So are the rumors true or is it butthurt libtards trying to get incite regret or sympathy?

So are the rumors true or is it butthurt libtards trying to get incite regret or sympathy?

>immature retards kill themselves
>somehow it's Trumps fault

How delusional can some people be?

Other urls found in this thread:

Implying they dont kill themselves all the time anyways

Implying gender studies is not a destructive cult.

>mentally ill freaks
>killing themselves

>Transgender people
> Committing suicide
Pick 2
Its the one thing they truly excel at

>Literally already worth my vote
We made America great again, gang

Why do you even believe this?

This no name twitter spam is starting to piss me off. Do we literally have to kill CTR

>4 people killed themselves in a nation of 300 million

Oh god call off the election!

>Trump's America
>One of the most suicide prone groups in the country doing just that and the man hasn't even taken a goddamn seat

Stop conflating liberal fear mongering and temper tantrums with anything Trump's actually done.

He hasn't even been president-elect for a day, and he's already making the world a better place.

confirms that trans ppl are mentally ill and bad for society.

How many Trans kids killed themselves during the Obama administration?

Hint, it's probably about half of them

>How delusional can some people be?
They have a cock and call themselves a woman after a surgeon hacks it off... so, pretty delusional.

> Four trannies off themselves because WAAA I DIDNT GET WHAT I WANTED

Why didnt these weirdos just move to fucking Europe instead of ending their pathetic existence?

For real, you fucking ended your life over a vote? No one killed themselves over Brexit, Russian queers don't off themselves thinking about Putin they run off to another country claiming protection.

I cannot comprehend why you would immediately commit suicide about a President Trump, it has to be a lie?

>Trump's America
>obongo still in power
are all liberals mentally challenged?

Just 4, thats a slow start.

This is a literal translation of the pic with the guy fucking up his own bicycle wheel

>I will do everything in my power to protect the LGBTQ+ citizens, from the violent, hateful, foreign ideology.
Their own fault.

You know, like, hundreds of people commit suicide every fucking day. Even if this shit was true, it's pretty damn likely it had nothing to do with the election. Transgender people are generally prone to depression anyway.

Yeah, but all those celebrities changed their minds about moving.

>Trump made these mentally ill fucktards kill themselves
>Trump is literally assassinating trannies the day he wins the election
Libs completely believe this

I thought it was 8?

>4 trannies dump pills into their gullets
>Trump's fault

Ah yes it's all clear to me now

They never have any substantial evidence. What the fuck do you think? That all of a sudden Trump supporters joined the Hells Angels and Pagan biker MP's?


>80% of suicide victims are male
>over 30,000 men and boys kill themselves every year
>divorced men are 10x more likely to kill themselves than divorced women
Yeah I'll be SJWs really care about suicide don't they

True, but now every time it happens they'll blame it on Trump

According to /lgbt/, this number is in line with the normal daily suicides.

How is this Trump's responsibility? If anyone outside the people themselves can be blamed, it's the media for making transgender people somehow feel oppressed by Trump for no reason.

>it's Trump's fault that people have low EQ!

4 of them were lying about it.

the other 4 is probably a made up statistic where they just assume 4 of them killed themselves using their made up bullshit.

That amount kill themselves daily

Nothing different

It's the media's fault anyway. Trump isn't anti-LGBTXXXXXXXXXXXX

They are irrational and confused in the head. Their entire life is based around a perverted fetish and deception.

Shows how mentally ill these people are. Imagine your entire identity based on some sexual paraphilia. only fucked up western societies with completely wrecked communities have the level of mass psychosis that these shitlibs have. But trump is magnanimous with his gifts. he ll repair this society thus becoming the savior lbgt people dont deserve but need.

Liberals are pussies, this is Trump's fault for some reason.

>be Trump
>win election
>transgender retards kill selves for no reason
>get blamed
>don't care because they're not people

Media to blame.
Liberals to blame.

kek gave us meme magic knowing full well it will be rapid for in nonbeliever blood

kek for the kek god, PRAISE

Libs at fault for this.....
Causing mass hysteria
Leading to people to an hero....

