Why are rightwing retards so hell bent on rigging the system in their favor? Do they really hate democracy this much...

Why are rightwing retards so hell bent on rigging the system in their favor? Do they really hate democracy this much? In the past 3 times a Republican was elected, only one of those times involved the winner also winning the popular vote. Why does the GOP hate democracy?

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>Cuckifornia is literally 1/5th the entire electorial college in a single AIDS-infested handicap guaranteed to the libs each election
>libs complain the elections aren't fair

I pray Trump really is the next Hitler. I will have never worked a job in my life more satisfying than loading your corpses into a burning pyre.

Trump BTFO out of Bush, Gore and Clinton with his electoral votes.

Get fucked faggot. If Clinton had won the Electoral College with Trump winning the popular vote, you'd be acting all smug and saying "da rules are da rules". You know it, I know it.

That's the system, deal with it. Clinton conceded, Trump is the Presidential elect.

Mob rules is tyreany, faggot.

We are a republic, deal with it.

Trump is the next president and there's nothing you can do to change it.

Kill yourself.

you obviously don't understand what a "democratic republic" is

>"The majority shouldn't elect the president because of my memes"

>he thinks minority rule is better
>will claim mob rule whenever the majority opinion isnt an autistic meme

you obviously don't understand what "democratic elections" are

plus republicans don't even bother voting in that state, and new york and other deep blue places. The popular vote would look different if they did

>Trump is the next president and there's nothing you can do to change it.
That's what you think

Hope the Supreme Court steps in this time.

I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this. But the popular vote doesn't matter, and never has in America. We've always used the electoral college, and every single presidential campaign has been based on the strategy of winning the electoral college.

Who won the popular vote is a useless statistic like who won the male/female vote, or votes by race. It's not relevant to anything but trivia.

47.7 to 45.5

hardly a major difference

if you take out the illegals and dead people voting, it's probably tied

idk i misread plato once

This is wrong. We're a cohesive nation. This is not motherfucking Europe.

Suck a fat cock buddy. Some people are worth more than others. City dwellers literally live off of rural folk

If Liberals didn't flood the country with non-Americans Trump and Bush would win the popular vote.

you're 60% White, remember.

>spend millions of dollars on analytics
>nobody thinks to maybe make one stop in Wisconsin
>lose by 1%

You have nobody to blame but yourselves.

I didn't say it did. I said that it's wrong that we still use it.

We are the United States. States pick electors, and electors pick presidents. If you weren't aware of that coming in, then it's your own fucking fault.

You could argue that dumb rubes live off of cityfolk because they are intelligent and they run everything. California, Illinois and New York should secede. Let's how well the rural folk do then (who literally live off of subsidies, because farming isn't profitable)

This, gas and burn them all.

Why can't democrats grasp how the electoral system works after 2 centuries?

democracy is evil
individual rights and capitalism are good
USA is a constutionally limited republic
not a democracy
feel better?

"States" are bullshit in this day and age. There is little or no difference between the "states" if you compare that against the vast difference between the various countries of Europe.

if rednecks didnt shoot the black president for 8 years, a bunch of libtard cucks arent going to shoot the supreme leader

You guys knew the game and chose to play along.

Take away the illegal votes and the felons that got pardoned so they could vote, Trump would have popular vote. Literally only reason Hillary has popular vote is because of illegals and felons, let that sink in a minute.

liberals are just grasping at something so that they don't have to kill themselves

It's like that to make sure every state gets equal representation. If it was about popularity, they would only campaign in LA, Chicago, and NYC and not give a fuck about the rest of the country.

Trump is your only chance of ending the electoral college.

You think Hillary would let that shit change? kek


Let me explain why you are wrong.

Why would a flyover state want to remain in a union where direct democracy rules? All the population centers on the coasts would decide every election, law, and court nomination. Those people living in that state would feel disenfranchised, and controlled by an alien distant power that has no understanding of what day to day life is like in their local communities.

There is no way such a union would hold together.

As it stands now we have a problem with city states dominating politics. Take a look at a county level map and you see a see of deep red with metro islands of blue. If you are in new york, but not new york city, or illinois, but not chicago, why should the metro center dictate how your life should be run, even though where you live is NOTHING like where they live.

Our republic is predicated on local governance. That people should have the majority of their governance local to them, so that it responds to their particular needs and situation, not off in some remote imperial capital.

We need more things like the electoral college, not less.

Why are left wing retards unable to understand their own electoral system?

Posting this. Once again.
CNN projects he will win the popular vote.

How dumb can you be?

By the way, California looks suspicious, with articles like this, and Clinton doing better than states like Illinois, I suspect significant voter corruption.


>mfw Gore did better against Bush than killary did against Trump
fucking amazing how BTFO she got, these are glorious days gentlemen.

>1 state filled with illegals should pick the federal leader for the other 49 states.

Fuck off California, secede already no one cares.

Also, Hillary seceded before she won the popular vote, handing the victory to Trump.


>left wing
There is your answer

>California, Illinois and New York should secede
all three would fail in the first year without federal aid for the massive amount of welfare they absorb. california and newyork are also massive consumer states with hyperinflation that would get rapped on imports. also hold an army that would make sweden's military look manly.

55 is not 1/5th of 538 retard....
California's electoral votes at about 1 per 600,000 people.
Wyoming's electoral votes are about 1 per 400,000 people.

