California reporting in. Not like a white man is going to win this state ever, so meh
NJ reporting in. Too many liberals
Fucking niggers and spics have grown in VA. That, combined with an increase in the urban population and liberalisation of the Richmond area has fucked this once great state.
>tfw Virginia was the greatest of the colonies
>tfw it's only downhill from here
Save me brothers
>all these glorious drumpffag tears
Stay salty my friends. :^)
t. Connecticut
Kamala Harris dude
and weed.
and no guns.
this state hugely cucked itself last night.
We're pissed about the states we lost but we're still fucking elated about the election. No tears for you to drink here, shill.
Wisconsin here. Fucking Madison and Milwau...oh, sorry. Nevermind. Continue, please.
God damn liberals living in MD, also baltimore/niggerstan.
still brings me great pleasure to see you all buttblasted over minorities bashing out your vote, so at least that counts for something. ;^)
New Mexico here. My county whet red however.
Well, at least we still have a lot of nice rural areas VA brother, where you at in here?
My sheer disgust that Trump lost in my state almost overshadows his winning the election. We also replaced our R-senator with a know nothing hispanic democrat woman
Living in SW Va it's hard to believe we even have a spic population.
doesn't matter man, relax
we've got enough senators to do whatever we want
NY here, I thought the happening from September might've redpilled the city, but it wasn't enough.
My county still went red though
Thank fuck Nevada and Oregon and California legalized weed so the Commiefornians stop shitting up this state.
Also, media kept trying to say that the Hispanic vote swang this state, but all the counties that voted Hillary are like 94% white. The counties near Pueblo and elsewhere in the southern part of the state voted Trump.
I moved here for work last year from Alabama, so at least I guess I can be glad the voted the way they did...even though it is a shit state at the moment due to the politicians running shit into the ground.
Illinois reporting
Chicago niggers is all it took
MA here.
Not a single county went red.
Yep, polls closed at 7:00. Hillary won the state at 7:01.
if trump does everything right he can win this in 4 years
living in "enemy territory" sucks m8. I hope to not be living in this state much longer
who else here cucked by somalians and swedes?
New York here.
I didn't expect him to win here anyway
LOL nothin happin?!?
epick thread i can't wait to murder you
It's okay, user. I'm a student at W&M and holy shit was it somber on campus today. Liberal tears fell like mana from heaven. We still won.
Don't worry friend, our state legislature added a lot of red
Fuck Peoria and Chicago
I went around in my MAGA cap on campus and people looked at me like I'd fisted their cat
nevada reporting in.
increasingly liberal state.
i'm a liberal too – voting for trump was against my interests, but voting for hillary was unconscionable
>mfw Pennsylvania
Yeah, as surprised as people were about PA, I was equally surprised at VA
Just what is going on there? Besides gays, I already met a gay from VA
Saw a dude with a MAGA hat on as I rode my bike to class. That you?
nevada, i see.
get over it.
>democrats mad about democracy
well, conservatives too, i guess
user we thought the whole country was doomed and somehow it might not be. VA can still be uncucked.
>tfw upstate New York
fucking cityfags
My biggest deal is that fucking 77% of all state reps/senators ran unopposed.
Nothing will ever truly change like that.
In the Neogaf forum there is thread with a Clinton supporter boasting that the election booths will stay open as long as is necessary for Trump to lose.
Californian reporting in.
Fuck me lads, my county gave Trump 41% of the vote. Fucking spics and Indians.
Too Busy Banging the Gavel and Giving Room to Destroy in Maryland
better dead than red, comrade.
single-party governments are stupid, & everyone knows it
Same. Trump please deport all these illegals voting here.
WA here. We are the biggest cucks. I think CA would go red before us.
the biggest cuck thing to do is enjoy losing
Trump's winning 2020 as well. We're only just starting.
New Mexico reporting in
>legalizing weed
I don't use it or plan to, but the fact that it is illegal in most places is downright retarded. That said, yeah we are pretty cucked here. But we have nice weather so...yay?
who here /pa/
Same and same
Look at this fucking shit, fuck NYC.
CT reporting in
Too many sheltered whites, spics, POOs, and boons demanding gibsmedat
That's too bad, he had Virginia in the bag for most of the night until Clinton somhow took the lead.
REMINDER: If you voted Trump but still lost the state your vote didn't matter.
t. Saratoga
I don't mind it here. Most counties are actually red.
