How's it feel knowing we tricked all off you ;-)
How's it feel knowing we tricked all off you ;-)
I don't think Trump cares who this chick treats in her garage. She can't do illegal shit in a workplace. How do people this dumb become in charge of healthcare?
>more doctors and more jobs
Wow thanks Trump
These people are fucked up. No one cares about those things.
I love it when they end their smug responses with "Thanks :)" because you just KNOW they're gritting their teeth and typing each letter out so fucking hard it nearly breaks the keys on the keyboard.
That's what doctors are supposed to do. She's acting like she's being rebellious for doing her job.
>Guess what, Trump? I'm working at Starbucks and I will treat all of my customers exactly the same way.
That would have equally sufficed
inb4 malpractice suit
Hoping she doesn't get sued for malpractice.
I give her five months before she offs herself
But is she illegal? Cause if so...
wtf does that even mean
in 3 and a half years. LOL she needs to quit gloating about the future, and what might be. She might get hit will a mallet and robbed before her daddy finishes paying for that degree.
Well it's not her job to deport illegals, so who cares
Shit, she saw right through our plans and is now going to treat everyone with respect and decency.
Fuck! Didn't realize med school was giving classes in three-dimensional chess.
There is no way this person becomes a doctor believing this bull shit.
I too, remember when Trump said that doctors should administer healthcare based on race.
Good luck treating them for free.
>she thinks she's fighting for what's right
>she thinks she's doing something special
>she doesn't know what the hippocratic oath is
dumb cunt, get back in the kitchen. you've got to do all that shit you just said regardless of who the president is.
So can we meme SJW scum back into classical liberals?
Sign me up.
isnt medical school 4 years?
-Dumb Liberal Bitch
... Oki doke.
She's lying, she's not going to give good treatment to white men. She should be monitored.
>I will follow the hypocratic oath when I'm a doctor
I would hope so
So the liberals are going to get back at Trump by Making America Great Again?
That'll show him.
10/10 top shelf ruse
And here I thought we were finally going to have the chance to live in an America where doctors would be forced by the president to discriminate against their patients based on their sexual identification, race, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, and/or religion. It's the reason I voted for Trump. Oh well.
She reminds me of this annoying fat girl in my undergrad classes. The classes I am taking can go several different ways, including MD. This cunt is honors, buddy buddy with all the professors, invited to all the academia meet and greets with the faculty, and generally treated like an all-star student. But she struggles in classes like biology. She is only doing "well" because people are carrying her through despite her inability to do well on an exam. And here I am thinking, she is going to be a fucking doctor one day. And she couldn't even read blood pressure correctly...
The leftist echo chamber has falsely meme'd Trump into not just hating illegal Mexicans, but anyone and everyone. They now see him as guilty of all of their potential sins...
It makes no sense. I have only seen instances where Trump treats people as well as they are worth. I know that's why he employed lots of women at his company. That's why he had a woman campaign manager, who won btw.
These people are so retarded.
>trump elected to office
>systematically every business denies service to any group that isn't a straight white male
This is what liberals actually believe
>shit skin cunt is only decent to spite someone
Soooooo he just got more doctors more great jobs helping people????? Does this person even realize what she's saying?
4 additional years after the completion of a BS in a relevant field.
At trump university they do.
Do you want a Melania Trump to operate on you when you are in a car accident?
Doesn't literally every doctor already take that oath?
>Hillary supporter
...And why is this a bad thing for anyone? Including Trump? If what she is saying is true she might save his life.
But no. She's just a vindictive bitch.
No but you see, that is what is so wonderful about this.
Donald Trump indirectly forces all the Liberals to face the reality that their "rhetorical proficiency!!!" is meaningless, and he is their president. They will be forced to realize they need to actually contribute to the system and accept outside authority the way they have imposed it on us for the last 8 years.
>letting a female doctor treat me
Whew. Hard pass.
These people are so deluded it hurts.
>going to a MD school
>not a DO school
>not learning OMT
ok its a worthless skill, I just wanted to get into a medical school and be a chill as fuck family doc. god bless~
She's going to quit whining and do her job?!?!
OH NO!!!
you mean your going to do your job well? wow, that's kind of like, I don't know, making America great again, or something.
An MD this dumb shouldn't practice.
Reminds me of the drunk Indian Dr. Anjali Ramkissoon who attacked the Uber driver.
When you're getting paid 200k a year, of course you treat everyone fairly.
Bahaha why do you think they pay doctors so much? You think they would be sticking their hands up mexicans, black, muslim buts if they were even at half of that???
Please. Wait until she makes a comment about aligned the poor or something. She'll look as silly as the hollywood millionaires that do the same.
>people this stupid are becoming doctors
We are fucked
Yet more proof that their greatest fear is not getting that sweet, sweet attention they crave so much. Nobody wants to stop her from doing what she's saying, it's just that no one gives a fuck.
