There are thousands of tweets saying to assassinate Trump
There are thousands of tweets saying to assassinate Trump
Of course this will never actually happen since Liberals foolishly insist on not owning guns, not knowing how to operate guns, and not being able to hit the broad side if a barn if they tried. It's too bad.
What about Libertarians?
Looks like the secret service is going to be busy for he next couple of weeks
Liberals really make me fucking sick. They preach peace and love and all that horseshit then turn around and threaten to kill the future president.
It really pisses me off.
Don't be a little bitch, the world has lots of angry people. It's not directed at you
legally the secret service has to investigate every one of those, and for the record you get in more trouble for threatening the president then a candidate
go find the FBI tip page and get to work boyos
These dummies can't even figure out what bathroom to use, let alone work a gun.
It needs to be done. We have to fight back. Trump must be assassinated at all costs. His VP too
I know right, aren't they aware that the secret service HAS to follow up on EVERY threat made against the president or president elect. Sure, they'll probably dismiss most after having researched the credibility of the threat, but some SJWs will be getting knocks on their doors. Or doors kicked in kek
Reporting these to the FBI as we speak.
>tfw all would-be trump assassins are going to be in jail or under serious surveillance by the time Trump is inaugurated
>for 8 years at every (legitimate or otherwise) criticism that rose of Obama my Facebook newsfeed would be flooded with nogs talking about how disgusted they are that someone would disrespect their president like him or not
>Trump hasn't even taken office yet and the same nogs are hurling insults at him and calling for his death
Peace and love didn't work. We have to take matters into our own hands. God loves humans but he still kills the bad ones. And trump is a bad one.
It's kind of funny because I have had people say we don't have free speech in America because you can't call for an assassination, yet here are a bunch of idiots calling for an assassination and they will likely never be punished for it. I fucking hate pedants.
Just report them to the authorities.
Especially the fools with their real names on facebook and twitter.
We can use whatever bathroom we want. I'm liberal and pro gun. Come at me faggot. I'll wreck you
Are they fucking stupid (well yes)
He is the President now.
Fbi will be paying them all a visit real soon
Then they bitch how they're living in a police state, when they started it all!
Shooting a gun would give all this flowers ptsd.
They don't know what is to lose. They probably also thought of killing the kid that bullied them at school but they were to much of a pussy to do anything
So the FBI can bend the laws to make it okay? No thanks
>get /ourguy/ in the white house
>some libtard kills him and the neocon VP becomes president
Why are libtards so fucking stupid?
>doing anything other than sitting on ass
It's funny, because when people were joking about the same thing with Obama, those people were getting locked the fuck up.
If Trump dies, they end up with Pence who is actually way more socially conservative than Trump is. Trump has been pro-gay for a while now. Pense has never been and probably never will be.
They would only be hurting themselves.
The FBI HAS to investigate each and every tip off given to them. This is why you can get fined or jail time if you're bullshitting them. We have an obligation to report these idiots to the FBI.
Being tolerant to intolerance is intolerant. Is that too hard for your brain to understand?
>Peace and love didn't work
Peace and love takes time the results arent immediate you leftwing hypocrite.
>like they did John F. Kennedy
What? Is he shitting on based Jack?
They will probably just get a slap in the wrist (which I am fine with, I think they are just childish imbeciles maybe they could give them a good scare though). I was just pointing out how people get pedantic when talking about free speech but this kind of shit exists in the U.S. you pretty much can say whatever the fuck you want here.
>my preferred candidate didn't get elected
I don't think they actually enjoy living in a republic. They should move to some unstable 3rd world shithole instead.
Well yes. But this is chance to go on raids and a chance to shoot somebody. So of course they are gonna do it
then stop proclaiming your affinity for muh tolerance and love trumps hate and own up to being the aggressive and violent (impotent as it may be) rodents that you are
send tips to the fbi
how many people on facebook have you guys submitted so far today?
i had one i was going to submit for threatening assassination but she took it down
But the threat is immediate so we can't wait. He has to go down for the sake of this country
It's because liberals are massive hypocrites. They're very accepting: as long as you agree with them. They are for free speech: as long as you don't say anything they don't like. They are very tolerant: as long as you aren't a straight white male.
The epitome of doublethink. Those lunatics actually believe they're righteous too.
Double the staff...
I never claimed anything faggot. Kill yourself
They've got a place for Pence too, apparently
Isn't it illegal to threaten the life of the Potus, I mean gitmo style illegal, not stole some chewing gum illegal, I only ask as I hope these shitlibs get busted and get to hang around with their pet gibs a lot more than they would other wise like
Same thing would be happening if Hillary won big surprise wowie
>ideas i dont agree with are manifestations of intolerance
well memed now kill yourself shill. your work is done
The FBI have had their proverbial shit kicked in my Hillary the last year. It is obvious those at the top are (were) in her pockets, but the young, eager, idealized agents are salivating at the bit to regain their image to the people.