Bullshit. There are tremendous cultural and economic differences between the states, and they need their own governments to account for that. It's impossible to have one central government that can adequately set one set of laws, regulations, etc. that works optimally for such a wildly diverse group of localities.

This is why all lefty bullshit 'one world governance' schemes are doomed to fail. People are different, and need their own local governments to reflect those differences.

I don't come into your cities and tell you what the legal minimum ratio of pozzed to unpozzed individuals should be at your gay orgies, don't fucking presume to tell us how to run our shit.

I would trust the opinion of one Wyoming man over 100 Californians
No I am not joking, or being hyberbolic
There is a reason we have the electoral college

Those aren't the final vote totals shillberg.

< >300,000 votes separating the popular tally

< 650,000 absentee ballots still uncounted in AZ alone



Stopped reading there. Actions speak louder than words. There have been at least 3 seperate attempts on Trump's life - the bumrusher, the bong, and the gunman.

This is a false argument.

The real advantage is that the electoral college prevents massive voter fraud.

Let's pretend there's just 0.25% extra votes from dead voters, illegal aliens and double voting fraud from one state (probably California). In this election, this would be a swing of 300,000 EXTRA VOTES, enough to propel an opponent to victory in a tight race.

Because of fraud in a shitty state that couldn't control its measures, the election is changed. And that's just ONE state, imagine all the other states with potential fraud, of just 0.25%. This is a generous underestimate by the way, I personally believe it would be 1% extra fraud.

With the electoral college, fraud is localized to one state. It "could" change the election, but not with the same consistent reliability that PV would.

Because that's the constitution. So that the smaller states can have a voice, too. Otherwise only California, New York and maybe Florida would be the only ones who's votes would matter.

Fucking this. If Hillary would have won all these guys out in the streets would be saying "Wow what a great system! blah blah blah"

It's just like brexit when the losers wanted to repeal democracy because they didn't get their way.

EV is a safeguard against a party seizing complete control of a few states voting systems and massively inflating their vote counts and thus controlling any and all presidential elections.

I'd laugh (again) if Trump got an extra 200,000 boost from AZ.

Liberals are already rioting in the streets chanting "WE GOT MORE VOTES!". Not once, but TWICE, they would get BTFO.

Please kek, give me digits and make it so

>On the night of November 11, 2011, Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez fired a Romanian Cugir semiautomatic rifle from his car parked on Constitution Avenue. At least seven rounds struck the White House, though no one was injured. He was arrested five days later in a hotel in Indiana, Pennsylvania. Obama was not at the White House at the time of the shooting. Federal prosecutors launched an investigation to determine if Hernandez acted out of hatred for Obama.[36] Writings by Hernandez and testimony from those who knew him showed that he believed President Obama was the Antichrist and the Devil.[37] In September 2013, Hernandez pleaded guilty to one count of destruction of property and one count of discharging a firearm during a crime of violence, thereby avoiding the charge of attempting to assassinate the President.[38]

>Oscar Ramiro Ortega-Hernandez
>a spic shot at him

Why don't you circle Trump's popular vote numbers maggot. Even with her rampant fraud and machine rigging she only edged by 200k votes.

christ .2% of a difference and the dems have california which pretty much guarantees them the election with fucking 55 electoral votes unless their candidate is sucks which hill shill does. electoral system is necessary so candidates don't neglect half of the country, libtards need to learn how the system works, if hillary was actually good at swaying votes she would've gotten FA, PA, MI, and WI

I can concede to this one. Good find ._. why the fuck is it titled THREATS then?

Give him a break. I don't give three fucks about how much melanin is in his dong. I'll make an exception for Religion of Peace though (inb4 muh race; newsflash, a bronze age belief system isn't a race)

I'm not even an American and I know the Founding Fathers wanted the USA to be a Republic not a "Democracy" in the truest sense of the word

They knew that mob rule was not appropriate and even limited voting to people who owned property

Very well said

Hahaha a fleshlight and Cholula

Read the thread mang.
CNN is projecting Trump to win the popular vote.

Rigging the system? Republicans? LOL hahahaa. Are you fucking retarded? Don't even get me started on the DNC and their super delegates. Trump fucking clutched. Hillary choked. Deal with it you pussy. The country has spoken. Justice has been done.

lol, aussie with a gun. That'll be the day.

You inbred bogans gave up your rights a long time ago.

You obviously don't understand that this isn't a democracy.

Fuck democracy

You wanna go tk jail for attempt assassination?

maybe the democrats will work with us now to eliminate the electoral college

Votes are still being counted and will be for months.

The opposite is true actually.
It's the Dems who rigged the voting, which is why they won the popular vote.
However, what they can't rig is the electoral college.
If they get outplayed, they get outplayed.
And boy do they ever.

We are a republic not a democracy, a federal republic at that. There are districts that are won that decides which states are won

>I would trust the opinion of one Wyoming man over 100 Californians
I would literally trust that Wyoming man over the collective opinion of entire California.

>rigging in their favor
>electoral vote was created to favor Democrats
>Hillary supports it because it was almost a 100% win for her
>she is such a shitty person she lost a 100% in her favor election

Dude get over it, this was fucking divine engineering here.

>thousands of illegal immigrants vote in california
>millions of dead vote for hillary in voter fraud
>she barely edges a 200k lead due to commiefornia


fucking libtards

We have a republic to stop retards like you from electing idiots.

>abolish the electoral college
>people come out to vote in droves
>tones of republicans in places like california, maryland, and other deep blue states vote
>liberals still lose, now with more disenfranchised rural states