Great state flag
Great roads
Republican governor
Chesapeake bay
Could be worse.
Jew York
Did my part, he never had a chance though
Disappointed in Virginia, but we knew it would be rigged anyway.
In the end, it was all worth it, though.
I fucking hate NYC
I was in Manhattan this afternoon and all I heard was how much people cried and Trump == Hitler
>mfw California
You have no right to bitch, OP.
Eastern Shore Maryland. Still red. Though Im originally from PA and very proud of my state this year (and every year!)
>tfw NY
nyc NEEDS to become its own state, upstate new york is grossly underrepresented in elections.
Reminder, friends, your vote still counted. Even if it only butt blasted people in our shit states, it still helped soften the >muh popular vote backlash, and it proves the demographic shift among this nations normies.
VAfag here, NOVA fucked up everything. Too many liberal DC workers and spics.
Washington here
I wish that shitty liberal infested tumor of Seattle didn't fucking exist. Nearly the entire state is red but that cesspool cucks us out of a republican vote every election.
Texisfag here you fucking cuck, enjoy the loss in my state, and my nation
fauquier country reporting in. we tried
Illinois fag here. No worse feeling than voting and seeing the polls close and an immediate Dem victory with no battle
It wasn't rigged. We swung it the other way. Us and Richmond.
Feels pretty good, honestly.
Try being Illinois. Worst state in the union.
I agree, as a Texan. Upper NY is traditionally based but New York City is immigrant cancer on a shit flavored platter. Half the reason they voted democrat was becaus 25-35% of them aren't even native born Americans. I wouldn't be surprised if Central American Illegals were roaming the streets of NYC.
Never underestimate the distance in which a border jumper can hop.
Why do you want to murder me?
Washington here... Too many shitty upper middle class white hipsters here...
pennsylvania here
oh wait
didn't expect aht
so fucking weird being bordered by all red.
no other state is like that. what the fuck happened, you guys really have a fuckload of niggers all concentrated in one spot. you guys should just nuke that city.
MA reporting in here. State is incredibly cucked beyond repair. It's sad being that New England was the catalyst in founding the the country the country and starting the American Revolution. I grew up here and love the weather (Fall here especially is beautiful), the sports teams (based Brady/Belichick), and well that's basically it. It is nice being surrounded by so many dopey liberal tears right now though.
btw, fuck you, california you bunch of fucking pansies.
the culture in california is intolerable.
can't smoke in bars, wtf is that shit?
bars are for vices.
"we want to participate in this vice, but we don't want to be around people who engage in this othe vice".
from a liberal to a liberal state, californians needs to grow a pair
He didn't win MA but he did win the primary here
If Trump establishes voter ID laws then Cali will go red
if we delet eugene and portland this state would be red as fuck
Nova please. Mecklenburg county here. As far as I'm concerned you're living in occupied territory.
Hell, you're probably some kind of muslim or gook, or worse, some white guiltist who was afraid of being called WAYSISS
Oregon here.
We tried, but there are too many cucks in Portland to turn us red. Only 8/36 counties voted for Hillary.
I'm sorry. We tried.
I swear to God once I move out of the Bay Area I am never coming back. Gas the cucks.
i thought you could only vote if you're registered to vote.
don't you have to be a citizen to register?
Massachusetts here. Lot of nice construction we have going on here. People don't realize that if we let the brazilians and jamaicans take over that, those buildings aren't going to last long. And neither will our economy.
NYC, it's a lost cause
lane county a shit too, it's mostly eugene desu
no reason to worry user
Holy shit another Fauquier fag. I really never thought I'd meet another here.
also, get your own damn electricity
Nevada here. Yep.
not only that now our kids are going to be taught in spic in school instead of english, this state is fucked, even after a Trump win I barely feel happy unless he actually deports everyone here
Believe it or not, I'm probably about as anti-immigration as you are. There are other issues at play, you know.
But if you never want this to happen again, you can always support NoVA statehood. I don't hate you folks down there, not really, but I think it'd be a relief to both sides if we went our separate ways. Wouldn't you agree?
yea dude we live in bumfuck nowhere this place is a shithole but at least we voted trump lol
CA here
Pic Related cause currently i publicly celebrated trump' victory in an arab neighborhood
On another note, what's the cheapest way to get a gun?
It's our blessing in disguise to live in cucked states, all the more liberal tears to soak up and sustain our smug.
trump won Ohio but lost my cucked city
Trump please deport all of California.