>japanese people talking about being accepting of other races and immigration lol
Japanese people talking about being accepting of other races and immigration lol
Nips are racist as hell. There is a reason its hard to buy land and shit there if you aren't Japanese.
I just watched Hacksaw Ridge.
Fuck you japs.
Immigration is harder here than nearly anywhere
99% japanese who are hugely xenophobic and have historically defined terms like "isolationism" and "close the borders".
Yeaaah how does that even work? i've known more than a few guys to end up with a jap chick and try to live there instead of america or whatever and from what i've heard the girl has to handle everything legal or something idk.
So how many Syrian refugees will you accept now, Japan?
i have a friend that just flew over to japan on a 6 month trainning course. he said the locals didnt let him go out with any japanese woman, or hire a prostitute even. his lifes dream was to fuck a cute asian chick. he was utterly crushed! he said someone mentioned something like keeping the race pure, no half japanese ppl. that aside, 6 months no sex..... damn.
Lefty nips are the worst
The biggest google dick and the tiniest Ching Chung chideways China is all they think about
Was he ugly?
Sounds like bullshit. A hooker is a hooker.
I'm hearing enough stories about white guys fucking thirsty Japanese women left and right.
Stop making shit up
He was Mexican so that goes without saying
You guys can be also pretty ugly.
Don't you lie about it.
Japanese immigirant here
It's true though. Japanese like white people, but anyone with a darker skin complexion than gook is an undesirable.
good to know
Shitskin confirmed.
A friend of mine went to Japan for a year and he couldn't stop getting dat poonani
> said the locals didnt let him hire a prostitute
okay, you MUST post his picture.
this was a lie he told to avoid embarassment.
censor his eyes or something, por favor amigo
Well, for one, Japan doesn't allow dual citizenship. To become a Japanese citizen and gain the rights of a citizen, you need to renounce your home country, which is exceptionally difficult, especially if you're an American. They also have rather strict visa regulations and a host of other problems. There are very few non-Japanese workers in Japan and even fewer immigrants, except from countries with large Japanese populations already.
Place is xenophobic as fuck, but it works for them for the most part.
Maybe he's not, but he's talking about a four foot tall Mestizo who didn't know how to act in public.
Thank kek for that.
damnit Japan
your tourism industry has made you extremely english-hospitable
tell your Emperor to put in mandatory Japanese test(s)
Fucking hypocrites.Got a Japanese guy on my Facebook posting cultural Marxist shit all the time on my Facebook. Got an Indian guy doing the same thing all the time with anti-white shit when India doesn't allow non-Indian immigration at all. They both are immigrants living in Europe which seems to be a common trend. Wouldn't surprise me if this Japanese person wasn't even living in Japan but is ungratefully exploiting western hospitality.
>surrounded by water
>needing to build a wall
is this jap just being cheeky?
You must pass for white.
I actually did not know there were whites in Mexico until a few years ago I met a couple Mexicans at a new job, last names Hernandez etc. and they looked completely white. Tall too. Nothing like the brown manlet sharts I've always seen. It was intriguing.
>99% japanese who are hugely xenophobic and have historically defined terms like "isolationism" and "close the borders".
And they should keep it that way. The Japanese culture has its flaws but it's beautiful and unique and uneducated muslim sandniggers and other refugees have no business sullying it.
White mexicans usually don't live in America because we don't have to.
Mexicans swim, not kidding there are persons that pass the american border that way.
A few die each year.
i went through their red light district once.
lots of hookers where shaking their head and waving me and my mate along.
(also i'm not ugly)
The problem is when the pretend to be interested im multiculturism and make shit like in the op image
This is not accurate.
Renouncing your citizenship is actually super straightforward. The US will not even verify that you have or will be obtaining another citizenship. They will allow you to become stateless.
Japan is one of the easiest countries to get citizenship in. Hang out there for 5 years on a non-tourist visa (student visa counts despite what the first result on Google says), don't commit any crimes, don't have committed any crimes in your home country, apply, done. Application process takes about a year to complete, then you can walk over to the embassy and start renouncing your US citizenship.
whats the quote about behaving like an idiot and then idiots swarm to you thinking they are in good company?
Really make you chink.
The lack of laborers and aging population is MASSIVELY fucking their economy further and causing assured future issues. That's not really working for them if you have the intelligence to look at the economic trends and future