>tfw the greatest person to ever exist was French.
Tfw the greatest person to ever exist was French
Pretty damn close, but can't into water like based Horatio.
>a fag
Tbh I'm finding it hard to disagree. And by greatest I preume you mean a man who, through his relentless will and striving towards his vision, left an unforgettable mark on the world.
Donald Trump isn't French
>A leaf
>The father of jews
>The one who supported Freemasonry
An American-Serb has done more than anyone that can ever be listed here.
That's not Jeanne D'Arc.
I bet he had some amusing parties.
I woulda wanted to hang out with him.
No, he was Mexican and beat the shit out of your gay country
Martel was much more based than Napoleon. Literally saved all of Europa from the Moors
You are so wrong.
>killed millions of white people
>Sup Forums loves him
What did Sup Forums meme by this?
Fuck no, he was an ass and a cuck. He made the entire European continent his enemy. He lead hundreds of thousand French troops to their death especially the blunders in Egypt and Russia. He became dictator of a very poor and weak France. Greatest my ass.
>emancipator of jews
No. Fuck him.
>Delusional godfag
There is a reason why that witch got burned.
These. He also didn't BTFO of Muslims and abandoned his plagued troops in the Egypt.
And yet she was quite helpful against the english.
Europe was a continent forged in blood and fire. Those deaths were not in vain
and the only reason you talk about those deaths like they were losses is the ongoing white genocide
Why did you just post the same thing he did?
greatest military career in history
greatest scientific career in history
Napoleon accomplished nothing
The Hammer saved all of Europe from Muslims
>meme'd herself into sainthood
>made her country great again
Face it; she was Sup Forums as fuck.
Hi guys
This and this.
>He was close to men so he must have taken the cock
>Forgetting he had a literal harem of women to fuck
Well, he fucked (Like most greeks), women and men.
napoleon was a lot like richard the lionheart
You retards do realize that he barely stopped a Muslim raid into Europe? That Muslim army did not have neither the resources nor the logistics to hold their territory in Europe. The fuckers barely managed to keep Andalusia, how were they supposed to keep all of Western Europe?
He's not that special really, and I'm French-Canadian. I'd say Napoleon was way more great. Napoleon actually conquered a continent and did the impossible. Too bad enslaved Anglocucks to the Jews had to finance all of Napoleon's enemies. He would have won otherwise.
Yes. Why did you post Napoleon though?
Or... you know he shouldn't have invaded Spain....
Leibniz is a close one too. Because Newton was a dumb bitch close to this nigga.
its so beautiful
damn that explains why many historians consider the Battle of Tours one of the most important in European history.
Newton was also a cunt.
This is over the heads of 99% of Sup Forums
you armed? has your mam got a gun? if i lived in yourt sh9ithoole id be so trigger happy.