
Other urls found in this thread:



>"not my president"
>protests and riots
>actual tears
literally all things the Liberals were berating conservatives for doing after they assumed Hillary would win
It's truly impressive how quickly people can forget about things and become completely unabashed hypocrites



It's called your forehead.





Here in Chicago they organized an actual meetup to the Trump Tower to point and laugh if he lost.

Liberals are children, it's nothing new. That's what you become when you don't work a decent day in your life outside of Starbucks and your life revolves around likes and retweets.

Targeted by fucking what? What do these people think will happen?



Jesus Christ.



Mate, that thing is a 5 head.


this is almost what i would say if hillary was gonna be put into the white house

So much fucking denial



4x4 head






All their fucking buzzwords and rhetoric, they still dont realize this is why a candidate like trump existed and then won...

Fucking idiots. Ive never been so happy to to see them suffer

Why can't I be friends with any of these fake tough guy mega cucks on facebook? Would love to tear into them.


wtf i like bronies now

>Someone makes a tweet that sounds good on paper
>By the next day is wallpaper
Like clockwork, the best part is that they can't even phantom people not having those kinds of friends or even knowing them.


pick one

It's really quite cathartic actually.

Sure they will cause a ruckus and vandalize some shit but the damage Trump and his supporters did to their ego's will last a life time.

This has been the best 24 hours in a long time.

Dont worry, 71 days is plenty of time to break the conditioning and come back to reality.


>my wife's son's family


This shit legit pisses me off, you know people are a lot more likely to try with all the social capital it would bring them.


My god. I'm a college-age liberal ladyfriend and I'm disgusted by all this liberal Hillary ass kissing. It's been driving me nuts for the past 2 months. Seriously how is my generation this asshurt about "muh privilege" and "muh basic human rights." I voted for Trump out of spite and also fuck hillary and fuck the people who blindly support her and her corruption.

Fuck this gay country.

Weren't these assholes complaining about people not recognizing Obama as their president 8 years ago and calling it a racist act?

Look at that shithole full of kitty litter boxes, what a pig

If Trump was hypothetically arrested before January 20th, wouldn't Pence just take over? How is that at all beneficial to them?

>mfw I'm from Melbourne and I'm enjoying fresh tears all day

lmaooo this man is 34 years old

Of course that's not your president, that's your forehead. What a confused girl.



Cmon now, its 2016. Gender is fluid now mmkay?

The existence of my people and a future for my children means more to me than your right to shove things up your ass

How can you be friends with someone that doesn't matter to you in the first place?
These faggots never had their asses kicked. This is where all these problems stem from.

They literally think Mike Pence is going to head gay conversion death squads or some shit, I'm not even kidding.

Damn that guy's a mess

that's a big forehead

I know those feel senpai


guys trump is going to ban ultrasounds and mammograms


My sister posted this. Couldn't hold back. Had to challenge her publicly. Accused her of identity politics. That painting a group of people based on their gender or race is exactly what racists are accused of. Pointed out turnout of romney vs obama. Female turnout. She just threw out buzzwords (misogynist, racist, bigot). Well, there goes that relationship

This. This. This.

>canadian .

Good thing I don't have any friends

>he says things you know are ((((((wrong)))))), but secretly agree with

>mfw its true, every word of it


Trump being assassinated by one of these fucks would be the funniest thing ever, Pence is a dinosaur who actually is many of the things they falsely believe Trump is and one of these retards may very well chimp out and put him into office. They are cutting off their nose to spite their face.

Well, they dont' matter to me. Furthermore, I dont associate with üntermenschen like that.

this is fake



They all gathered in front of the Trump building tonight. A friend of mine said the police were laughing at all the butthurt cucks

I have a latina illegal alien friend and she hopes all criminal aliens get deported

>Millennials always talk about how they're mature and can face the real world
>flip out when reality sets in that they can't always get what they want

>being a self-hating woman is privilege

The fuck?

As some faggot on mmochamp commented "everyone is pro democracy until they don't get their way."

>protesting Trump in a state that went heavily for Hillary in a city that went heavily for Hillary
Democrats are retarded

the self-destruction of the left, I'm loving every minute of it.

>the new president wants to stop illegal immigration, making communities safer
>people have a huge problem with this and protest in the streets

it's so confusing.

I don't get this 'if you voted third party, get out of my face' shit from the losers. Johnson pulled way more votes from Trump than from Hillary and Stein barely pulled anything from anybody.

Fuck family. My mom voted Hillary and although my dad is kind of red pilled I'm pretty sure he voted shillary like a cuck anyway


Evan pls go

Based icy

Chicago here. here was the event





Still waiting for ANY evidence that Trump doesn't support the LGBT community.

What the fuck are kid gloves?

>says things you know are wrong
what a fucking shithead liberal, Trump is correct. The butthurt is the greatest fallout ever

I enjoy how there is almost zero policy discussion in these sky is falling posts.

Anyone have actual posts of people shutting up these faggots with facts? All I get is cringe and the urge to tell them how idiotic they are.

>hurry bitches!!!
> pay somebody to grab you by the pussy before trump does it for free!!


this is why the country is in a fiscal crisis.

boy i wish it fucking was, it's some 17 year old kid that lived across from my old best friend - he's a huge faggot and could be more of a beta weeb if he tried.

the 2 comments are his parents

>van jones salty af


Three 8s confirms he doesn't give a hoot.

Do these people realize that this is exactly the sort of vitriolic bullshit that helped Trump win the election?

Instead they just whine on twitter, fuck 3rd party voters, fuck white males, fuck florida, fuck america, fuck anyone who disagrees with me, etc.

Grow the fuck up and lose with some grace. I don't even like Trump, but this shit makes me sick


>1 post by this ID

Evan pls

>Grow the fuck up and lose with some grace. I don't even like Trump, but this shit makes me sick

Say what you will about Obama but at least he showed some class today when talking about Trump.

She's got a niglet in tow, lel

sorry, was too busy shouting USA! myself.