Underrated Aussie bantz
What is this even supposed to be in response to?
LOL let's see how well she treats her patients when they come crawling in with no id and no health insurance. LOL. fucking dumb libtard.
Most of the doctors I met in a major hospital are red pilled. She'll learn the hard way
Yes. Ivory tower indoctrinated insulated liberals honestly have no understanding of what the real world is like.
Was she just going to ignore her hypocritical oath before trump?
Really makes you think.
do you want chelsea clinton operating on you?
moreso, what the fuck is the stupid point you're attempting to make?
But that is what Trump wants. Progressives would want her to treat LGBTQ+-*/ and darkies with special privileges though.
I have bad news for you, bro. Every university in the world is filled with people like this and they all think themselves clever
>haha i was going to be an evil cunt, but instead ill be nice to people just to be a spiteful cunt
wtf i hate trump now
haha i will uphold the law and fight for equality and help people, checkmate republicans!
fucking christ people ARE brainwashed.
Is that actually a real game ... because I want it to be.
She'll likely drop out because weed is more awesome than classes.
>Implying a republican gives a shit what a private citizen does with his or her time as long as it's within the confines of federal law
There's a difference between your freedom to do those things and having those attitudes mandated by Clinton's secret police.
You're welcome
>You've ignited my passion to be a good doctor, Trump
How inspirational. He's already making America great again
>hehe s-stupid l-losers......I-I'm not even mad.....muh popular vote.....muh rigged system..
Isn't she an illegal?
Someone needs to respond to her,thanking trump for inspiring more people to become doctors.
It looks like it was made in pivot. I too remember newgrounds
>mfw 7d chess on a time-variable 11x11 rubix cubed liberals into acting like sane human beings
Cause Doctors are shit stupid.
They seem smart because they just cheat their way through classes .
But when you get to shit like chemistry they'll literally light themselves on fire.
Fucking pathetic class of people.
illegal: i'm like a good person heh I'm like totally hardworking or whatever!!
americans: you have to go back
why do these faggot illegals think we give 1 shit about their feelings. you don't belong here. You're a leach. go make your own country great
What is wrong with these people? I get the want for a better world thing, but they're going from activists to bat shit insane. Do they get raped and bullied constantly? In my reality most people ignore everyone they aren't friends with or are fairly cordial with strangers. Wtf is going on?
How should I respond, user?
Think about it. THESE are the smart, educated people that have been supporting Hillary and neoliberal fascism. These clueless morons that constantly talk down to you because you think Kool-aid tastes like shit.
So Trump inspired her to achieve her dreams?
>I will treat all my patients regardless of [ . . . ] the same way
Enjoy that medical malpractice lawsuit retard.
>400,000 people die in the US every year due to medical malpractice
Lets get these dangerous doctors out of our country!
Man really made me hmmmmm, all these social issues because fuck the economy that isn't important at all. Social issues as we all know are the most importan factor
I appreciate that, user.
In 3.5 years she will realize that not only is she looking at a broken healthcare system. She will be paying malpractice insurance through the roof and will start seeing why paying for massive government and gibmedats sucks & how Hillary is such a nightmare. It's called life experience. When she starts to realize that her illegal immigrant patients carry TB of the resistant kind from third world shit holes she will be scared as hell. Thanks for the snapshot of a wide-eyed optimistic fool before the fall.
>this lady will be an MD in 3.5 years
hard to finish med school when you get deported, mudslime
>more volatile middle east
Uh, Clinton wanted a no-fly in Syria retard. I'm sure that would have worked out.
>If you kill your enemies, they win
I'm not sure, feels like one of those
>you respond, you lose
If she had said any differently, she would be violating the Hippocratic oath and would probably be striped of her MD credentials.
So.. way to do your job, I guess?
So you're going to do what you're supposed to?
Most doctors have to take on an obscene amount of patients each day just to earn any money with Obamacare now. They treat anyone with an actual healthcare plan like fucking gold.
She is going to look ragged and in the back of her mind she is going to fucking admit that the healthcare system is a piece of fucking shit and a scam but never admit to it.
Your honorary SJW badge is in the mail on its way to you!
*WHOM you degrade.
Sheesh, that's why it's an MD and not a PhD.
My state alone has gone up over 40% in premiums. I can't even get it myself anymore it was killing me. Now I have nothing already. When I got a bite from a cat that's right one bite. It cost me $2500 this is Obama's healthcare.
This. Being a doctor is literally flashcards: the degree. Being a doctor requires no real inherent knowledge of anything or any understanding about how the human body functions.
Doctors only need to know how to diagnose, treat, and prescribe medication. Outside of that, they'd be fucking useless if asked how they know why bodily functions act as they do or how the chemicals in medication interact with the chemicals within the body.
It is, by far, the most overrated job.
my thoughts exactly....... "Treat who ever you want, but papers?"
This is the stupid shit Hillary would say that caused her to lose the election.