Rich and Poor

Rich and Poor
City and Rural
Educated and Uneducated
Those with knowledge those without
They are all here

Does anyone actually like going to or living in that part of the country?

Wisconsin is nice

MN red in 2020?

it was really

>those who have real jobs
>those who dont

Its not as bad as you think. Well the cities are run down but the country is comfy and nice to raise a family.

90% white. Its like living in europe. But fuck off we're full.

tfw Illinois will always be blue because of fucking Chiraqistan


It's the best part of the country. The whitest, most peaceful, friendliest.

Fuck your cities full of niggers and sjws.

As a bored teenager? No.

As an adult? Yes.

>lack of niggers
>lack of shitstain uppity liberals

abso fucking lutely

It would have been this time of the Republican Party there hadn't thrown a shitfit and pushed an "independent" instead

Booze is cheap, and i drive an hour north and im surrounded by lakes and wilderness. Life is good.

>Have to travel to Chicago today for business
>Make it out of the city RIGHT before protests kick off

Glad I got my ass out of there. Fuck Chicago. Indiana forever.

This. Mcmuffin fucked us.

Anyone else overjoyed that the midwest has finally been uncucked? (besides cuckasota)

Chicago here.

New York, please take us back. We don't want to be out here in the middle of nowhere anymore.

Chicagofag here

The chinks can't push out the blacks fast enough

Pretty much this. Anyone whining about the midwest is either under 30 or needs to lay off the cocaine.

Just go to Iowa or something. What difference is it to you if you live in the middle of corn field in Illinois or in the middle of corn field in Iowa?

Based Chinks. Making Chicago great again.

I love Gina!

Indianabro here

Love my state and city.


Chicago is an amazing city and even on the south side it's most definitely better than whatever cumstain town you're shitposting from

Not really. It's a lot better than the northeast, but that's not saying much. I'd rather live somewhere warmer.

Not surprised, it needs to be nuked

Fuck yeah

219 reporting in

I don't live near a fucking cornfield, not all of southern IL is corn.

All the more reason to get the fuck out of here. Fuck you and get the fuck out of my state.

holy fuck yes

I have to go to Chicago a couple times a year and I always feel relieved when I get out of that place

cost of living is cheaper in Iowa

>stormshill shit

>city and rural
Leave us alone you urban commie freaks. Why do you want to associate with us?

Like Peoria??

i enjoy living in rural michigan nice quiet and good internet

I'm a Hoosierbro for life.

Good. Stay there.

There are way worse places than Peoria. Like all of Cook county.

Tfw you live in the QC of IL on the border of Iowa.
I voted trump even though I knew the fuckers in Chicago would secure the state.

>I'm trailer trash
We will not make life easy for your president. Mark these words.

If Trump is well liked come reelection day absolutely. It was so close this race and it will flip if Trump keeps a good term.

Iowa here
I'm waiting for the day the wall gets built
Stinking wetbacks have flooded the western border of the state thanks to Tyson Foods bringing the fuckers here since the 80s. They have to go back.

Fuck off commie freak. Leave people the fuck alone.

There are few places on Earth worse than Peoria, but there are a handful. Bangladesh is one.

Columbus OH here. Love it and never want to leave


>not living in Indianapolis

why live, faggots?

Literally everywhere in Crook county is worse than Peoria.

What the? Those subtitles are not what he is saying at all...

MINNEapolis best apolis

Evansville here. Where you from Indianabro?

>less than two


>I have never been to Cook county
Cook county is home to the third wealthiest municipality in the entire nation

>perpetually blue
>literally somalia
>frozen tundra
>famous for... a mall? Ecolab? Red Wing?

just really sad desu...

I live 30 minutes outside of Cincinnati. I don't even like visiting Columbus. Too many niggers and I don't know how you faggots deal with your fucked up traffic patterns up there.

Why don't liberals just move to red states and get set up for the next election for those electoral votes?

I live in Illinois. It's a disgusting totalitarian leftist cesspit.
They *literally* have automated ticketing cameras you Borg dipshit.

And it's blue and it's mostly white despite the somalia meme

Lots of historic cities, especially along the ohio and wabash rivers. The middle of Indiana is beautiful rolling hills, particularly just south of Indianapolis.

Minneapolis gave us the greatest (non-sports) nigger who ever lived.

what do germans feel when they see this kind of videos?

Because then they'd have to actually live in the communities they've fucked over


Love it. Living on lake Michigan not to far from grand rapids. Great to raise a family.

Also lolvikings

>muh socialism meme
fuck off with this dumb country bumpkin shit
sherman should have wiped you off the face of the earth when he had the chance

If you convince my entire family to relocate I'll do it in a heartbeat. I'd rather you Cook county commies just secede though.

I live in Ohio and it's great. Don't come here, you'll hate it.

fcukkk makes me miss home. From Indiana but living in mass

They do. Texas is currently being flooded.

usually banned in germany

I live in Wisconsin and I heard they're one of the first to be won by Trump. Wisconsin = BASED

>TFW Colorado

Everyone was SO GODDAMN MAD today; it was hilarious.

Ayy fellow 812 bro, Newburgh here

What county?

It was nice to see my hometown of sterling go for trump

The dems gerrymandered the shit out of our town because of the union base


I'm never vacationing in Wisconsin ever again, and neither is anyone else from Chicago. Enjoy your economic collapse, Wisconsin.

but they can watch it here in Sup Forums.
it should trigger a lot of toughts and feels on them. because if it doesn't they are just death inside.

Cook county is literally home to a world city and you're gonna call Peoria better? This is denial at its best

Wisconsin's economy is based on beer, cheese, and Packers "shares."


South Dakota here. Love it here but fuck off, we're full.

Any place that's full of sociopathic leftists is a worse place.

Hey burgerbros, I wanna come visit you cunts early next year.
I like rural life, rad old yank muscle cars, guns and hot conservative qts.
What's best state?
Not religious but like the moral lifestyle.
Everyone I've talked to recommended Texas, but I'm not fond of Mexicans.

North Dakota, Alaska, Wyoming.

WI here. It's pretty comfy, especially in autumn.


We're like Texas but no Mexicans

Memes aside, a very large share of its economy is tourism.

Pretty much every Midwestern or southern state qualifies

Southern OH is really comfy, if not a bit run down and white trash. At least there are maybe like 6 nignogs per county, and they're all usually in jail.

son of a bitch I just finished making that

Currently in Iowa.
Would have said it's perfect, but we just had two police officers gunned down.

Nothing this horrible has happened here since 2007. It is somewhat freaky that everyone has either blue or green eyes, and is blonde though.

And the kids are fucking giants and all in amazing shape or perfect line-man for football.

Plus earthquakes


I'm not mad tho, he still won

>Memes aside, a very large share of its economy is tourism.

Can confirm. Wisconsin Dells brings in the big bucks.

Wisconsin was the shocker for me.

What can a pack of malnourished gender-queers do to the men whom make up the world's most powerful military?

You failed because you are wrong, and because America hates you.

yeah but the /out/ is fantastic

/rust/+/corn/ general?

College students are the ones running around in front of cars on the freeway and getting run over because their candidate lost. The college education meme is dead.