Is THIS what you wanted????
I hope you're happy Sup Forums
You racist, bigoted and intolerant people will be brought to face retribution...
Is THIS what you wanted????
I hope you're happy Sup Forums
You racist, bigoted and intolerant people will be brought to face retribution...
Didn't take long for the mass of false flags to start up again.
yeah, i'm sure that happened
how do these fucks get away with lying about this shit
I wish that actually happened
Could they at least try to make this bullshit believable? She should have said she was called a terrorist or something.
How can they appeal to both womens rights and the muslim religion?
the whole reason she wears that stupid scarf if because of a lack of womens rights in that religion
For real, now I hope karma delivers and this shit does happen to this lying scumbag.
CAPTCHA: Wal-Mart storefront
I love how they always make the exact same mistake of making the description of what the other person allegedly said way too drawn out and elaborate.
Obama is still president though
Things that didn't happen for 200 please
as a canadian i call you a cuck
muslim culture is a cancer to western democratie
>My first racist encounter
>Wearing a hijab
When did religion become a race?
I wonder if this shit still happen in the UK now (after the brexit)
Posted in another thread.
This apparently happened in CA. She's not even muslim.
This should be illegal
inb4; her family owns slaves.
wow, this actually happened!
this didn't happen
Wow guys, uhh cool it??
Why was she in public without a male family member present? THIS IS HARAM. STONE HER TO DEATH
Oh boy it's just like Brexit all over again...
Except you know, you have nogs so it's 100000000% worse.
Why do these people get off on lying all the fucking time.
The "my kid was told to sit at the back of the bus" one gets me the most as if 7 year olds know about 50's segritation memes
oh my god I cant believe it!
I literally don't give a shit about this, fake or real.
In other words, you are pissing in the ocean. No one here fucking cares.
I used to hate them, now I just want to understand them. This goes beyond stupidity, it's widespread delusion, I'd really like to know what's causing this, MSM is certainly not helping it but it seems like more than that.
Every inch of Walmart is covered by security cameras. I'd like to see the footage of this happening.
Fucking liar.
they rationalize it by focusing on the ez sympathy they receive and pretending it's for the greater good
it's disgusting
This. Anyone with a brain knows it didn't happen but god I wish it did
Prove it
Fake and gay
>work at wal-mart several years ago
>overnight shift, store isn't 24-7
>wear a straw cowboy hat with "bud light" on it
>told that I can't wear the hat
Guys I'm literally shaking several years ago right now! I feel sick!
>17k reactions
fucking hell
why are people so easy to bullshit
based Gamergate bro desu
>our [...] president
No I'm not happy.
>Muh head-job
Yes, you have to pay for the scarf now. You can't just take shit off the shelf and walk away with it without paying anymore. PC will not protect you.
muslim isnt a race
Shit is old, yo.
I thought her name was make america great
If there is a shred of truth to this then that is fucked.
If these SJWs are jumping on the bullshit train this is going to go south so, so fast...
There is a reason in Islam a woman's testimony on a crime is considered invalid.
He just won
You are disgusting
White culture is cancer to democracy
Holy fuck that lady was roasted
I saw President Elect Donald Trump at a grocery store in New York today. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.
He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?”
I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying.
The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter.
When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
Liberals literally have no ability to detect bullshit or lies. Must be why they're so easy for the media to manipulate.
But seriously if this did happen the way she says then it's not cool people. We are better than this.
How's your first day on the internet? I've seen the same thing posted under five fake profiles this week.
It might work if it wasn't so fake.
Millenials are this retarded
My first racist encounter occured when I ran into some racist white teens. They teased me for being muslim. I tried to explain I was on their side, that I was a Trump supporter and a regular poster on Sup Forums and I tried to prove it by reciting various Sup Forums memes like "oy vey" and "gas the skypes" but they didn't care and beat me up while screaming "aloha snackbar".
The lies of the left will no longer work.
That's one of the fakest and gayest fucking things I've ever read.
>I don't agree with the elected president, so I'm going to make up some bullshit to seem oppressed.
Did she just c/c another fake story that happened after Brexit? The wording sounds eerily familiar.
post the actual replies to this tweet
In the region you mean. The practice of wearing a hijab comes from the practice of women covering themselves completely in ancient Mesopotamia so that they wouldn't attract potential husbands who were poor. Men literally controlled women's marriage which is the antecedent to hijabs. The difference is, this was before islam became popular, so it actually is a middle-eastern or Arab practice, although not necessarily a Muslim practice. It correlates with the religion, but causation is geographical, not theistic.
Couldn't be happier
Hahahaha people can't be this stupid
I may not be white, but lying for the sake of forwarding a shallow agenda is what lost Clinton the election. And thus, that makes you cancer. You need to go back.
>things that actually happened
God what a dumb cunt.
Holy shit that's so blatantly fake, my sides.
white people are better tho
Holy hell what is wrong with people.
We are shoving reality up their asses in barbed dildo form.
Some lefty took my trump hat and told me my vote doesn't count.
I can do it too liberals and I'm a minority. Don't temp me.
Praying for a WalMart shopper to save her from the love of Islam
Actually the practice of wearing a hijab comes from old Arabic traditions, not Muslim traditions. It's still not racist because arabs and Americans are all caucasoid, but hijabs are not caused by religion, they only correlate.
>working yourself up so much that you're hurting yourself
It's happening, boys. Lawsuit America is revving up its stories of how this election and everybody involved is causing them undue stress and health problems and that they want monetary compensation in the form of hundreds of thousands of dollars - and it's all going to be from minorities and special interest groups.
>You racist, bigoted and intolerant people will be brought to face retribution...
YES... yess YESSS!
No hijab?
No problem, just remove the head
>racist shit happens to me
>better tell facebook first instead of the police
>racist white people talk like second-language slimes
wew lad
I'll take shit that never happened fro $1000, Alex
Always lies. Always. Lie to push an agenda. Muslims know this, they practice that lie every day.
Its about being anti european and anti christian thats all the left is
Good job Sup Forums. Trump is now president and his daughter is a jew. Good job now Jews control USA
>I said nun...
Must have been their trigger word.
That's a real mouthful.
>you should have just called the police
Thats the most sane comment she could get
the resemblance of brexit with fabricated stories following the election is astounding
>tfw defamation now causes arousal in white people
i take it back, women are hilarious
itt: FB posts of things that never happened
Cameras all over Walmarts.
It would be easy for her to prove.
But, it never happened.
So there's that.
that woman should get a medal
Modern liberalism is all about feeling smug and superior to the "conservatives".
I wish "the Left" was socialist again.
Look @ you....
I'm not sure if they're lying or not and I dont care.
>things that never happened for 1000
All these fake hate incidents are what makes people more racist because it's always a minority trying to attack white men usually painting them as absolute monster cartoon villains and liberals eat up the self hate as it fits liberal narrative.
She should have taken that patriot's advice
What did she mean by this?
I see CTR still has a budget...
the cool kids always sit at the back of the bus anyways lol
why are so many Trump haters compulsive liars. my facebook and twitter is just endless misinformation. Fuck im glad he won
cool story akmed!