I'm back. Now's your chance. I'm here for an hour.
>inb4 ur a fag
yea yea I get it, ask useful questions or fuck off

previous thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Is that one of those keytars?

No it's my keygat

how much that cunt pay you to troll?

was it moist?

$.25 per "useful" post that attracted attention.
$1.00 per thread that gained serious traction.

Neither of which were clearly defined. I don't know what the criteria was exactly, but not all posts were valued. Comps were RATed and monitored at all times and most people probably worked from home like I did.


get in here faggots. you want it, here it is

that doesn't sound too bad. I'm a Trump supporter and don't hate you guys. Ethically I find nothing wrong with it. Having said that, my ethics aren't exactly the same as interpretation of the Law.
How come TV ads are bound to have disclaimers like "this ad is approved / not approved by soandso" and the postings of CTR are not?

proofs or roosters

how did you get paid?

Must be nice to get paid by that old cunt and not have anything to show for it.

Just in case we ran out of ideas about how to prosecute.

Choc doc is allowed to continue, though. We wouldn't want her to be medically unfit to stand trial or face execution should need be.

Do you have to get back on welfare and foodstamps now nigger?

You know, that's actually a good question that I can't answer. While ctr is technically a pac, and most pac messages are followed by a "this messages was approved by blah blah blah", ours never were. Maybe there's some kind of legal buffer between H and the posts from ctr employees. I don't know the answer.

I have money to show for it. Not a hillary supporter.
not providing any proof. I got paid with checks in the mail.

Did you have a system you logged into to track posts and organize at a deeper level?

Will you be staying on Sup Forums now that this whole shitfest ended? The door is always open, so long that you don't act like a fag.

>not providing any proof. I got paid with checks in the mail.
Give us just a piece of one.

I honestly don't think anyone is going to care about CTR anyway compared to CF et al.

My computer was infected with a RAT the moment I was employed. It was a condition of employment and was used to track online activity while working.

So it was in writing somewhere as a condition of employment? On the contract you signed and have a copy of?

Did CTR chain of command actually know anything about chan culture, or did they leave it up to your best judgment to know how to do damage?

Are you guys behind those godawful, artificial-looking Hillary pepes and images like the JUST hair over the polls?

Why the fuck did you use that weird clipart dog for all of the tax threads?

I'm not worried about Sup Forums having proof of my employment. It's just not going to happen.

I've been on Sup Forums for many years, which is part of the reason I was assigned here. During the employment process I was asked about my familiarity with different websites, and was assigned to Sup Forums due to my understanding of chan culture.

Jesus fucking christ dude, is the money you get from this fucking worth knowingly sabotaging your own basic liberties and rights that America gives you? Unless you're vpnfagging then whatever faggot

How many people were hired and how many would you say were hired to target Sup Forums vs. other places?

Also what other places?

Can you give an example of the instructions you received?

Was a lot left to you as a judgment call?

What about derailing threads? Was part of your job trying to derail things?

Could a derail thread be considered a "thread that gained serious traction" ?

Yes, I was outside of the regions they had for physical workspace. I believe everyone who worked from home had their computers RATed like me.

Host the file they sent you to install it. I'd like to poke it with a stick.

>ITT: Sup Forums falls for a roleplaying faggot


>ur a fag

Yes you have a paper copy of the contract?

RATing computers is no big deal. I'm just wondering what the understanding process was.

We received weekly instructions on what to focus on in our posts. If there were emergency situations, they would text us about them to get to work. Hillary passing out and being thrown into the van was one of the times this happened. I didn't make any memes throughout the election.

Post example texts.

>During the employment process

How did you find out about the job? Can you discuss the employment process?







Are you scared for your life?
Who did you vote for?

How did you feel being called a nerd virgin by your nazi masters? Were you desperate for cash? I mean why did you degrade yourself and didn't you feel dirty and cheap?

Point us to a post that you were personally responsible for

So I'm assuming that if they were just watching you emulate the culture, they're okay with whatever you did to camouflage? There was no SJW who yelled at you for saying words like faggot in reply to people calling you CTR?

I worked through a VM on a shitty laptop I had laying around.

I don't know anything about number of employees. I think Sup Forums was probably one of their most difficult targets. reddit was totally taken over towards the end of the election.

an example would be with wikileaks releases. we were told to focus on the source of the mails instead of the content. "shoot the messenger" etc. we were told to make them seem unreliable or altered, though DKIM verification made it very difficult to convince people. Derailing threads was the main focus.


yes I do.