Pack of fuckwits

Anyone else tired of all this? These people are stupid as hell. I really hated darwins law doesnt really work well in this day and age

>mentally unstable people harm themselves
>this is somehow Trump's fault
I don't get it

>be me, sexually assaulted by muzzies on trip to visit German family about a year ago
>Trump wins, good times
>getting keks at all the salt at school today when classmate notices
>says I shouldnt make fun when so many marginalized people are scared, and that Ive never experienced anything as "traumatic" as this since Im a whitey

>perform destructive actions out of your own volition, we blame it on Trump
This is severe mental illness. This is literally "I'm going to kill myself if you don't love me" on a mass-scale.

>March 2017

>CNN Reports

>As Transgender suicides skyrocket and reports of mass "Liberal flight" From American cities into Canada continue President Trump begins laying the first bricks to the Southern border wall


hopefully more will follow suit.

Killing themselves keeps us under budget

It's all just appeal to emotion, like that kid who got plastered all over news outlets last year. Besides, this one doesn't have any fucking basis, she's not even posting the source to that bullcrap she's trying to push.

Isn't this a good thing though? Since percentage of mental illness in USA decreases without government spends money for putting them in hospital?

Praise Kek

It's not Trump's fault that those kids were stupid enough to commit suicide over him being elected smfh

Don't worry, they just identify as corpses now

>day of the rope finally comes
>there's no one left to hang

Holy shit, the God Emperor practically radiates greatness. Everywhere he goes heretics kill themselves, illegals hide, the feeble-minded flee the country. In one day he MAGA'd more than the last 5 presidents' terms combined.

Amazing, well done America.

is suicide the ultimate virtue signal?


Jesus Christ, a guy gets elected into office then a bunch of faggots kill themselves because of their own delusional fears and I'M RESPONSIBLE FOR IT? I'm not responsible for it and either is fucking Trump.

I was talking to this guy today and he said because I voted trump (in CA btw) I was responsible for the KKK celebrating Trumps win. He said "You have cast a vote in which the KKK celebrates you for. You have also cast a vote people rioted about. So technically you're responsible for both because you did something that created a reaction to others.

Most twisted fucking bullshit

I'm heteroflexible(just like to suck a bug juicy veiny cock once or twice a week) and I tell you what..trannies are mental scum that should die

Praise Kek

We will make America great again.


Who are they appealing to? Trump already won and all his supporters had to sniff through mountains of bullshit to elect him so what the fuck this gonna do now? Just pathetic desu

Good. Let nature take its course.


Praise him.

Trump lets trans use whatever bathroom they want in his tower. If anyone is at fault for these suicides its the liberal scaremongers.

Don't know if that shit is true or not, but it seems like a lot of people are making up fake shit.


Liberals don't think. They feel. Which is why they fail miserably.


This is not a normal reaction. If people are killing themselves because Trump won the election then there are clearly underlying psychology issue.

I love how it's Trumps fault that a bunch of mentally ill kids killed themselves. Of course, if they could handle reality they wouldn't be trans to begin with.


The absolute madman.

Seriously, they have the highest goddamn suicide rate of any group on the planet. But fuck it, let's build an entrenched culture around the disorder instead of working to help fix the problem. I'm sure they'd rather be martyred for their "gender identity."

checked, keked, and praised



>mentally ill freaks killing themselves

do it right faggot

>not even in office yet and starting to MAGA

Good, I only hope there's more.

Somewhat related. Have a friend who works in the Canadian Embassy. They apparently got flooded with inquiries.

I think people actually are going for it this time...


Make it double time

>No source

>On average 22 American military veterans commit suicide every day
>Cherrypick a handful of suicides to make Trump seem at fault (how?)

Thank god this is almost over and Trump will fix this nonsense.

Yep, Trump was responsible for making predisposed mentally ill people to act on impulse.

Don't worry guys, fighting IRL with logic will rapidly become easier vs these cucks


Trump is elected and a coterie of mentally ill SJWs kill themselves?

What a wonderful day.

>"Transgenders are mentally stable"
>Off themselves at the first whiff of bad news

have I been lied to?

Very much so


Who cares?
The fewer people, the better.


Praise kek

>implying tranny suicides aren't the norm

Shit, if it's only 5 suicide attempts, Trump brought tranny suicide rates down.

WTF is Habbening!!

>Operation clean sweep
>finished before it starts


Lawsuit for causing a panic should be made.

Kek has quite the sense of humour

Let 11/9 go down in history as "the literal shakening"