
lol you fags lost
Hello shill
>hurr durr if you aren't a centrist you're a shill
I've been here for years, newfag
Treat everyone the way you wanna be treated.
A SJW crying out "kill all white male'? Fuck that person.
It's already happening, Friendly reminder that if you live in or near any of the blue dindu cities to keep your family safe.
Simple : Judge people on what the believe and how they act, not on preconceptions. That way you can enjoy people and have "disagreements" instead of completely cutting them out your life. This is something libs have been failing miserably at in recent years.
>Now is not the time for self loathing faggot, we have a nation to make great again.
>Pull yourself up by the bootstraps and do your part!
There's no closing you eyes once they're open. Find a place where other red pilled people are, at less you won't hate your neighbors
go outside, meet some people, and relearn what it is to hate.
that makes my blood fucking boil. These coons need to be snared in a fucking trap.
Im a jew by the way fuccbois
being a jew is the best, my dream is becoming a memeber of the illuminati and serving my globalist overlords but first i must start from the bottom join mensa and rise up the ranks
jesus fuck. this is why every white american should exercise their 2nd amendment right, we live among beasts
yeah what the fuck? why haven't I been given any information on our secret world running meetings? I was hoping to break matzah and decide which country we were going to destroy next.
pleb goy-tier kikes
>first time making thread on Sup Forums
>say how I'm feeling instead of posting bait
>it's moderately successful
Thanks Sup Forums
how dare you i am one hundred per cent full kike i have jew mom jew dad and jew grandpa from the holograms
I don't hate people. I just hate people I know.
don't worry about most people you know you just need to get yourself a qt girl to love
girls are really kind and warm
Get some you little bitch.
I've cleared out 7 stash houses of MS-13.
born in the wrong timeline/planet. our ancestors royally fucked things up. its time to go full stormcloak on this globalist future hell that was planned for us.
Around 35k will get you a solid, reliable bluewater sail boat.
Hop on and still away.
Realize that hatred helps define what you and your culture are from others. Hatred maintains diversity, and a rich, vibrant culture that enshrines the accomplishments of man.
Modernism, multiculturalism, and Marxism destroy culture and diversity by mixing everything together until it's indistinguishable.
Realize also, that the left is set on making white males a boogeyman to further their agenda and grab for power. They will hate you no matter what, so you might as well fight back.
Still that doesn't give us a reason to kick your pasty ass
You have to hold on.
It's not right vs. wrong here. It's beliefs vs beliefs. You have to fight for what you believe in.
kek you never seen IDF girls nigga
hate is good
This. Trump is the best candidate for America but America is very childish so they don't realize it and they kick and scream and complain but soon they will accept it.
>kek you never seen IDF girls nigga
Yes I have
Pic related
The hot ones are all Russian shiksa the IDF owns as sex slaves
I didn't want to hate but they hate me, what choice do I have now? The left wants to steal all my money and openly wishes my race to die off. I was such a sensitive, kind person but they drove me to full 14/88. What have they done to us?
i bet you are "white" too. go move to arabia sand nigger lover
Its okay faggot, you can go suck cock in peace when califagia secedes. Then you can enjoy all the illegal mexican rapists for yourself friendo
it'll be ok dude.
HAHAHAHA HI CTR! You got fucked!
The literally picked only the best ones to circulate pics of as propaganda.
I'm in the same boat as you. I used to actually get offended by racism, lol. I came from a small Texas town, and even I had several Mexican friends. When I got into late high school and college though around 2006-2008, the national political landscape became aware to me, and I noticed the constant attacks on whites and traditional values. Every time a white disagreed with a leftist policy, we were labled racists. Mexicans, Muslims, and blacks openly hated us and wanted to kill us. I eventually became racist due to this pressure, and the realization that ethnocentrism is the natural state of societies. Cosmopolitan liberalism is virtually non-existent outside of white nations; and it's partly due to the fact that white nations did a metric fuck-ton of conquering and killing so we could have the luxury to sit-around in our wealth and experiment with being self-hating cucks, while our nukes kept most danger at bay.
>SJW liberals have and always will hate everything that even slightly triggers and offends them