Who started the Hillary memes?

How did you find out about the job opportunity and what was the process to get inducted?

Newfag here.

Do we have proof of CTR activity on Sup Forums?

Are we sure that 'correctrecord.org' is linked to Dems or Clintons?

The worst problem of this campaign were LIES of media, false images of both candidates.

Clinton is a MONSTER, not Trump.

She is SEXIST (tried to make people hate Trump for being masculine, while he was not making people hate her for being female or even lesbian which she is)

She is RACIST - using black privilege card and namely racist organisation BLM. (Actually - ALM! But Trump was not white-only candidate, only Media tried to make him look so).

And she was corrupt, serving bankster and Saudi king interests, not to people.

She was PROUD and AROGANT, not Trump.

But poor SJWs and broken females PROJECTED all these faults into Trump and now they are appalled the monster won.
Actully, the Truth and Love won, while the Lie and Hatred monster was defeated ...

Trump was FAIR and TRUE and won, although media wanted to paint him rogue.

(And also - being masculine means - loving women... No misogyny at all. But being lesbian ultra-feminist means hating men. So here the Love won against the Hatred...)

And wanting to stop muslim invasion (where the Sunni (wahhabist) form of ISLAM is RELIGION OF HATRED) is actually defending of Christianity.
And you, CTR? You were some among the worst liars...!

correct. everything was fairplay as long as we worked to change the narrative. but not every message was seen as "valuable" to them and I don't even know their criteria.

don't care

i was referred by a friend. employment process was as straightforward as any, with an NDA attached.

youre a merc dude, scum. you should be ashamed.

I personally find the work CTR does to be both distasteful and unethical -- broadly speaking, I find it unAmerican.

What is the best tactic or strategy, in your opinion for dealing with CTR? Just ignore them?

Was there any sort of response that you found particularly unsettling or upsetting - that tended to btfo you?

Not me. I don't think anyone in ctr did honestly, but I'm not sure. I don't know anything about what other employees did. I worked from home and was completely in the dark except what they told me to do.

were you guys encouraged to post porn/BLANDA pics?

are they responsible for the BLACKED spam?

It's rare to get proofs. But if you watch the trends, the ebb and the flow, then you sometimes see strange flux that is not well-explained by community or counter-community interests.

One of the first ones the some people might remember was when Monsanto had hired Blackwater to troll the interenet over California having a proposition about GMOs, and they mounted a furious campaign on /fit/ over it.

I remember earlier examples, but that was a pretty obvious one.

ignoring is the best way, but it only gets you so far. in the back of people's mind, they will always wonder if the message was true. they specifically mentioned this in orientation. it's an interesting question that I'm not qualified to answer.

I was never encouraged to post any pictures, and I doubt others were either.

What documentation did they provide to give you the basics of psych warfare?

Why do you think they didn't give you more advanced methodologies?

do you have photoshop experience?

did you edit/create shillary edits of memes?

how well do you know photoshop?

what did you go to school for (major)?

how did they first get in touch with you?

Why did you shill for Hillary instead of shilling for Bernie?

are you gonna stay or no?

That was obvious. It was totally text-based and the images came well later after the natives decided to have fun with it.

No documentation on psych warfare was given. Only general encouragement like "it might not seem like you're doing anything, but the message will stick with them even if they have doubts blah blah blah" etc. I think they were probably purposefully vague. I was just a robot behind a keyboard.

So you keep saying you didn't make any memes, but then what images did you use to start your threads? Just polls showing Hillary winning? Those Occupy Democrats threads with ">conservashits"? What was your tactic?

no to everything
last question: I was referred to them by a friend who was also referred to by his friend. I don't know how the chain starts.

we were hired by ctr. bernie isn't behind ctr.

i've been here for years

That's psych warfare 101 for recruiting psych warfare operatives. I guess they really did think of you as nerd virgins.

How much did you make off of it and how shit is your life that this is how you made a buck (to quote Meyer Lansky)?

how many times did you post "wow, it's literally nothing"

did they feed you copy pasta to use, or did you guys make your own and share it?

did they send you meme pictures, or did you guys just "know eachothers tells", and picked up hillary memes just from off of Sup Forums/reddit?

So, how was election day? Where you all let off or did you nerd virgins watch it together?


how btfo are you, shillfag?

What's it like being the laughing stock of the internet?

any picture that attracts attention works. attractive women get a lot of attention. also gifs that blue ball get people riled up.

