Based Yoshida saving Marvel Comics
Based Yoshida saving Marvel Comics
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Weeabos will save American Enterteinment industry.
Is calling him always akira or yoshida, instead of cebulski, a thing now?
I'm still not sure how i feel about the guy, i see the point of a lot of his detractors where he was essentially stealing work from others (?), but IDK. Seems like something that you really can't have an opinion on without people getting incensed
Considering the british made the best of american comics...
I liked "weebulski", but I think Yoshida's gonna stick.
What's his opinion on Spidey?
yes user-sama.
He should know is the main comic, he said in a veir interview that his favorite team is New Mutants and his favorite character is Mirage
Akira Yoshida Sama is going to make Marvel great again
cancelled gwenpool
cancelled your favorite hawkeye
cancelled yaaas queen!
cancelled holy menstruasion
He is pretty based so far, it gives me hope for Marvel to, dare I say, great again?
Which one is yas queen?
I would love to root for him but considering he will probably cancel my fav run I rather sit back and go further deep in depression.
Carl Manvers
>America cancelled
>Iceman cancelled
>Slott leaving ASM
>Marvel Two In One returns, with Thing headlining again
So far he's giving me a shit ton of faith.
Listen, a few series are going to have to eat a bullet if we're gonna root out the rest of the cancer. I liked Gwenpool but it had a good run and if it means Captain Marvel and America get cancelled I'm willing to deal with it.
>Alonso's Marvel pandered to tumblr scum
>Cebulski's will pander to weeaboo scum
To me, it comes to a question
Did he do it because he wanted to do write comics so much? Or did he do it for the shekkels? To me, it looks like the former.
True but I’m bitching because my fav DC characters and runs have also turned to shit. If Marvel doesn’t deliver I have nothing else to read. I know my opinion doesn’t matter but I still like to bitch at least.
What is Marvel going to publish once these characters are canned? Make even more xmen runs?
user you should end with the big twos already there is nothing there to save.
Captain Marvel is getting cancelled? Does that mean DC will get the trademark?
What is your favorite run?
Who's ready for My hero Academia Crossover
Spider-Man school girls series when?
Is that why Horikoshi collabed with Disney for Star Wars art?
No, there is more than a year of time before they have to relaunch under the same name.
>he still don't kill nigga-spider
Just why, someone buy that book?
What does EIC actually do, and will he be reigning in people like Brevoort and Wacker?
I think Miles has actually surpassed Peter's book a couple of times, also with Bendis gone, Miles can be re-invented in anyway, but is probably going to fading soon
Reminder he's the one who hired Gurihiru in the 1st place.
>big 2 shitters
Marvel were the ones who could lay judgement on him since he acted against them and he was forgiven.
Weebulski Yoshida
He's like a chief to the editors
That would require DC to publish a SHAZAM book which they refuse to ever do.
Who the fuck cares after Johns ruined The Marvel Family even worse than it already was after new52?
>I think Miles has actually surpassed Peter's book a couple of times
In what way? Miles never outsold Peter except maybe for a #1 issue relaunch or two.
Creatively I think Bendis's first dozen or so Miles issues were quite good and better than whatever Slott was doing on ASM at the time. But since then Bendis was on cruise-control with Miles, doing decompressed nothing stories for like five years now, and even Slott's ASM at its worst still had actual stories about things.
based yoshida sama is indeed very based it seems
I think, chiefly, he edits the use of "or" in books. Sometimes an "or" really should be an "and"
I guess we know why they tried to slander Yoshida-san now.
But they can't handle one monthly.
>Marvel comics saved by a weeb
Sunfire solo wen
But he killed off Gwenpool.
I have a feeling Gwenpool is going to be relaunched in some way. Her merch is too popular to axe her completely.
Okay i might be confusing books, but didn't Miles outsold Peter like a 1 or 2 months ago?
Yes, Spider-man outsold Amazing Spider-man last month.
>cancelled gwenpool
This isn't a good thing
Necessary sacrifices. You can't remove cancer without unfortunately removing some of the healthy cells they're attached to. Yoshida is the reason GuriHiru ever first started working at Marvel anyways so, in a roundabout way, Gwen wouldn't be the girl that she is today without him.
This. I don't know why anons are celebrating. The book was harmless and it was contained in its own story most of the time unlike annoying ass Deadpool. What else is he going to cancel I wonder.
For every 3 shit books that get cancelled, one good one needs to go with it. Gwen died so that she could take America, Iceman and Captain Marvel down with her. Black Bolt is probably the next great book that will die to take bad books down in the process.
Don't do this to me user. Gwen's death already took a toll on my heart. I can't handle another one.
As much as people liked the series, it consistently sold under 15k for the last few months, and one of the similarities all these cancelled series has is that they're selling abysmally low. Cebulski is just clearing out the books that simply aren't making money. It sucks, but it happens.
I'm sorry, user, but this is simply the world we live in. Everything has a price. Pyrrhic victories are the only victories afforded to us as a people.
unless marvel and dc brings back they old sexy costumes and let´s their white male heroes actually act heroic again nothing is gonna change in terms of sale numbers
So why didn't he fix the Thor situation? You would think they would realize by now that Jane Foster is cancer after Thor: Ragnarok's success without with Jane Foster in it.
1. the story she's currently in is called The Death of Thor
2. She sold better than Thor Odinson
This, they can't inflate sales anymore at the cost of LCS getting a lot of toilet paper, they actually have to clean house and focus on what sells
Gwen sold badly so it was on the chopping block when they were ready to Ax the real stinkers.
If in the future you want to save a series consider buying themto avoid the fate of being in the chopping block with the stinkers.
That's Yoshida-SAMA to you, you filthy gaijin.
>”If in the future you want to save a series consider buying themto avoid the fate of being in the chopping block with the stinkers.”
>tfw bought all the floppies and trades
>recommended them to friends
>waifu dies anyway
Well that was fun
Based Weebman