Spics 4 trump thread

>that glorious feel when those indio fuckers are finally going to get deported

Allowed ITT: White hispanics and castizos and some mestizos
Not allowed: Indios and chicanos

is it true spanish has over 100 words for mexican?


Pick one.

Pure Spanish master race

Hispanic's not a race bro

Didn't you learn the spanish caste system?

Fuck off you stupid leaf dog fucker

>White hispanics

Hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic

There's white hispanics, black ones, asian ones, all the brown ones are indio faggots

You are dumber than Kelly Bundy

don't be retarded, leaf

*dickdog licker

They cant fuck dogs legally.

Indio Chicano reporting in :^)

Garbage, trash, etc. In Spanish of course.

What is the difference between a castizo, mestizo and a chicano?

t. dumbfuck leaf

Se siebte bueno lads

we don't want chicanos, they don't belong here, kill them if you wish

>White Hispanics

kek'd hard, here's your average Spaniard

Praise kek.

Legals can stay.
Everyone else gtfo.
We have enough browns.

>white hispanics
>all indios will get deported

Indio here, literally impossible for me to get deported sorry!

Mix Indian and white
Mix, white and mestizo

Here's the races of hispanics

Spanish - White Hispanic that is pure European
Castizo - Hispanic with a majority of European genes, like at least 75%
Mestizo - Mostly indio with only a little bit of European
Indio - Aztec, Injun, etc

Chicano is just a fucking mexican faggot

>TFW you realize Trump isnt actually gonna depoirt anyone
>TFW America will become great and I will leech off you guys
>TFW you cant do anything about it

KEK. idiots. Thanks. Trump was OUR guys all along. Obama was actually deporting us.

Can we have a Muslims 4 Trump thread soon?

>Allowed ITT: White hispanics and castizos and some mestizos
>Not allowed: Indios and chicanos
You think anyone takes the time to distinguish between you gooks?

Trump outperformed Romney with hispanics which is incredible considering the hispanic vote was younger this time.

My grandfather
My uncle and aunt
My berniefan cousin

They all voted for trump


You can't tell the difference between martin sheen and george lopez?

Fuck off you jew

Chicano is a spic living in the USA who thinks he is hot-shit for dealing in dollars.

Despises both "Gringos" and "Pinches Indios".

Fuck them.

Hispanic vote is a meme

Hispanics could in different races and different views

I'm a castizo then? Didn't know that. I'm somewhat light skinned but def not hhhh'white. And can tan like fuuuuuuuuuu.

tfw Gringo.

Deal with it, Nopal. W are the best of both worlds. You are old versions.

Half Cuban here, fought the good fight against the Tuscon Mexicans and university cucks

Filthy half white Hispanic here. My old man busted his ass to immigrate legally after getting tired of shooting commie fucks in Guatemala.
I love all you cunts. Thanks for helping MAGA.

>hhhh'white. And can tan like fuuuuuuuuuu.
I want reddit to leave.

Blue eyed mestizo reporting in. I agree with op. Tbh they dont even speak spanish. They speak this Indian shit that annoys me. Glad they'll be gone soon.