Mate have you read some of our investigation threads? also stay in /pol changed your way to see Hillary?

>i've been here for years
you really are a piece of shit, kys

were the last moment irrational threads such as (Florida gone blue!! DRUMTARDS BTFO!) from last night CTR's doing?

Couldn't you find a better job in DC? As far as political jobs go, this one seems to be bottom of the barrel, shit work. I wouldn't have gone for that. Hope you didn't leave the hill for this shit.

Ur a fag

>people riled up.
so when did your paycheck stop?

on average around $10/hr.

they never provided specific things to say, only what we should be combating. I'm not confident I ever met another ctr op here. I don't know if we all had the same orders.

it's fun

I think the more likely answer is that it's a legal gray area which would likely be subject to more restriction if it weren't so new.

i'm not a hillary supporter. it's a job

we were all done after the election anyway. it wasn't that big of a deal to me

it wasn't a political job technically. everything was framed as "online marketing"


>better job in DC
I used to go to these IC things in DC. It's nothing but sleaze and money.

Now I don't go to DC and it's still all sleaze and money, but at least they have to tell us more in order to fish for what's good to fund. Disgusting, really.

So a meaningful questions:

Were you all fired off, when the election was finished?

The KEK Pepe images ? Was it a controlled oposition to discredit Trump supporters? (Some nasty probably-kikes are pushing here the KEK meme hard...)


>I worked through a VM on a shitty laptop I had laying around

That wasn't what he asked.

You are literally a traitor to your own country.

we were done on sunday no matter what. i don't know what started kek. probably Sup Forums itself. it's a fun meme

Bullshit, why wouldn't they hire you hourly?

Are you assisting in the pro BLM narrative online?

Don't forget tobacco companies using the fedora meme to drive people away from e-cigs.

Did anyone ever successfully identify you as a shill on Sup Forums?

i'm not qualified to answer. but if i had to guess, probably because too many people would just fuck around and bullshit all day. this way, everyone is paid for what they "accomplish" in the eyes of ctr



What was the screening process like to get hired? What sort of questions were you asked?

You don't usually get handed an NDA unless you're a prospect.

>Only general encouragement like "it might not seem like you're doing anything, but the message will stick with them even if they have doubts blah blah blah" etc.

I find that very interesting.

In 2012, an academic "dream team" of behavioral psychologists advised the Obama reelection campaign.


I'm sure CTR works with such types, as well. When their instructions have filtered down to your level, all they need is "a robot behind a keyboard" -- because they know in advance the effects your behavior will have on the target audience. It's all very 1984-ish, but I suspect the First Amendment is broad enough that it protects even such dubious "speech."

Do you not experience any guilt about essentially being a professional bully? To what degree can you really hide behind "lol it's just a job :^)" when you're being paid to upset people? It seems...mean.

its turncoat disgusting is what it is.

>That's psych warfare 101 for recruiting psych warfare operatives.

That's intriguing. Can you explain the rationale in play there, or do you have a link to a book or article that addresses it?

Why did I get banned for posting Fischbein?

>Trusting your workers enough to pay them hourly while allowing them to work from home
Jeez what could go wrong. Anyone, OP is also lying.

NDA was after we were hired but before we were assigned our email addresses and twitter accounts. the screening process was surprisingly straight forward. they asked if we were anti-trump but never asked us anything about hillary or dems.

I never bullied anybody. just challenged ideas with dubious claims. i can hide behind whatever the fuck i want.

Who did you vote for?

Are you Jewish? Is CTR mainly Jews?

Did we "red pilled" you?

So did you guys fully swap into shilling for soros-led civil war yet?

swaglord already told you. there were witch hunts that were going on and some mods were quick to ban the word without explanation.

Probably considered "doxxing" by mods. I got a two week for posting the "post this in their threads and they stop bumping them" one, but I checked later that day and it was weirdly lifted.

It strikes me as immoral, and in different circumstances people like the OP are what perpetuate the kind of criminality we find replete in our government. It's an act of pure selfishness.

Needs to be a way of screening for these types so they can't hold any positions of authority.

>NDA was after we were hired but before we were assigned our email addresses and twitter accounts.
Hah, that makes sense. Get you hooked on the money with a typical terminate for any reason type contract first on the assumption of money, and then afterward hit you with the NDA to seal the deal.

$10/hr is pretty burger flipper. What did you enjoy about the job?

Also what was the informal screening process like in terms of having people find other people who would enjoy the job enough to sign on?