FBIanon is probably at his desk right now with a tab open monitoring pol and a tab open on his workstation filing each and every tip he gets, in triplicate.
>I love democracy!
>except when the other guy wins; we should kill him
These fucking people
decades of proclaiming intolerance where it's nowhere to be found have resulted in normal people rolling their eyes whenever you cry wolf. shitlib scum are and will continue to be the most intolerant people around.
Yup. REPORT THEM TO THE FBI. if you're able to of course
I'll be submitting these tweets to the FBI, I urge the rest of you to do the same.
They're not real. Libertarians are a statistical anomaly, they don't really exist.
>fly a plane into Trump Tower
Spotted the Muslim.
There are thousands of imbeciles who have ruined their lives with thoughtless comments on the internet. Rejoice!
Report every single one of them to the secret service
uh, here you are defending your belief in your own "tolerance" try again, faggot. you lot are intellectually and morally bankrupt.
These liberal tears are the strongest drug available.
>waaaa waaaa we must kill him! he meany poopoo head!
NONE of you liberal faggots are going to do anything other than cry on the internet and then bend the knee.
Classic liberals would vote Trump
The military and police would have overwhelmingly voted for Trump too
This. Forget the FBI. Trump had a higher power with him now, every time he comes to or near their city the SS forces them to stay inside their home until he departs the area.
Ahh the reality of Freedom of Speech and followed quickly by thos consequences. Good luck lib shits
He really did make this county better in less than 24 hours.
Same fucks want guns banned. Muh irony.
what threat is immediate? Democratic elections are an immediate threat to you?
Are you implying Sup Forums would be any different from them if Clinton won?
No tears now. We're fighting back. We can cry tears of joy when he's dead. If I'm a faggot for defending my country from this demon then I'll gladly be a faggot
>violating the NAP
pol isn't dumb enough to say they themselves would assassinate, only that they wished it to happen
>But the threat is immediate so we can't wait
What threat?
You liberals are truely insane, you all need to be relocated to insane asylums and kept there forever.
Sake of the country? You dont care one bit about America all you care about is how morally superior you are to others you piece of shit.
I can't report to the FBI, but with today's modern society, and the fact travel is so easy, or they could orchestrate something online, I can just report the bongs saying this as well, at the least they'll end up on the no fly list
They would not be pussies there would be more blood spilt. not just aimlessly walking around chanting shit.
>what threat is immediate?
Trump. This has nothing to do with democracy. This has to do with removing undesirables. It's not about politics anymore. Its personal
The non-aggression principle makes it impossible for us to take action in this matter
He would have to threaten liberty so direly that it constituted an attack on the person.
Trump's speeches violate the NAP when they attack UNDOCUMENTED immigrants!
all the keks!
Libertarians like liberal tears more than we hate Trump
fuck you superman, using your kryptonian privilege to beat me to it
>Clinton's slogan was "Stronger Together"
>her supporters are the most divisive people on the planet
>Say the UNITED States of America
You country is fucking divided, it will finish with a civil war, deal with it.
Done my part.
Forward all of these posts to secret service. They take this shit seriously.
In terms of salt probably not, and there might even have been some revolution chatter, but If Clinton won we'd be doubling down on pouring over the email leaks instead of being dumb with pointless direct threats.
Unless the intolerant ones are Muslims apparently then its fine
Don't reply to me nigger. I'll assassinate you too.
I know you Americans have to tip pretty much everywhere but holy shit you have to give tips to the FBI, a fucking government service? Fucking hell
I chortled. +1 to you sir.
>Mfw waiting for people I don't like on Facebook to post about it so I can send them over to the FBI
Feels justice right now, delicious fucking liberal tears.
I believe in his SS
I never proclaimed anything cuck
I don't give a fuck about Muslim
I was in Overwatch chat and the guy in there was saying he'd shoot Trump and move to Germany, I feel so sorry for youth today, I bet that jerkoff was like 21 max probably 14. My generation never even considered shooting Bush to avenge Gore man.
Sup Forums doesnt advocate for assassinations, only meme conquering
My work isn't done until trump and pence are 6 feet deep.
>Deranged degenerate shoots Trump
>Pence goes into a maximum security bunker and starts RAHOWA
all according to Kek's plan
Do the right thing anons.
A fucking leaf. Hang yourself
I hate you for suggesting Sup Forums are just as bad. Go fuck yourself. We were only suggesting revolution as a response to tyranny, we might have killed Hillary if she obviously rigged the votes because we have had it.
Liberals understand the votes weren't rigged but still think they have a right given to them by God to kill Trump or anyone else just because they didn't win.
And it makes me sick to know kids who are so ignorant and just assumed whoever was a Democrat would win and know nothing about how fucking corrupt Clinton is who are vowing to kill Trump. Generation Z looks like a shit generation worse than Millennials, a bunch of brainwashed zombie cowards.
The internet was a mistake. It should just have been 18+ like Sup Forums. What horrendous values are the kids learning these days?
You've gone and put the sass back in assassinate. Noice